Megna R, Petretta M, Nappi C, Assante R, Zampella E, Gaudieri V, Mannarino T, D’antonio A, Green R, Cantoni V, Panico M, Acampa W, Cuocolo A
Cardiovascular risk factors and development of nomograms in an Italian cohort of patients with suspected coronary artery disease undergoing SPECT or PET stress myocardial perfusion imaging
Frontiers In Nuclear Medicine, 2024 Feb 14; N/D: 1-9.
Megna R, Petretta M, Nappi C, Assante R, Zampella E, Gaudieri V, Mannarino T, D , #xantonio A, Green R, Cantoni V, Panico M, Acampa W, Cuocolo A
Age-Specific Cardiovascular Risk Factors for Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients Undergoing Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
J Cardiovasc Dev Dis (ISSN: 2308-3425), 2023 Sep 13; 10(9): 1-14.
Petretta M, Megna R, Assante R, Zampella E, Nappi C, Gaudieri V, Mannarino T, Green R, Cantoni V, D , #xantonio A, Panico M, Acampa W, Cuocolo A
External validation and update of the J-ACCESS model in an Italian cohort of patients undergoing stress myocardial perfusion imaging
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581linking, 1532-6551electronic), 2023 Jan 4; N/D: N/D-N/D.
Coda AR, Anzilotti S, Boscia F, Greco A, Panico M, Gargiulo S, Gramanzini M, Zannetti A, Albanese S, Pignataro G, Annunziato L, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, De Berardinis P, Quarantelli M, Palma G, Pappata S
In vivo imaging of CNS microglial activation/macrophage infiltration with combined [(18)F]DPA-714-PET and SPIO-MRI in a mouse model of relapsing remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070linking, 1619-7089electronic, 1619-7070print), 2021 Jan; 48(1): 40-52.
Iommelli F, De Rosa V, Terlizzi C, Monti M, Panico M, Fonti R, Del Vecchio S
Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor Type 3-mediated Enhancement of EGFR and MET Cotargeting Efficacy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Detected by (18)F-fluorothymidine
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432print, 1078-0432linking), 2018 Jul 1; 24(13): 3126-3136.
Zampella E, Acampa W, Assante R, Nappi C, Gaudieri V, Mainolfi CG, Green R, Cantoni V, Panico M, Klain M, Petretta M, Slomka PJ, Cuocolo A
Combined evaluation of regional coronary artery calcium and myocardial perfusion by (82)Rb PET/CT in the identification of obstructive coronary artery disease
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089electronic, 1619-7070linking, 1619-7070print), 2018 Jan 25; 45(4): 521-529.
Assante R, Acampa W, Zampella E, Arumugam P, Nappi C, Gaudieri V, Mainolfi CG, Panico M, Magliulo M, Tonge CM, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Prognostic value of atherosclerotic burden and coronary vascular function in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2017 Aug 16; N/D: N/D-N/D.
Assante R, Acampa W, Zampella E, Arumugam P, Nappi C, Gaudieri V, Panico M, Magliulo M, Tonge CM, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Coronary atherosclerotic burden vs. coronary vascular function in diabetic and nondiabetic patients with normal myocardial perfusion: a propensity score analysis
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2017 Mar 14; N/D: N/D-N/D.
Gargiulo S, Coda AR, Panico M, Gramanzini M, Moresco RM, Chalon S, Pappata S
Molecular imaging of neuroinflammation in preclinical rodent models using positron emission tomography
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1827-1936), 2017 Mar; 61(1): 60-75.
Green R, Cantoni V, Petretta M, Acampa W, Panico M, Buongiorno P, Punzo G, Salvatore M, Cuocolo A
Negative predictive value of stress myocardial perfusion imaging and coronary computed tomography angiography: A meta-analysis
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1071-3581linking, 1532-6551), 2017 Feb 15; 25(5): 1588-1597.
Gargiulo S, Gramanzini M, Coda ARD, Megna R, Panico M, Mancini M, Pappata S
Animal Care in a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Studied with [18F]DPA-714 Micro-PET/CT
Comparative Medicine, 2016 Feb; 66(1): 76-76.
Gargiulo S, Anzilotti S, Coda AR, Gramanzini M, Greco A, Panico M, Vinciguerra A, Zannetti A, Vicidomini C, Dolle F, Pignataro G, Quarantelli M, Annunziato L, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Pappata S
Imaging of brain TSPO expression in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with (18)F-DPA-714 and micro-PET/CT
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2016 Jan 27; 43(7): 1348-1359.
