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Thyroid Hormone Enhances Angiogenesis and the Warburg Effect in Squamous Cell Carcinomas
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Breast Tumor Cell Invasion and Pro-Invasive Activity of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Co-Targeted by Novel Urokinase-Derived Decapeptides
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Biochemical and Conformational Characterization of Recombinant VEGFR2 Domain "7"
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Structural studies of the binding of an antagonistic cyclic peptide to the VEGFR1 domain "2"
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Pro-angiogenic peptides in biomedicine
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Di Stasi R, Diana D, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, De Rosa L, Celentano V, Isernia C, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
VEGFR Recognition Interface of a Proangiogenic VEGF-Mimetic Peptide Determined In Vitro and in the Presence of Endothelial Cells by NMR Spectroscopy
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A peptide antagonist of Prep1-p160 interaction improves ceramide-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells
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Copper binding to naturally occurring, lactam form of angiogenin differs from that to recombinant protein, affecting their activity
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Functional imaging of the angiogenic switch in a transgenic mouse model of human breast cancer by dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
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Peptides Interacting with Growth Factor Receptors Regulating Angiogenesis
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The Inorganic Perspective of VEGF: Interactions of Cu2 + with Peptides Encompassing a Recognition Domain of the VEGF Receptor
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Longitudinal evaluation with High Frequency Ultrasound imaging of response to CXCR4 new cyclic peptide antagonist with conventional chemotherapy in colorectal cancer mice model
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Cicatiello V, Apicella I, Tudisco L, Tarallo V, Formisano L, Sandomenico A, Kim Y, Bastos-Carvalho A, Orlandi A, Ambati J, Ruvo M, Bianco R, de Falco S
Powerful anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic activity of a new anti-vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 peptide in colorectal cancer models
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IL-32 Promotes Angiogenesis
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De Rosa L, Diana D, Basile A, Russomanno A, Isernia C, Turco MC, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
Design, Structural And Biological Characterization Of A Vegf Inhibitor Beta-Hairpin-Constrained Peptide
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Selective alpha v beta 3 receptor peptide antagonist for therapeutic and diagnostic applications
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Imaging of thyroid tumor angiogenesis with microbubbles targeted to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 in mice
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Structural investigation of the VEGF receptor interaction with a helical antagonist peptide
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Pisano M, De Paola I, Nieddu V, Sassu I, Cossu S, Galleri G, Del Gatto A, Budroni M, Cossu A, Saviano M, Palmieri G, Zaccaro L, Rozzo C
In vitro activity of the alphavbeta3 integrin antagonist RGDechi-hCit on malignant melanoma cells
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Galasso G, De Rosa R, Ciccarelli M, Sorriento D, Del Giudice C, Strisciuglio T, De Biase C, Luciano R, Piccolo R, Pierri A, Di Gioia G, Prevete N, Trimarco B, Piscione F, Iaccarino G
β2-adrenergic receptor stimulation improves endothelial progenitor cell-mediated ischemic neoangiogenesis
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Bombesin peptide antagonist for target-selective delivery of liposomal doxorubicin on cancer cells
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Functional and pharmacological characterization of a VEGF mimetic peptide on reparative angiogenesis
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Ziaco B, Diana D, Capasso D, Palumbo R, Celentano V, Di Stasi R, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
C-terminal truncation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor mimetic helical peptide preserves structural and receptor binding properties
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Copper(II) interaction with peptide fragments of histidine-proline-rich glycoprotein: Speciation, stability and binding details
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Santulli G, Cipolletta E, Sorriento D, Del Giudice C, Anastasio A, Monaco S, Maione AS, Condorelli G, Puca A, Trimarco B, Illario M, Iaccarino G
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Endothelial cells are able to synthesize and release catecholamines both in vitro and in vivo
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Diana D, Basile A, De Rosa L, Di Stasi R, Auriemma S, Arra C, Pedone C, Turco MC, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
Beta-Hairpin Peptide That Targets Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (vegf) Receptors: Design, Nmr Characterization, And Biological Activity
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Branched peptides for the modulation of protein-protein interactions: More arms are better than one?
