Alfano B, Quarantelli M, Comerci M, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
A New Method For Voxel-Based Partial Volume Effect Correction
Proceedings Of The 10th Meeting Of The Organisation For Human Brain Mapping, 2004; Abstract: N/D-N/D.
Rask T, Dyrby T, Comerci M, Quarantelli M, Alfano B, Berkouk K, Baron J, Colchester A, Hojjat A, Knudsen GM, Paulson OB, Svarer C
Pvelab: Software For Correction Of Functional Images For Partial Volume Errors
Proceedings Of The 10th Meeting Of The Organisation For Human Brain Mapping, 2004; Abstract: N/D-N/D.
Casale M, Alfano B, Comerci M, Russo AA, Salvatore M
Attenuation Coefficients in Brain PET Studies: Comparison between CT data and beta+ external sources methods
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2006 Sep; Volume33: S313-S313.
Alfano B, Comerci M, De Pietro G, Esposito A
An ontology-based technique for validation of MRI brain segmentation methods
Lect Notes Comput Sci (ISSN: 0302-9743, 0302-974335404636319783540463634, 0302-974335402975459783540297543), 2007; 4805LNCS(PART1): 566-575.
Comerci M, Larobina M, Prinster A, Ciscognetti N, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Alfano B
Mri Brain Study Simulation
Ismrm Esmrmb Joint Annual Meeting 2010, 2007 May 19; Abstract: N/D-N/D.
Vicidomini C, Comerci M, Salvatore E, Quarantelli M, Varrone A, Evangelista L, Prinster A, Morra VB, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Alfano B, Pappata S
Combined Mri And Pet-18fdg Study In Patients With Primary Progressive (pp) And Relapsing Remitting (rr) Multiple Sclerosis (ms)
Abstract Book Of Dimi/Emil Annual Meeting 2008, 2008 Jun 1; N/D: N/D-N/D.
Tedeschi G, Dinacci D, Comerci M, Lavorgna L, Savettieri G, Quattrone A, Livrea P, Patti F, Morra VB, Servillo G, Orefice G, Paciello M, Prinster A, Coniglio G, Bonavita S, Di Costanzo A, Bellacosa A, Valentino P, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Salemi G, D , #xamelio M, Simone I, Salvatore M, Bonavita V, Alfano B
Brain atrophy evolution and lesion load accrual in multiple sclerosis: a 2-year follow-up study
Mult Scler (ISSN: 1352-4585, 1477-0970, 1352-4585linking), 2009 Feb; 15(2): 204-211.
Dinacci D, Russo AA, Tessitore A, De Bonis ML, Lavorgna L, Picconi O, Sacco R, Bonavita S, Gallo A, Servillo G, Comerci M, Galletti P, Alfano B, Tedeschi G
BDNF V4166Met Polymorphism and Brain Volumes in Multiple Sclerosis: A Relationship Still Debated
Neurology (ISSN: 0028-3878, 1526-632x, 1526-632xelectronic), 2009 Mar 17; 100: N/D-N/D.
Palma G, Comerci M, Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Alfano B
Generalized Formalism Of The Extended Phase Diagram And Computational Applications Including An Mri Simulator
Ismrm Esmrmb Joint Annual Meeting 2010, 2010; N/D: 3287-3287.
Palma G, Comerci M, Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Alfano B
Generalized Formalism Of The Extended Phase Diagram: Theory And Computational Applications
Italian Chapter Ismrm, 2010 Feb 4; Abstract: N/D-N/D.
Pappata S, Varrone A, Vicidomini C, Milan G, De Falco C, Sansone V, Iavarone A, Comerci M, Loré E, Panico M, Quarantelli M, Postiglione A, Salvatore M
SPECT imaging of GABAA/benzodiazepine receptors and cerebral perfusion in mild cognitive impairment
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2010 Jun; 37(6): 1156-1163.
Dinacci D, Tessitore A, Russo AA, De Bonis ML, Lavorgna L, Picconi O, Sacco R, Bonavita S, Gallo A, Servillo G, Marcuccio L, Comerci M, Galletti P, Alfano B, Tedeschi G
BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and brain volumes in multiple sclerosis
Neurol Sci (ISSN: 1590-1874, 1590-3478, 1590-1874linking), 2011 Feb; 32(1): 117-123.
Alfano B, Comerci M, Larobina M, Prinster A, Hornak JP, Selvan SE, Amato U, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi G, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
An MRI digital brain phantom for validation of segmentation methods
Med Image Anal (ISSN: 1361-8415, 1361-8423, 1361-8415linking), 2011 Jun; 15(3): 329-339.
Brescia Morra V, Alfano B, Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Comerci M, Marini S, Vacca G, Amato MP, Trojano M, Brunetti A, Pozzilli C
Efficacy, safety and tolerability of Atorvastatin in patients with Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in treAtment with INterferoN-beta (ARIANNA): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group-study
Mult Scler (ISSN: 1352-4585, 1477-0970, 1352-4585linking), 2012 Oct; 18: 197-197.
Brescia Morra V, Alfano B, Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Comerci M, Marini S, Vacca G, Amato MP, Trojano M, Brunetti A, Pozzilli C
Efficacy, Safety And Tolerability Of Atorvastatin In Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis In Treatment With Interferon-Beta (arianna): A Multicentre, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group-Study, Lyon. France
Proceedings Of The 23rd Ectrims Meeting Lyon France, 2012 Oct 10; AbstractBook: 477-477.
Palma G, Comerci M, Alfano B, Cuomo S, De Michele P, Piccialli F, Borrelli P
3d Non-Local Means Denoising Via Multi-Gpu
2013 Federated Conference On Computer Science And Information Systems Fedcsis 2013 (ISSN: 9781-467344715, 2325-0348), 2013; N/D: 495-498.