Iommelli F, De Rosa V, Monti M, Panico M, Fonti R, Del Vecchio S
18F-FLT PET/CTas a surrogate biomarker for synergy quantification in EGFR targeted combination therapy of NSCLC
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2015 Oct; 42: N/D-N/D.
Vicidomini C, Panico M, Greco A, Gargiulo S, Coda ARD, Zannetti A, Gramanzini M, Roviello GN, Quarantelli M, Alfano B, Tavitian B, Dolle F, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, Pappata S
In vivo imaging and characterization of [(18)F]DPA-714, a potential new TSPO ligand, in mouse brain and peripheral tissues using small-animal PET
Nucl Med Biol (ISSN: 0969-8051, 0883-2897, 0969-8051linking), 2015 Mar; 42(3): 309-316.
Iommelli F, De Rosa V, Gargiulo S, Panico M, Monti M, Gramanzini M, Fonti R, Del Vecchio S
Monitoring Reversal of Concurrent Mechanisms of Resistance to EGFR TKIs in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by 18F-FLT PET/CT
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2014 Oct; 41: N/D-N/D.
Iommelli F, De Rosa V, Gargiulo S, Panico M, Monti M, Greco A, Gramanzini M, Ortosecco G, Fonti R, Brunetti A, Del Vecchio S
Monitoring Reversal of MET-Mediated Resistance to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using 3 '-Deoxy-3 '-[F-18]-Fluorothymidine Positron Emission Tomography
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2014 Sep 15; 20(18): 4806-4815.
Gargiulo S, Petretta MP, Greco A, Panico M, Larobina M, Gramanzini M, Schiattarella GG, Esposito G, Petretta M, Brunetti A, Cuocolo A
Genetic deletion in uncoupling protein 3 augments 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose cardiac uptake in the ischemic heart
Bmc Cardiovasc Disor (ISSN: 1471-2261), 2014 Sep 8; 14(1): 98-98.
Iommelli F, De Rosa V, Gargiulo S, Panico M, Monti M, Ortosecco G, Greco A, Gramanzini M, Fonti R, Brunetti A, Del Vecchio S
18F-FLT PET/CT for Detection of Functional Cross-talk between MET and EGFR in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Resistant to EGFR Inhibitors
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2013 Oct; 40: N/D-N/D.
Vicidomini C, Vinciguerra A, Greco A, Panico M, Gargiulo S, Gramanzini M, Coda ARD, Pignataro G, Quarantelli M, Tavitian B, Dollé F, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Annunziato L, Pappata S
Imaging of brain TSPO expression in a mouse model of stroke with [18F]DPA-714 and micro-PET
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2013 Oct; 40: 450-450.
Greco A, Petretta MP, Larobina M, Gargiulo S, Panico M, Nekolla SG, Esposito G, Petretta M, Brunetti A, Cuocolo A
Reproducibility and accuracy of non-invasive measurement of infarct size in mice with high-resolution PET/CT
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1532-6551, 1071-3581, 1532-6551electronic), 2012 Jun; 19(3): 492-499.
Gargiulo S, Greco A, Gramanzini M, Petretta MP, Ferro A, Larobina M, Panico M, Brunetti A, Cuocolo A
PET/CT imaging in mouse models of myocardial ischemia
J Biomed Biotechnol (ISSN: 1110-7251, 1110-7243), 2012; 2012: 541872-541872.
Panico M, Vallone G, Mollica C, Nicolai E, Di Cosmo N, Vajro P
Massive hydrops of the gallbladder mimicking a choledochal cyst
J Pediatr Surg (ISSN: 0022-3468, 1531-5037electronic, 0022-3468linking), 2011 May; 46(5): 1015-1018.
Ferro A, Greco A, Gargiulo S, Larobina M, Petretta MP, Esposito G, Panico M, Nekolla SG, Brunetti A, Cuocolo A
Reproducibility of Quantitative Measurement of Infarct Size in Mice With High-Resolution PET/CT Imaging
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2010 Oct; 37: N/D-N/D.
