Mazziotti G, Formenti AM, Panarotto MB, Arvat E, Chiti A, Cuocolo A, Dottorini ME, Durante C, Agate L, Filetti S, Felicetti F, Filice A, Pace L, Pellegrino T, Rodari M, Salvatori M, Tranfaglia C, Versari A, Viola D, Frara S, Berruti A, Giustina A, Giubbini R
Real-life management and outcome of thyroid carcinoma-related bone metastases: results from a nationwide multicenter experience
Endocrine (ISSN: 1355-008x, 1355-008xlinking), 2017 Nov 06; 59(1): 90-101.

Longo DL, Stefania R, Aime S, Oraevsky A
Melanin-Based Contrast Agents for Biomedical Optoacoustic Imaging and Theranostic Applications
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067, 1661-6596, 1422-0067linking), 2017 Aug 7; 18(8): N/D-N/D.

Longo DL, Moustaghfir FZ, Zerbo A, Consolino L, Anemone A, Bracesco M, Aime S
EXCI-CEST: Exploiting pharmaceutical excipients as MRI-CEST contrast agents for tumor imaging
Int J Pharm (ISSN: 0378-5173, 1873-3476), 2017; 525(1): 275-281.

Anemone A, Consolino L, Longo DL
MRI-CEST assessment of tumour perfusion using X-ray iodinated agents: comparison with a conventional Gd-based agent
Eur Radiol (ISSN: 0938-7994, 1432-1084electronic, 0938-7994linking), 2017; 27(5): 2170-2179.

Nappi C, Gaudieri V, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging in Obesity: Challenges and Opportunities
Curr Cardiovasc Imaging Rep (ISSN: 1941-9066), 2016; 9(9): N/D-N/D.

Erra P, Puglia M, Ragozzino A, Maurea S, Liuzzi R, Sabino G, Barbuto L, Cuocolo A, Imbriaco M
Appearance of hepatocellular carcinoma on gadoxetic acid-enhanced hepato-biliary phase MR imaging: a systematic review
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 0033-8362linking), 2015 Apr 22; 120(11): 1002-1011.

Romeo V, Esposito A, Maurea S, Camera L, Mainenti PP, Palmieri G, Buonerba C, Salvatore M
Correlative Imaging in a Patient with Cystic Thymoma: CT, MR and PET/CT Comparison
Pol J Radiol (ISSN: 0137-7183, 1733-134x, 1733-134xlinking), 2015 Jan 13; 80(1): 22-26.

Leosco D, Parisi V, Pellegrino T, Pagano G, Femminella GD, Bevilacqua A, Paolillo S, Formisano R, Ferro G, de Lucia C, Prastaro M, Filardi PP, Cuocolo A, Rengo G, Ferrara N
Alterations of left ventricular deformation and cardiac sympathetic derangement in patients with systolic heart failure: a 3D speckle tracking echocardiography and cardiac 123I-MIBG study
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2015; 42(10): 1601-1611.

Longo DL, Dastrù W, Consolino L, Espak M, Arigoni M, Cavallo F, Aime S
Cluster analysis of quantitative parametric maps from DCE-MRI: Application in evaluating heterogeneity of tumor response to antiangiogenic treatment
Magn Reson Imaging (ISSN: 0730-725x), 2015; 33(6): 725-736.

Petretta M, Pellegrino T, Cuocolo A
Cardiac Neuronal Imaging With 123i-Meta-Iodobenzylguanidine In Heart Failure: Implications Of Endpoint Selection And Quantitative Analysis On Clinical Decisions
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 1619-7070print), 2014 Sep; 41(9): 1663-1665.

Camera L, Sagnelli M, Guadagno P, Mainenti PP, Marra T, Scotto di Santolo M, Fei L, Salvatore M
Colonic perforation by a transmural and transvalvular migrated retained sponge: Multi-detector computed tomography findings
World J Gastroentero (ISSN: 1007-9327, 2219-2840, 1007-9327linking), 2014 Apr 21; 20(15): 4457-4461.

Ciarmiello A, Gaeta MC, Meniconi M, Milano A, Alfano B, Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M
Parametric MR dynamic imaging for breast lesions characterization and prediction of lymph nodes involvement
Curr Radiopharm (ISSN: 1874-4710, 1874-4729), 2014; 7(2): 91-99.

Petretta M, Pellegrino T, Cuocolo A
The "gray Zone" For The Heart To Mediastinum Mibg Uptake Ratio
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2014; 21(5): 921-924.

De Rosa A, Pappata S, Pellegrino T, De Leva MF, Maddaluno G, Fiumara G, Carotenuto R, Petretta M, Filla A, De Michele G, Cuocolo A
Reduced Cardiac 123i-Metaiodobenzylguanidine Uptake In Patients With Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2: A Comparative Study With Parkinson'S Disease
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070, 0340-6997), 2013 Dec; 40(12): 1914-1921.

