Casey WT, Spink N, Cia F, Collins C, Romano M, Berisio R, Bancroft GJ, Mcclean S
Identification of an OmpW homologue in Burkholderia pseudomallei, a protective vaccine antigen against melioidosis
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Conformational dynamics of the ABC transporter McjD seen by single-molecule FRET
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Romano M, Van De Weerd R, Brouwer FCC, Roviello GN, Lacroix R, Sparrius M, Van Den Brink-van Stempvoort G, Maaskant JJ, Van Der Sar AM, Appelmelk BJ, Geurtsen JJ, Berisio R
Structure and function of RNase AS, a polyadenylate-specific exoribonuclease affecting mycobacterial virulence in vivo
Structure (ISSN: 0969-2126, 1878-4186, 0969-2126linking), 2014 May 6; 22(5): 719-730.
Squeglia F, Bachert B, Romano M, Lukomski S, Berisio R
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the variable domain of Scl2. 3, a streptococcal collagen-like protein from invasive M3-type Streptococcus pyogenes
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OmpK36-mediated Carbapenem resistance attenuates ST258 Klebsiella pneumoniae in vivo
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Protein with negative surface charge distribution, Bnr1, shows characteristics of a DNA-mimic protein and may be involved in the adaptation of Burkholderia cenocepacia
Microbiologyopen (ISSN: 2045-8827linking), 2022 Feb; 11(1): e1264-N/D.
Calvanese L, Squeglia F, Romano M, D'Auria G, Falcigno L, Berisio R
Structural and dynamic studies provide insights into specificity and allosteric regulation of Ribonuclease AS, a key enzyme in mycobacterial virulence
J Biomol Struct Dyn (ISSN: 0739-1102linking, 1538-0254electronic), 2020; N/D: 1-19.
Ruggiero A, Squeglia F, Romano M, Vitagliano L, De Simone A, Berisio R
Structure and dynamics of the multi-domain resuscitation promoting factor RpfB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
J Biomol Struct Dyn (ISSN: 0739-1102, 1538-0254electronic, 0739-1102linking), 2017 May; 35(6): 1322-1330.
Omari KE, Mohamad N, Bountra K, Duman R, Romano M, Schlegel K, Kwong H, Mykhaylyk V, Olesen C, Moller JV, Bublitz M, Beis K, Wagner A
Experimental phasing with vanadium and application to nucleotide-binding membrane proteins
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Squeglia F, Romano M, Esposito L, Barra G, Campiglia P, Sala M, Scala MC, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Structure-Based Development of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Interactors
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Squeglia F, Romano M, Ruggiero A, Maga G, Berisio R
Host DDX Helicases as Possible SARS-CoV-2 Proviral Factors: A Structural Overview of Their Hijacking Through Multiple Viral Proteins
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Ruggiero A, Squeglia F, Romano M, Berisio R
Use of hydrolytic enzymes for algal biomass treatment
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Squeglia F, Romano M, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Molecular players in Tuberculosis drug development: another break in the cell wall
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Romano M, Squeglia F, Berisio R
Structure and Function of RNase AS, a Novel Virulence Factor from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
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Solid immersion microscopy images cells under cryogenic conditions with 12 nm resolution
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Dennehy R, Romano M, Ruggiero A, Troncoso CM, Fathy Y, Callaghan M, Valvano M, Berisio R, Mcclean S
Peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein is a virulence factor that is involved in host cell attachment of Burkholderia cepacia complex
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Romano M, Squeglia F, Kramarska E, Barra G, Choi HG, Kim HJ, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
A Structural View at Vaccine Development against M. tuberculosis
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Romano M, Ruggiero A, Squeglia F, Maga G, Berisio R
A Structural View of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Replication Machinery: RNA Synthesis, Proofreading and Final Capping
Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409linking, 2073-4409electronic), 2020 May 20; 9(5): 1297-1297.
Berisio R, Barra G, Romano M, Squeglia F, Ruggiero A
Structural and Biochemical Characterization of Endo--1, 4-glucanase from Dictyoglomus thermophilum, a Hyperthermostable and Halotolerant Cellulase
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Squeglia F, Romano M, Ruggiero A, Vitagliano L, De Simone A, Berisio R
Carbohydrate recognition by RpfB from mycobacterium tuberculosis unveiled by crystallographic and molecular dynamics analyses
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Ruggiero A, Squeglia F, Romano M, Vitagliano L, De Simone A, Berisio R
The structure of Resuscitation promoting factor B from M. tuberculosis reveals unexpected ubiquitin-like domains
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The non-swapped monomeric structure of the arginine-binding protein from Thermotoga maritima
Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun (ISSN: 2053-230xlinking), 2019 Nov 1; 75(Pt11): 707-713.
Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Romano M, Vitagliano L, Berisio R
Mutational and structural study of RipA, a key enzyme in Mycobacterium tuberculosis cell division: Evidence for the l-to-d inversion of configuration of the catalytic cysteine
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr (ISSN: 0907-4449, 0907-4449linking), 2014 Sep; 70(9): 2295-2300.
Romano M, Fusco G, Choudhury H, G , Mehmood S, Robinson C, V , Zirah S, Hegemann J, D , Lescop E, Marahiel M, A , Rebuffat S, De Simone A, Beis K
Structural Basis for Natural Product Selection and Export by Bacterial ABC Transporters
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