Palmieri C, Falcone C, Iaccino E, Tuccillo FM, Gaspari M, Trimboli F, De Laurentiis A, Luberto L, Pontoriero M, Pisano A, Vecchio E, Fierro O, Panico M, Larobina M, Gargiulo S, Costa N, Dal Piaz F, Schiavone M, Arra C, Giudice A, Palma G, Barbieri A, Quinto I, Scala G
In vivo targeting and growth inhibition of the A20 murine B-cell lymphoma by an idiotype-specific peptide binder
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Pappata S, Varrone A, Vicidomini C, Milan G, De Falco C, Sansone V, Iavarone A, Comerci M, Loré E, Panico M, Quarantelli M, Postiglione A, Salvatore M
SPECT imaging of GABAA/benzodiazepine receptors and cerebral perfusion in mild cognitive impairment
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2010 Jun; 37(6): 1156-1163.
Zannetti A, Del Vecchio S, Iommelli F, Del Gatto A, De Luca S, Zaccaro L, Papaccioli A, Sommella J, Panico M, Speranza A, Grieco P, Novellino E, Saviano M, Pedone C, Salvatore M
Imaging of alpha(v)beta(3) expression by a bifunctional chimeric RGD peptide not cross-reacting with alpha(v)beta(5)
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2009 Sep 15; 15(16): 5224-5233.
Zannetti A, Del Vecchio S, Iommelli F, Del Gatto A, De Luca S, Zaccaro L, Papaccioli A, Sommella J, Panico M, Speranza A, Grieco P, Novellino E, Saviano M, Pedone C, Salvatore M
Imaging of αvβ3 expression by a bifunctional chimeric RGD peptide not cross-reacting with α vβ5
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2009 Sep 15; 15(16): 5224-5233.
Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Panico M, Del Gatto A, Zaccaro L, Saviano M, Pedone C, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
MicroPET/CT of mice bearing alpha(v)beta(3)-expressing tumors by a 18F-labeled bifunctional chimeric RGD peptide
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A new and selective radiolabeled alpha(V)beta(3) peptide antagonist as tracer in tumor diagnosis
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Panico M, Lang L, Larobina M, Greco A, Gargiulo S, Iaccino E, Palmieri C, Scala G, Alfano B, Salvatore M
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Panico M, Lang L, Del Vecchio S, Nardelli A, Castaldi E, Zaccaro L, Del Gatto A, Saviano M, Zannetti A, Larobina M, Gargiulo S, Pedone C, Salvatore M
An Improved Radiolabeling Synthesis of RGDECHI with 18F-Fluoride
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In vivo and in vitro characterization of CCK8 bearing a histidine-based chelator labeled with Tc-99m-tricarbonyl
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Perna F, Mainolfi C, De Renzo A, De Falco T, Varrone A, Caprio MG, Salvatore B, Panico M, Pane F, Pace L, Salvatore M, Rotoli B
18F FDG PET-CT based staging of primary extranodal lymphomas compared to conventional modalities
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18F FDG PET-CT scan at staging and follow-up of patients with IE extranodal lymphoma compared with clinical and instrumental evaluation
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2007 Oct; 34: N/D-N/D.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Panico M, Speranza A, Iommelli F, Papaccioli A, Sommella J, Lettieri A, Saviano M, Zaccaro L, Del Gatto A, Lang L, Pedone C, Salvatore M
In vivo imaging of alpha(v) beta(3) integrin expression with a radiolabeled chimeric RGD peptide
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Speranza A, Varrone A, Venetucci A, Storto G, Panico M, Russo AA, Pace L, Salvatore M
How much 18FDG is needed to scan a given number of oncologic patients with PET/CT?
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Selvaggi F, Cuocolo A, Giuliani A, Sciaudone G, Riegler G, Mainolfi C, Caprio MG, Panico M, Fiume I
The role of scintigraphic defecography in the assessment of bowel function after restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis
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Storto G, Speranza A, Pellegrino T, Panico M, Cella L, Nardelli A, Russo AA, Klain M, Soricelli A, Pace L, Salvatore M
Activity Threshold Determining Cumulative Aderse-Effects In Patients Undergoing Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy With Y-90 Octreotate
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SPECT study of GABAA/BZD receptors and cerebral blood flow in mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
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The Role Of Scientigraphic Defecography In The Assessment Of Bowel Function After Restorative Proctocolectomy For Ulcerative Colitis
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Characterization of a novel RGD-containing peptide with improved selectivity for imaging alpha v beta 3 integrin expression
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