Pellegrino T, Petretta M, Paolillo S, Boemio A, Carotenuto R, Petretta MP, Di Nuzzo C, Perrone-filardi P, Cuocolo A
Observer reproducibility of results from a low-dose 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine cardiac imaging protocol in patients with heart failure
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070, 0340-6997), 2013 Oct; 40(10): 1549-1557.

Iodice D, Di Donato O, Liccardo I, Lamanna L, Segreto S, Salvatore M, Imbriaco M
Prevalence of extramammary findings on breast MRI: a large retrospective single-centre study
Radiol Med (ISSN: 1826-6983, 0033-8362, 1826-6983electronic), 2013 Oct; 118(7): 1109-1118.

Gallicchio R, Giacomobono S, Capacchione D, Nardelli A, Barbato F, Nappi A, Pellegrino T, Storto G
Should patients with remnants from thyroid microcarcinoma really not be treated with iodine-131 ablation?
Endocrine (ISSN: 1355-008x, 1355-008xlinking), 2013 Oct; 44(2): 426-433.

Mancini M, Greco A, Salvatore G, Liuzzi R, Di Maro G, Vergara E, Chiappetta G, Pasquinelli R, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Imaging of thyroid tumor angiogenesis with microbubbles targeted to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 in mice
Bmc Med Imaging (ISSN: 1471-2342, 1471-2342electronic), 2013 Sep 12; 13(1): 31-31.

Paolillo S, Rengo G, Pagano G, Pellegrino T, Savarese G, Femminella GD, Tuccillo M, Boemio A, Attena E, Formisano R, Petraglia L, Scopacasa F, Galasso G, Leosco D, Trimarco B, Cuocolo A, Perrone-Filardi P
Impact of diabetes on cardiac sympathetic innervation in patients with heart failure: a 123I meta-iodobenzylguanidine (123I MIBG) scintigraphic study
Diabetes Care (ISSN: 1935-5548, 0149-5992), 2013 Sep; 36(8): 2395-2401.

Nande R, Greco A, Gossman MS, Lopez JP, Claudio L, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, Denvir J, Howard CM, Claudio PP
Microbubble-assisted p53, RB, and p130 gene transfer in combination with radiation therapy in prostate cancer
Current Gene Therapy (ISSN: 1875-5631, 1566-5232), 2013 Jun 1; 13(3): 163-174.

Maffei E, Midiri M, Russo V, Rengo M, Tedeschi C, Spagnolo P, Seitun S, Francone M, Guaricci AI, Carrabba N, Malagò R, Cuocolo A, Arcadi T, Catalano OA, Cademartiri F
Rationale, design and methods of CTCA-PRORECAD (Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography Prognostic Registry for Coronary Artery Disease): A multicentre and multivendor registry
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2013 Jun; 118(4): 591-607.

Storto G, Gallicchio R, Pellegrino T, Nardelli A, Capacchione D, Sirignano C, Pace L
Impact of F-18-fluoride PET-CT on implementing early treatment of painful bone metastases with Sm-153 EDTMP
Nucl Med Biol (ISSN: 0969-8051, 0883-2897, 0969-8051linking), 2013 May; 40(4): 518-523.

Marotta V, Ramundo V, Camera L, Del Prete M, Fonti R, Esposito R, Palmieri G, Salvatore M, Vitale M, Colao A, Faggiano A
Sorafenib in advanced iodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer: Efficacy, safety and exploratory analysis of role of serum thyroglobulin and FDG-PET
Clin Endocrinol (ISSN: 0300-0664, 1365-2265, 1365-2265electronic), 2013 May; 78(5): 760-767.

Maurea S, Fiumara G, Pellegrino T, Zampella E, Assante R, Mainenti PP, Cuocolo A
MIBG molecular imaging for evaluating response to chemotherapy in patients with malignant pheochromocytoma: preliminary results
Cancer Imaging (ISSN: 1470-7330, 1470-7330electronic, 1470-7330linking), 2013 Apr 15; 13: 155-161.

Mancini M, Di Donato O, Saldalamacchia G, Liuzzi R, Rivellese A, Salvatore M
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of peripheral microcirculation in diabetic patients: effects of cigarette smoking
Radiol Med (ISSN: 1826-6983, 0033-8362, 1826-6983electronic), 2013 Mar; 118(2): 206-214.

Maurea S, Cuocolo A, Imbriaco M, Pellegrino T, Fusari M, Cuocolo R, Liuzzi R, Salvatore M
Imaging characterization of benign and malignant pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma: comparison between MIBG uptake and MR signal intensity ratio
Ann Nucl Med (ISSN: 1864-6433, 0914-7187, 1864-6433electronic), 2012 Oct; 26(8): 670-675.

Sica G, Guida F, Bocchini G, Codella U, Mainenti PP, Tanga M, Scaglione M
Errors in Imaging Assessment of Polytrauma Patients
Seminars In Ultrasound Ct And Mri (ISSN: 0887-2171), 2012 Sep; 33(4): 337-346.

Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Speranza A, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
3'-deoxy-3'-18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) PET/CT to guide therapy with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antagonists and Bcl-xL inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2012 Mar 1; 53(3): 443-450.

Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Speranza A, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
3'-deoxy-3'-18F-fluorothymidine PET/CT to guide therapy with epidermal growth factor receptor antagonists and Bcl-xL inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1535-5667, 0161-5505, 1535-5667electronic), 2012 Mar 1; 53(3): 443-450.

Maurea S, Fusari M, Imbriaco M, Camera L, Mainenti PP, Campione S, Santangelo M, Salvatore M
Pitfalls in diagnostic imaging of cystic pancreatic masses: a case of true cystic lesion mimicking a mucinous cystadenoma
Jop (ISSN: 1590-8577, 1590-0857), 2012 Jan 10; 13(1): 83-86.

Greco A, Mancini M, Gargiulo S, Gramanzini M, Claudio PP, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Ultrasound biomicroscopy in small animal research: Applications in molecular and preclinical imaging
J Biomed Biotechnol (ISSN: 1110-7243, 1110-7251), 2012; 2012: 519238-519238.

Petretta M, Acampa W, Zampella E, Assante R, Petretta MP, Cuocolo R, Fabiani I, Della Rattal GL, Perrone-Filardi P, Cuocolo A
Imaging techniques for assessment of coronary flow reserve
Monaldi Arch Chest Dis Card Ser (ISSN: 1122-0643, 1122-0643print), 2011 Dec; 76(4): 192-197.

Perrone-Filardi P, Paolillo S, Dellegrottaglie S, Gargiulo P, Savarese G, Marciano C, Casaretti L, Cecere M, Musella F, Pirozzi E, Parente A, Cuocolo A
Assessment of cardiac sympathetic activity by MIBG imaging in patients with heart failure: a clinical appraisal
Heart (ISSN: 1468-201x, 1355-6037), 2011 Nov; 97(22): 1828-1833.

Pappata S, Santangelo G, Aarsland D, Vicidomini C, Longo K, Bronnick K, Amboni M, Erro R, Vitale C, Caprio MG, Pellecchia MT, Brunetti A, De Michele G, Salvatore M, Barone P
Mild cognitive impairment in drug-naive patients with PD is associated with cerebral hypometabolism
Neurology (ISSN: 0028-3878, 1526-632x, 1526-632xelectronic), 2011 Oct 4; 77(14): 1357-1362.

Menchise V, Digilio G, Gianolio E, Cittadino E, Catanzaro V, Carrera C, Aime S
MR Contrast Agents
Mol Pharm (ISSN: 1543-8384), 2011 Sep; 8(5): 1750-1756.

Terreno E, Boffa C, Menchise V, Fedeli F, Carrera C, Castelli DD, Digilio G, Aime S
Gadolinium-doped LipoCEST agents: A potential novel class of dual 1H-MRI probes
Chem Commun (ISSN: 1359-7345, 1364-548x, 1364-548xelectronic), 2011 Apr 28; 47(16): 4667-4669.

Accardo A, Morisco A, Gianolio E, Tesauro D, Mangiapia G, Radulescu A, Brandt A, Morelli G
Nanoparticles containing octreotide peptides and gadolinium complexes for MRI applications
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2011 Feb; 17(2): 154-162.

Menchise V, Digilio G, Gianolio E, Cittadino E, Catanzaro V, Carrera C, Aime S
In vivo labeling of B16 melanoma tumor xenograft with a thiol-reactive gadolinium based MRI contrast agent
Mol Pharm (ISSN: 1543-8384), 2011; 8(5): 1750-1756.

Mainenti PP, Mancini M, Mainolfi C, Camera L, Maurea S, Manchia A, Tanga M, Persico F, Addeo P, D'Antonio D, Speranza A, Bucci L, Persico G, Pace L, Salvatore M
Detection of colo-rectal liver metastases: Prospective comparison of contrast enhanced US, multidetector CT, PET/CT, and 1. 5 Tesla MR with extracellular and reticulo-endothelial cell specific contrast agents
Abdom Imaging (ISSN: 0942-8925, 1432-0509), 2010 Oct; 35(5): 511-521.

Bombardieri E, Ambrosini V, Aktolun C, Baum RP, Bishof-delaloye A, Del Vecchio S, Maffioli L, Mortelmans L, Oyen W, Pepe G, Chiti A
In-111-pentetreotide scintigraphy: procedure guidelines for tumour imaging
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2010 Jul; 37(7): 1441-1448.

Mainenti PP, Segreto S, Mancini M, Rispo A, Cozzolino I, Masone S, Rinaldi CR, Nardone G, Salvatore M
Intestinal amyloidosis: two cases with different patterns of clinical and imaging presentation
World J Gastroentero (ISSN: 2219-2840, 1007-9327, 1007-9327linking), 2010 May 28; 16(20): 2566-2570.