Comerci M, Elefante A, Strianese D, Senese R, Bonavolonta P, Alfano B, Bonavolonta B, Brunetti A
Semiautomatic regional segmentation to measure orbital fat volumes in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. A validation study
Neuroradiol J (ISSN: 1971-4009, 1971-4009print, 1971-4009linking), 2013 Aug; 26(4): 373-379.
Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Veria V, Orefice G, Marrosu MG, Trojano M, Amato MP, Francia AM, Florio C, Tedeschi G, Bellantonio P, Annunziata P, Comerci M, Brunetti A, Bonavita V, Alfano B, Marini S, Pozzilli C, Morra VB
Brain atrophy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta and atorvastatin (The ARIANNA study)
J Neurol (ISSN: 0340-5354, 1432-1459, 0340-5354print), 2014; 140: S43-S43.
Conson M, Cella L, Comerci M, Faiella A, Liuzzi R, Albano A, Salvatore M, Pacelli R, Quarantelli M
Dti And Attention Function. Dose-Response Evaluation In Partial Brain Irradiation
Radiother Oncol (ISSN: 0167-8140, 1879-0887, 0167-8140linking), 2014; 111: 361-361.
Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Veria V, Orefice G, Marrosu MG, Trojano M, Amato MP, Francia AM, Florio C, Tedeschi G, Bellantonio P, Annunziata P, Comerci M, Brunetti A, Bonavita V, Alfano B, Marini S, Pozzilli C, Morra VB
Brain atrophy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta and atorvastatin (The ARIANNA study)
Eur J Neurol (ISSN: 1351-5101, 1468-1331electronic, 1351-5101linking), 2014 May; 119: 58-58.
Borrelli P, Palma G, Comerci M, Alfano B
Unbiased noise estimation and denoising in parallel magnetic resonance imaging
Icassp Ieee Int Conf Acoust Speech Signal Process Proc (ISSN: 1520-6149, 1520-61499781479928927), 2014 May; 10.1109/ICASSP.201: 1230-1234.
Conson M, Cella L, Pacelli R, Comerci M, Liuzzi R, Salvatore M, Quarantelli M
Automated delineation of brain structures in patients undergoing radiotherapy for primary brain tumors: From atlas to dose-volume histograms
Radiother Oncol (ISSN: 0167-8140, 1879-0887, 0167-8140linking), 2014 Sep; 112(3): 326-331.
Borrelli P, Palma G, Tedeschi E, Cocozza S, Russo C, Comerci M, Alfano B, Haacke EM, Salvatore M
Improving SNR in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging by a NLM-based denoising scheme
Ist Ieee Int Conf Imaging Syst Tech Proc (ISSN: 9781-479967483), 2014 Oct; 10.1109/IST.2014: 346-350.
Palma G, Tedeschi E, Borrelli P, Cocozza S, Russo C, Canna A, Comerci M, Alfano B, Mancini M
Mapping the brain by a new multiparametric quantitative MRI method
Rsna 101st Scientific Assembly And Annual Meeting, 2015; N/D: N/D-N/D.
Borrelli P, Palma G, Tedeschi E, Cocozza S, Comerci M, Alfano B, Haacke EM, Salvatore M
Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging: A Novel Multicomponent Non-Local Approach
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2015 Jun 1; 10(6): e0126835-e0126835.
Palma G, Tedeschi E, Borrelli P, Cocozza S, Russo C, Liu S, Ye Y, Comerci M, Alfano B, Salvatore M, Haacke EM, Mancini M
A Novel Multiparametric Approach to 3D Quantitative MRI of the Brain
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2015 Aug 18; 10(8): e0134963-e0134963.
Mainenti PP, Pizzuti LM, Segreto S, Comerci M, Fronzo SD, Romano F, Crisci V, Smaldone M, Laccetti E, Storto G, Alfano B, Maurea S, Salvatore M, Pace L
Diffusion volume (DV) measurement in endometrial and cervical cancer: A new MRI parameter in the evaluation of the tumor grading and the risk classification
Eur J Radiol (ISSN: 0720-048x, 0720-048xlinking), 2016 Jan; 85(1): 113-124.
Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Pozzilli C, Trojano M, Amato MP, Marrosu MG, Francia A, Florio C, Orefice G, Tedeschi G, Bellantonio P, Annunziata P, Grimaldi LM, Comerci M, Brunetti A, Bonavita V, Alfano B, Marini S, Brescia Morra V
No evidence for an effect on brain atrophy rate of atorvastatin add-on to interferon β1b therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (the ARIANNA study)
Mult Scler (ISSN: 1352-4585, 1477-0970, 1352-4585linking), 2016 Aug; 22(9): 1163-1173.
Megna R, Alfano B, Lanzillo R, Costabile T, Comerci M, Vacca G, Carotenuto A, Moccia M, Servillo G, Prinster A, Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M
Brain tissue volumes and relaxation rates in multiple sclerosis: implications for cognitive impairment
J Neurol (ISSN: 1432-1459electronic, 0340-5354linking, 0340-5354print), 2019 Feb; 266(2): 361-368.
Cassiano MT, Lanzillo R, Alfano B, Costabile T, Comerci M, Prinster A, Moccia M, Megna R, Morra VB, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A
Voxel-based analysis of gray matter relaxation rates shows different correlation patterns for cognitive impairment and physical disability in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Neuroimage Clin (ISSN: 2213-1582linking, 2213-1582electronic), 2020 Jan 30; 26: 102201-102201.