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Discovery Of Small Peptide Antagonists Of Ped/Pea15-D4alpha Interaction From Simplified Combinatorial Libraries
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Molecular imaging of atherosclerosis in translational medicine
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Basile A, Del Gatto A, Diana D, Di Stasi R, Falco A, Festa M, Rosati A, Barbieri A, Franco R, Arra C, Pedone C, Fattorusso R, Turco MC, D'Andrea LD
Characterization of a designed vascular endothelial growth factor receptor antagonist helical peptide with antiangiogenic activity in vivo
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Santulli G, Basilicata MF, De Simone M, Del Giudice C, Anastasio A, Sorriento D, Saviano M, Del Gatto A, Trimarco B, Pedone C, Zaccaro L, Iaccarino G
Evaluation of the anti-angiogenic properties of the new selective alphaVbeta3 integrin antagonist RGDechiHCit
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Ciccarelli M, Sorriento D, Cipolletta E, Santulli G, Fusco A, Zhou R-H, Eckhart AD, Peppel K, Koch WJ, Trimarco B, Iaccarino G
Impaired neoangiogenesis in β2-adrenoceptor gene-deficient mice: Restoration by intravascular human β2-adrenoceptor gene transfer and role of NFkB and CREB transcription factors
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In vitro and in vivo pro-angiogenic effects of thymosin-β4-derived peptides
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La Mendola D, Magrì A, Vagliasindi LI, Hansson Ö, Bonomo RP, Rizzarelli E
Copper(II) complex formation with a linear peptide encompassing the putative cell binding site of angiogenin
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Bioinorganic aspects of angiogenesis
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PET/CT in cancer research: From preclinical to clinical applications
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Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Lettieri A, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Molecular imaging of tumor microenvironment
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Molecular imaging of tumor microenvironment: Challenges and perspectives
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Synthesis and Characterization of a Selective Alpha(v)Beta(3) Receptor Cyclic Peptide Antagonist Functionalized with a Chelating Group for Metal Labelling
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D'Andrea LD, Del Gatto A, De Rosa L, Romanelli A, Pedone C
Peptides targeting angiogenesis related growth factor receptors
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Santulli G, Ciccarelli M, Palumbo G, Campanile A, Galasso G, Ziaco B, Altobelli GG, Cimini V, Piscione F, D'Andrea LD, Pedone C, Trimarco B, Iaccarino G
In vivo properties of the proangiogenic peptide QK
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Sandomenico A, Monti SM, Sabatella M, De Capua A, Tornatore L, Doti N, Viparelli F, Dathan NA, Pedone C, Ruvo M, Marasco D
Protein-protein interactions: a simple strategy to identify binding sites and peptide antagonists
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Cho WG, Albuquerque RJ, Kleinman ME, Tarallo V, Greco A, Nozaki M, Green MG, Baffi JZ, Ambati BK, De Falco M, Alexander JS, Brunetti A, De Falco S, Ambati J
Small interfering RNA-induced TLR3 activation inhibits blood and lymphatic vessel growth
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A new and selective radiolabeled alpha(V)beta(3) peptide antagonist as tracer in tumor diagnosis
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Insulin-like growth factor-1 protects from vascular stenosis and accelerates re-endothelialization in a rat model of carotid artery injury
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Viparelli F, Doti N, Monti SM, Marasco D, Dathan N, Pedone C, Miele C, Formisano P, Beguinot F, Ruvo M
Peptide antagonists of the PED-hPLD1 binding
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Ponticelli S, Marasco D, Tarallo V, Albuquerque RJC, Mitola S, Takeda A, Stassen J, Presta M, Ambati J, Ruvo M, De Falco S
Modulation of Angiogenesis by a Tetrameric Tripeptide That Antagonizes Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor
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Dudar GK, D'Andrea LD, Di Stasi R, Pedone C, Wallace JL
A vascular endothelial growth factor mimetic accelerates gastric ulcer healing in an iNOS-dependent manner
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Ponticelli S, Takeda A, Mitola S, Stassen J, Presta M, Ambati J, Ruvo M, De Falco S, Marasco D
Angiogenesis modulation: identification of tetrameric tripeptide as inhibitor of VEGFR-1 by the screening of peptide combinatiorial libraries
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Ruvo M, Marasco D, Viparelli F, Tornatore L, Sandomenico A, Doti N, Pedone C, Benedetti E, Monti SM
Peptide antagonists of protein-protein interactions identified by screening protein fragments derived by enzyme degradation
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Di Stasi R, Capasso D, Diana D, Fattorusso R, Pedone C, D'Andrea LD
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and its receptors: key regulators of angiogenesis
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The G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 inhibits NFκB transcriptional activity by inducing nuclear accumulation of IκBα
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Oreacerebrosides: Bioactive cerebrosides with a triunsaturated sphingoid base from the sea star Oreaster reticulatus
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SPECT imaging of endoplasmic reticulum-mediated tumor response to gefitinib and erlotinib in lung cancer
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A new and selective radiolabeled alpha(v)beta 3 peptide antagonist as tracer in tumor diagnosis
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Del Gatto A, Zaccaro L, Grieco P, Novellino E, Zannetti A, Del Vecchio S, Iommelli F, Salvatore M, Pedone C, Saviano M
Novel And Selective Alpha (v) Beta3 Receptor Peptide Antagonist: Design, Synthesis, And Biological Behavior
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Peptide-based molecules in angiogenesis
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Engineering Peptides In Angiogenesis
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Novel and selective alpha v beta 3 receptor peptide antagonist: Design, synthesis and biological behaviour
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