Lanzillo R, Orefice G, Quarantelli M, Rinaldi C, Prinster A, Ventrella G, Spitaleri D, Lus G, Vacca G, Carotenuto B, Salvatore E, Brunetti A, Tedeschi G, Brescia Morra V
Atorvastatin combined to interferon to verify the efficacy (ACTIVE) in relapsing-remitting active multiple sclerosis patients: A longitudinal controlled trial of combination therapy
Mult Scler (ISSN: 1352-4585, 1477-0970, 1352-4585linking), 2010 Apr; 16(4): 450-454.

Fusari M, Maurea S, Imbriaco M, Mollica C, Avitabile G, Soscia F, Camera L, Salvatore M
Comparison between multislice CT and MR imaging in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with pancreatic masses
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2010 Apr; 115(3): 453-466.

Matrone A, Russo M, Mollica C, Lombardi D, Lombardi G, Maurea S, Imbriaco M
Lymphoepithelial pancreatic cyst: an atypical benign pancreatic mass presenting with a "cheerios-like" appearance
Jop (ISSN: 1590-8577, 1590-0857), 2010 Mar 5; 11(2): 170-172.

Caprio MG, Cangiano A, Imbriaco M, Soscia F, Di Martino G, Farina A, Avitabile G, Pace L, Forestieri P, Salvatore M
Dual-time-point [18F]-FDG PET/CT in the diagnostic evaluation of suspicious breast lesions
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2010 Mar; 115(2): 215-224.

Monfregola L, Saviano M, De Luca S
Synthesis and Characterization of a Selective Alpha(v)Beta(3) Receptor Cyclic Peptide Antagonist Functionalized with a Chelating Group for Metal Labelling
Int J Pept Res Ther (ISSN: 1573-3149, 0929-5666), 2010 Mar; 16(1): 1-5.

Storto G, De Renzo A, Pellegrino T, Perna F, De Falco T, Erra P, Nardelli A, Speranza A, Klain M, Rotoli B, Pace L
Assessment of Metabolic Response to Radioimmunotherapy with (90)Y-Ibritumomab Tiuxetan in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 0033-8419linking), 2010 Jan; 254(1): 245-252.

Takano A, Gulyas B, Varrone A, Maguire RP, Halldin C
Saturated norepinephrine transporter occupancy by atomoxetine relevant to clinical doses: A rhesus monkey study with (S, S)-[18F]FMeNER-D
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2009 Sep; 36(8): 1308-1314.

Mancini M, Greco A, Speranza A, Salvatore M
Ultrasound molecular imaging by targeted microbubble contrast agents
Minerva Biotecnol (ISSN: 1120-4826), 2009 Jun; 21(2): 97-110.

Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morisco A, Mangiapia G, Vaccaro M, Gianolio E, Heenan RK, Paduano L, Morelli G
Micelles obtained by aggregation of gemini surfactants containing the CCK8 peptide and a gadolinium complex
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0949-8257, 1432-1327electronic, 0949-8257linking), 2009 May; 14(4): 587-599.

Storto G, Nicolai E, Salvatore M
[18F]FDG-PET-CT for early monitoring of tumor response: When and why
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2009 Apr; 53(2): 167-180.

Morisco A, Accardo A, Gianolio E, Tesauro D, Benedetti E, Morelli G
Micelles derivatized with octreotide as potential target-selective contrast agents in MRI
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 242-250.

Evangelista L, Acampa W, Petretta M, Ferro A, Ricci F, Luongo L, Daniele S, Punzo G, Cuocolo A
Incremental prognostic value of cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography after nitrate administration in patients with ischemic left ventricular dysfunction
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2009 Feb; 16(1): 38-44.

Pace L, Nicolai E, Klain M, Salvatore M
Diagnostic value of FDG PET/CT imaging
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2009; 53(5): 503-512.

Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Fonti R, Papaccioli A, Sommella J, Lettieri A, Pirozzi G, Bianco R, Tortora G, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
Gefitinib induction of in vivo detectable signals by Bcl-2/Bcl-xL modulation of inositol trisphosphate receptor type
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2008 Aug 15; 14(16): 5209-5219.

Lapi F, Cecchi E, Pedone C, Attanasio F, Banchelli G, Vannacci A, Di Pirro M, Moschini M, Berni V, Matucci R, Cini E, Scalia A, Tendi E, Mugelli A
Safety aspects of iodinated contrast media related to their physicochemical properties: A pharmacoepidemiology study in two Tuscany hospitals
Eur J Clin Pharmacol Springer Verlag (ISSN: 0031-6970, 1432-1041), 2008 Jul; 64(7): 723-737.

Accardo A, Tesauro D, Aloj L, Tarallo L, Arra C, Mangiapia G, Vaccaro M, Pedone C, Paduano L, Morelli G
Peptide-containing aggregates as selective nanocarriers for therapeutics
Chemmedchem (ISSN: 1860-7179, 1860-7187, 1860-7187electronic), 2008 Apr; 3(4): 594-602.

Pulcrano M, Camera L, Pagano L, Del Vecchio S, Ferone D, Bodei L, Murgia A, Pace L, Storto G, Paganelli G, Colao A, Salvatore M, Lombardi G, Biondi B
Usefulness of [(111)In-DTPA(0)] octreotide scintigraphy in a family with von Hippel-Lindau disease
J Endocrinol Invest (ISSN: 0391-4097, 1720-8386electronic), 2008 Apr; 31(4): 352-359.

Imbriaco M, Camera L, Manciuria A, Salvatore M
A case of multiple intra-abdominal splenosis with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging correlative findings
World J Gastroentero (ISSN: 1007-9327, 2219-2840, 1007-9327linking), 2008 Mar 7; 14(9): 1453-1455.

Saviano M, De Luca S, Morelli G, Tesauro D, Pedone C
Preparation and use of cyclic and branched peptides and their labelled derivatives as therapeutic agents, cholecystokinin agonists or antagonists, and diagnostic agents to identify and locate tumours
Patents Official Gazette Of The United States Patent And Trademark Office (ISSN: 0098-1133), 2008 Feb 12; N/D: N/D-N/D.

Fonti R, Salvatore B, Quarantelli M, Sirignano C, Segreto S, Petruzziello F, Catalano L, Liuzzi R, Rotoli B, Del Vecchio S, Pace L, Salvatore M
F-18-FDG PET/CT, Tc-99m-MIBI, and MRI in evaluation of patients with multiple myeloma
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 0161-1550, 1535-5667), 2008 Feb; 49(2): 195-200.

Vaccaro M, Mangiapia G, Paduano L, Gianolio E, Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morelli G
Structural and relaxometric characterization of peptide aggregates containing gadolinium complexes as potential selective contrast agents in MRI
Chemphyschem (ISSN: 1439-4235, 1439-7641, 1439-7641electronic), 2007 Dec 3; 8(17): 2526-2538.

Tamburrini S, Brunetti A, Brown M, Sirlin C, Casola G
Acute appendicitis: Diagnostic value of nonenhanced CT with selective use of contrast in routine clinical settings
Eur Radiol (ISSN: 0938-7994, 1432-1084electronic, 0938-7994linking), 2007 Sep; 17(8): 2055-2061.

Vaccaro M, Accardo A, D'Errico G, Schillen K, Radulescu A, Tesauro D, Morelli G, Paduano L
Peptides and gd complexes containing colloidal assemblies as tumor-specific contrast agents in MRI: Physicochemical characterization
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2007 Sep; 93(5): 1736-1746.

Varrone A, Pagani M, Salvatore E, Salmaso D, Sansone V, Amboni M, Nobili F, De Michele G, Filla A, Barone P, Pappata S, Salvatore M
Identification by [Tc-99]ECD SPECT of anterior cingulate hypoperfusion in progressive supranuclear palsy, in comparison with Parkinson's disease
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2007 Jul; 34(7): 1071-1081.

Tesauro D, Accardo A, Gianolio E, Paduano L, Teixeira J, Schillén K, Aime S, Morelli G
Peptide derivatized lamellar aggregates as target-specific MRI contrast agents
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2007 May 25; 8(8): 950-955.

Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morelli G, Gianolio E, Aime S, Vaccaro M, Mangiapia G, Paduano L, Schillén K
High-relaxivity supramolecular aggregates containing peptides and Gd complexes as contrast agents in MRI
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0949-8257, 1432-1327electronic, 0949-8257print), 2007 Feb; 12(2): 267-276.

Minopoli G, Stante M, Napolitano F, Telese F, Aloia L, De Felice M, Di Lauro R, Pacelli R, Brunetti A, Zambrano N, Russo T
Essential roles for Fe65, Alzheimer amyloid precursor-binding protein, in the cellular response to DNA damage
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2007 Jan 12; 282(2): 831-835.

Mainenti PP, Cirillo LC, Camera L, Persico F, Cantalupo T, Pace L, De Palma GD, Persico G, Salvatore M
Accuracy of single phase contrast enhanced multidetector CT colonography in the preoperative staging of colo-rectal cancer
Eur J Radiol (ISSN: 0720-048x), 2006 Dec; 60(3): 453-459.

Roviello GN, Moccia M, Sapio R, Valente M, Bucci EM, Castiglione M, Pedone C, Perretta G, Benedetti E, Musumeci D
Synthesis, Characterization And Hybridization Studies Of New Nucleo-Gamma-Peptides Based On Diaminobutyric Acid
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2006 Dec; 12(12): 829-835.

Maurea S, Imbriaco M, D'Angelillo M, Mollica C, Camera L, Salvatore M
Diagnostic accuracy of chemical-shift MR imaging to differentiate between adrenal adenomas and non adenoma adrenal lesions
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2006 Sep; 111(5): 674-686.

Vaccaro M, Accardo A, Tesauro D, Mangiapia G, Loef D, Schillen K, Soederman O, Morelli G, Paduan L
Supramolecular aggregates of amphiphilic gadolinium complexes as blood pool MRI/MRA contrast agents: Physicochemical characterization
Langmuir (ISSN: 0743-7463), 2006 Jul 18; 22(15): 6635-6643.

Berkouk K, Quarantelli M, Prinster A, Landeau B, Alfano B, Baron JC
Mapping The Relative Contribution Of Gray Matter Activity Versus Volume In Brain Pet. A New Approach
J Neuroimaging (ISSN: 1051-2284, 1051-2284linking), 2006 Jul; 16(3): 224-235.

De Renzo A, Perna F, Persico M, Mainolfi C, Pace L
18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in the evaluation of early response in a primary hepatic lymphoma
Br J Haematol (ISSN: 0007-1048, 0007-1048linking, 1365-2141electronic), 2006 Jun; 133(6): 580-580.

Camera L, Mainenti PP, Di Giacomo A, Romano  M, Rispo A, Alfinito F, Imbriaco M, Soscia E, Salvatore M
Triphasic helical CT in Budd-Chiari syndrome: Patterns of enhancement in acute, subacute and chronic disease
Clin Radiol (ISSN: 0009-9260), 2006 Apr; 61(4): 331-337.

Cuocolo A, Acampa W, Varrone A, Salvatore M
Highlights of the Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Istanbul, 2005: The incremental value of nuclear medicine for patient management and care
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2006 Mar; 33(3): 360-381.

Pace L, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
Use of Tc-99m-Sestamibi scintigraphy in multiple myeloma
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1535-5667, 0161-5505, 1535-5667electronic), 2006 Mar; 47(3): 555-555.

Copani A, Hoozemans JJM, Caraci F, Calafiore M, Van Haastert ES, Veerhuis R, Rozemuller AJM, Aronica E, Sortino MA, Nicoletti F
Dna Polymerase-Beta Is Expressed Early In Neurons Of Alzheimer'S Disease Brain And Is Loaded Into Dna Replication Forks In Neurons Challenged With Beta-Amyloid
J Neurosci (ISSN: 0270-6474, 0361-803x, 1529-2401), 2006; 26(43): 10949-10957.

Tamburrini S, Brunetti A, Brown MA, Sirlin CB, Casola G
CT appearance of the normal appendix in adults
Eur Radiol (ISSN: 0938-7994, 1432-1084electronic, 0938-7994linking), 2005 Oct; 15(10): 2096-2103.

Pace L, Catalano L, Del Vecchio S, De Renzo A, Fonti R, Salvatore B, Andretta C, Di Nuzzo C, Rotoli B, Salvatore M
Washout of [99mTc] sestamibi in predicting response to chemotherapy in patients with multiple myeloma
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2005 Sep; 49(3): 281-285.

Imbriaco M, Megibow AJ, Ragozzino A, Liuzzi R, Mainenti PP, Bortone S, Camera L, Salvatore M
Value of the single-phase technique in MDCT assessment of pancreatic tumors
Am J Roentgenol (ISSN: 0361-803x), 2005 Apr; 184(4): 1111-1117.

Acampa W, Spinelli L, Petretta M, De Lauro F, Ibello F, Cuocolo A
Prognostic value of myocardial ischemia in patients with uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction: Direct comparison of stress echocardiography and myocardial perfusion imaging
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2005 Mar; 46(3): 417-423.

Pace L, Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M
Technetium 99m sestamibi in multiple myeloma
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 1527-1315electronic), 2005 Jan; 234(1): 312-313.

Pace L, Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M, Walker RC, Angtuaco E, Sethi R, Fassas A, Barlogie B
Technetium 99m sestamibi in multiple myeloma [3] (multiple letters)
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 1527-1315electronic), 2005; 234(1): 312-313.

Mainenti PP, Cantalupo T, Nicotra S, Camera L, Imbriaco M, Di Vizio D, Insabato L, Salvatore M
Systemic amyloidosis: The CT sign of splenic hypoperfusion
Amyloid (ISSN: 1350-6129), 2004 Dec; 11(4): 281-282.

Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M
Tc-99m-MIBI in the evaluation of breast cancer biology
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2004 Jun; 31(SUPPL.1): S88-S88.

Accardo A, Tesauro D, Roscigno P, Gianolio E, Paduano L, D'Errico G, Pedone C, Morelli G
Physicochemical Properties of Mixed Micellar Aggregates Containing CCK Peptides and Gd Complexes Designed as Tumor Specific Contrast Agents in MRI
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2004 Mar 17; 126(10): 3097-3107.

Aloj L, Caracò C, Panico M, Zannetti A, Del Vecchio S, Tesauro D, De Luca S, Arra C, Pedone C, Morelli G, Salvatore M
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of In-111-DTPAGlu-G-CCK8 for cholecystokinin-B receptor imaging
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1535-5667, 0161-5505, 1535-5667electronic), 2004 Mar; 45(3): 485-494.

Quarantelli M, Berkouk K, Prinster A, Landeau B, Svarer C, Balkay L, Alfano B, Brunetti A, Baron JC, Salvatore M
Integrated software for the analysis of brain PET/SPECT studies with partial-volume-effect correction
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2004 Feb; 45(2): 192-201.

Maurea S, Caracò C, Klain M, Mainolfi C, Salvatore M
Imaging characterization of non-hypersecreting adrenal masses. Comparison between MR and radionuclide techniques
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2004; 48(3): 188-197.

Mainenti PP, Romano L, Contegiacomo A, Romano  M, Casella V, Cuccuru A, Insabato L, Salvatore M
Rare diffuse peritoneal malignant neoplasms: CT findings in two cases
Abdom Imaging (ISSN: 0942-8925, 1432-0509), 2003 Nov; 28(6): 827-830.

Pace L, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
A new role for nuclear medicine in multiple Myeloma
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2003 Sep; 44(8): 1369-1369.

Spinelli L, Petretta M, Acampa W, He W, Petretta A, Bonaduce D, Cuocolo A
Prognostic value of combined assessment of regional left ventricular function and myocardial perfusion by dobutamine and rest gated SPECT in patients with uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2003 Jul; 44(7): 1023-1029.

Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Aloj L, Caracò C, Ciarmiello A, Salvatore M
Inhibition of early Tc-99m-MIBI uptake by Bcl-2 anti-apoptotic protein overexpression in untreated breast carcinoma
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2003 Jun; 30(6): 879-887.

Kim KM, Varrone A, Watabe H, Shidahara M, Fujita M, Innis RB, Iida H
Contribution of scatter and attenuation compensation to SPECT images of nonuniformly distributed brain activities
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2003 Apr; 44(4): 512-519.

Camera L, Del Vecchio S, Quarantelli M, Ibello F, Pellegrino T, Salvatore M
Radiolabeled somatostatin analogs in the diagnosis and staging of neuroendocrine tumors
J Endocrinol Invest (ISSN: 0391-4097, 1720-8386electronic), 2003; 26(8Suppl): 60-62.

Varrone A, Pappata S, Caracò C, Soricelli A, Milan G, Quarantelli M, Alfano B, Postiglione A, Salvatore M
Voxel-based comparison of rCBF SPET images in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease highlights the involvement of different cortical networks
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0340-6997, 1619-7070, 1619-7089), 2002 Nov; 29(11): 1447-1454.

Imbriaco M, Megibow AJ, Camera L, Pace L, Mainenti PP, Romano  M, Selva G, Salvatore M
Dual-phase versus single-phase helical CT to detect and assess resectability of pancreatic carcinoma
Am J Roentgenol (ISSN: 0361-803x), 2002 Jun; 178(6): 1473-1479.

Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Ciarmiello A, Aloj L, Caracò C, Fonti R, Botti G, D'Aiuto G, Salvatore M
Dynamic coupling of Tc-99m-MIBI efflux and apoptotic pathway activation in untreated breast cancer patients
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 0340-6997, 1619-7089), 2002 Jun; 29(6): 809-814.

Fonti R, Limite G, Sodano A, Riccardi A, Forestieri P, De Cristofaro G, Pettinato G, Salvatore M
Sentinel lymph node identification in breast cancer patients
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2002 Apr; 103(4): 370-377.

Danforth Dn JR, Aloj L, Carrasquillo JA, Bacharach SL, Chow C, Zujewski J, Whatley M, Galen B, Merino M, Neumann RD
The role of 18F-FDG-PET in the local/regional evaluation of women with breast cancer
Breast Cancer Res Tr Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISSN: 0167-6806), 2002; 75(2): 135-146.

Camera L, Bresciani M, Soscia E, Percopo V, Mainenti PP, Salvatore M
Morphological imaging of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
Minerva Endocrinol (ISSN: 0391-1977, 1827-1634electronic, 0391-1977linking), 2001 Sep; 26(3): 123-128.

Cuocolo A, Acampa W
Nuclear cardiology in the new millennium
Rev Esp Med Nucl (ISSN: 0212-6982), 2001 Jun; 20(4): 305-308.

Maurea S, Klain M, Mainolfi C, Ziviello M, Salvatore M
The diagnostic role of radionuclide imaging in evaluation of patients with nonhypersecreting adrenal masses
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2001 Jun; 42(6): 884-892.

Imbriaco M, Del Vecchio S, Riccardi A, Pace L, Di Salle F, Di Gennaro F, Salvatore M, Sodano A
Scintimammography with Tc-99m-MIBI versus dynamic MRI for non-invasive characterization of breast masses
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2001 Jan; 28(1): 56-63.

Menna F, Acampa W, Florimonte L, Ferro A, Borrelli G, Mainolfi C, Cuocolo A
99mTc tetrofosmin cardiac tomography after nitrate administration in patients with coronary artery disease and left vetricular dysfunction
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2000; 99(4): 258-263.

Formisano C, Limite G, Lamberti M, Fonti R, Forestieri P
Lymph node mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy for evaluation of axillary lymph node status in early invasive breast cancer. Our experience
Przegl Lek (ISSN: 0033-2240print, 0033-2240linking), 2000; 57Suppl5: 113-115.

Nicolai E, Cuocolo A, Acampa W, Varrone A, Pace L, Salvatore M
Exercise-test Tc-99m tetrofosmin SPECT in patients with chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction: direct comparison with Ti-201 reinjection
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 1999 May; 6(3): 270-277.

Gisonni P, Cuocolo A, Spinelli L, Acampa W, Florimonte L, Nicolai E, Petretta M, Sodano A
99mTc sestamibi cardiac tomography and dobutamine echocardiography in the identification of reversible left ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 1999 Apr; 97(4): 265-270.

Colao A, Lastoria S, Ferone D, Varrella P, Marzullo P, Pivonello R, Cerbone G, Acampa W, Salvatore M, Lombardi G
The pituitary uptake of In-111-DTPA-D-Phe(1)-octreotide in the normal pituitary and in pituitary adenomas
J Endocrinol Invest (ISSN: 0391-4097, 1720-8386electronic), 1999 Mar; 22(3): 176-183.

Fonti R, Cheung N-KV, Bridger GJ, Guo H-F, Abrams MJ, Larson SM
99mTc-monoclonal antibody radiolabeled via hydrazino nicotinamide derivative for imaging disialoganglioside G(D2)-positive tumors
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Ferone D, Lastoria S, Colao A, Varrella P, Cerbone G, Acampa W, Merola B, Salvatore M, Lombardi G
Correlation of scintigraphic results using 123I-methoxybenzamide with hormone levels and tumor size response to quinagolide in patients with pituitary adenomas
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (ISSN: 0021-972x), 1998 Jan; 83(1): 248-252.

Mainolfi C, Maurea S, Varrella P, Alaia C, Imparato C, Alfano B, Abate G, Bazzicalupo L
18-FDG PET in the staging and follow-up of lymphoma patients: Comparison with clinical and radiologic findings
Radiol Med (ISSN: 1826-6983, 0033-8362, 1826-6983electronic), 1998; 95(1-2): 98-104.

Postiglione A, Soricelli, Salvatore M, Lassen NA
123I-iomazenil as a clinical tool for studying neuronal loss [4]
J Am Geriatr Soc (ISSN: 0002-8614), 1997 Apr; 45(4): 534-536.

Maurea S, Lastoria S, Caracò C, Klain M, Varrella P, Acampa W, Muto P, Salvatore M
The role of radiolabeled somatostatin analogs in adrenal imaging
Nucl Med Biol (ISSN: 0969-8051, 0883-2897), 1996 Sep; 23(6): 677-680.

Soricelli A, Mainenti PP, Leone D, Discepolo A, Romano  M, Varrone A, Servillo G, Serio S, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Evaluation of brain perfusion with high resolution single photon emission tomography in the diagnosis of brain death
Minerva Anestesiol (ISSN: 0375-9393), 1996 Jun; 62(6): 209-212.

Li PY, Del Vecchio S, Fonti R, Carriero MV, Potena MI, Botti G, Miotti S, Lastoria S, Menard S, Colnaghi MI, Salvatore M
Local concentration of folate binding protein GP38 in sections of human ovarian carcinoma by in vitro quantitative autoradiography
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 1996 Apr; 37(4-6): 665-672.

Maurea S, Cuocolo A, Reynolds JC, Neumann RD, Salvatore M
Diagnostic imaging in patients with paragangliomas. Computer tomography, magnetic resonance and MIBG scintigraphy comparison
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Comparison of labeled MIBG and somatostatin analogs in imaging neuroendocrine tumors
Q J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1125-0135, 1124-3937), 1995 Dec; 39(4Suppl1): 145-149.

Maurea S, Lastoria S, Cuocolo A, Celentano L, Salvatore M
The diagnosis of nonfunctioning pheochromocytoma the role of I-123 MIBG imaging
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Klain M, Imbriaco M, Cuocolo A, Celentano L, Maurea S, Carrillo F, Salvatore M
Morphofunctional evaluation of the kidney in retroperitoneal fibrosis. Correlations of computerized tomography, magnetic resonance and radionuclide renography
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Scintigraphy with gallium-67 citrate in patients with AIDS: pathologic extrapulmonary uptake
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Diagnostic evaluation of thyroid involvement by histiocytosis
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Iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy in the evaluation of paragangliomas. Comparison between benign and malignant tumors
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Neuroblastoma metastasis to the falx cerebri. A case report
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