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Is proctoscopy sufficient for the evaluation of colorectal anastomosis prior to ileostomy reversal? A nationwide retrospective analysis of the Italian Society of Surgical Oncology Colorectal Cancer Network Collaborative group (SICO-CCN)
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Longo DL, Carella A, Corrado A, Pirotta E, Mohanta Z, Singh A, Stabinska J, Liu G, Mcmahon MT
A snapshot of the vast array of diamagnetic CEST MRI contrast agents
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Consolino L, Irrera P, Romdhane F, Anemone A, Longo DL
Investigating plasma volume expanders as novel macromolecular MRI-CEST contrast agents for tumor contrast-enhanced imaging
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Stanzione A, Maurea S, Danzi R, Cuocolo R, Galatola R, Romeo V, Raffone A, Travaglino A, Di Spiezio Sardo A, Insabato L, Pace L, Scaglione M, Brunetti A, Mainenti PP
MRI to assess deep myometrial invasion in patients with endometrial cancer: A multi-reader study to evaluate the diagnostic role of different sequences
Eur J Radiol (ISSN: 0720-048xlinking), 2021 May; 138: 109629-109629.

Zöllner FG, Dastrù W, Irrera P, Longo DL, Bennett KM, Beeman SC, Bretthorst GL, Garbow JR
Analysis Protocol for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI of Renal Perfusion and Filtration
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Kim H, Wu Y, Villano D, Longo DL, Mcmahon MT, Sun PZ
Analysis Protocol for the Quantification of Renal pH Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI
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Irrera P, Consolino L, Dastrù W, Pedersen M, Zöllner FG, Longo DL
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI-Derived Renal Perfusion and Filtration: Experimental Protocol
Methods Mol Biol (ISSN: 1064-3745linking, 1940-6029electronic), 2021; 2216: 429-441.

Pedersen M, Irrera P, Dastrù W, Zöllner FG, Bennett KM, Beeman SC, Bretthorst GL, Garbow JR, Longo DL
Dynamic Contrast Enhancement (DCE) MRI-Derived Renal Perfusion and Filtration: Basic Concepts
Methods Mol Biol (ISSN: 1064-3745linking, 1940-6029electronic), 2021; 2216: 205-227.

Longo DL, Irrera P, Consolino L, Sun PZ, Mcmahon MT
Renal pH Imaging Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI: Basic Concept
Methods Mol Biol (ISSN: 1064-3745linking, 1940-6029electronic), 2021; 2216: 241-256.

Pavuluri KD, Consolino L, Longo DL, Irrera P, Sun PZ, Mcmahon MT
Renal pH Mapping Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI: Experimental Protocol
Methods Mol Biol (ISSN: 1064-3745linking, 1940-6029electronic), 2021; 2216: 455-471.

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Towards an Improved Design of MRI Contrast Agents: Synthesis and Relaxometric Characterisation of Gd-HPDO3A Analogues
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A novel framework for spatial normalization of dose distributions in voxel-based analyses of brain irradiation outcomes
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Camera L, Pezzullo F, Acampora A, Liuzzi R, Rispo A, Nardone OM, Luglio G, Bucci L, Castiglione F, Brunetti A
Multi-detector CT enterography in active inflammatory bowel disease: Image quality and diagnostic efficacy of a low-radiation high contrast protocol
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Granato L, Longo D, Boutry S, Vander Elst L, Henoumont C, Aime S, Muller RN, Laurent S
Synthesis and Relaxometric Characterization of New Poly[N, N-bis(3-aminopropyl)glycine] (PAPGly) Dendrons Gd-Based Contrast Agents and Their in Vivo Study by Using the Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Technique at Low Field (1 T)
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Romeo V, Sarno L, Volpe A, Ginocchio MI, Esposito R, Mainenti PP, Petretta M, Liuzzi R, D'Armiento M, Martinelli P, Brunetti A, Maurea S
US and MR imaging findings to detect placental adhesion spectrum (PAS) in patients with placenta previa: a comparative systematic study
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Greco A, Ragucci M, Liuzzi R, Prota M, Cocchia N, Fatone G, Mancini M, Brunetti A, Meomartino L
Noninvasive Ultrasound Monitoring of Embryonic and Fetal Development in Chinchilla lanigera to Predict Gestational Age: Preliminary Evaluation of This Species as a Novel Animal Model of Human Pregnancy
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Cocozza S, Pontillo G, Lanzillo R, Russo C, Petracca M, Di Stasi M, Paolella C, Vola EA, Criscuolo C, Moccia M, Lamberti A, Monti S, Brescia Morra V, Elefante A, Palma G, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A
MRI features suggestive of gadolinium retention do not correlate with Expanded Disability Status Scale worsening in Multiple Sclerosis
Neuroradiology (ISSN: 0028-3940linking, 1432-1920electronic), 2019 Feb; 61(2): 155-162.

Romeo V, Maurea S, Cuocolo R, Petretta M, Mainenti PP, Verde F, Coppola M, Dell'Aversana S, Brunetti A
Characterization of Adrenal Lesions on Unenhanced MRI Using Texture Analysis: A Machine-Learning Approach
J Magn Reson Imaging (ISSN: 1522-2586electronic, 1053-1807linking), 2018 Jul; 48(1): 198-204.

Tedeschi E, Cocozza S, Borrelli P, Ugga L, Morra VB, Palma G
Longitudinal assessment of dentate nuclei relaxometry during massive gadobutrol exposure
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Arena F, Irrera P, Consolino L, Colombo Serra S, Zaiss M, Longo DL
Flip-angle based ratiometric approach for pulsed CEST-MRI pH imaging
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Gianolio E, Bardini P, Arena F, Stefania R, Di Gregorio E, Iani R, Aime S
Gadolinium Retention in the Rat Brain: Assessment of the Amounts of Insoluble Gadolinium-containing Species and Intact Gadolinium Complexes after Repeated Administration of Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315), 2017 Dec; 285(3): 839-849.

Longo DL, Aime S
A generalized ratiometric chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI approach for mapping renal pH using iopamidol
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First in vivo MRI study on theranostic dendrimersomes
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Imbriaco M, De LucaS, Coppola M, Fusari M, Klain M, Puglia M, Mainenti P, Liuzzi R, Maurea S
Diagnostic Accuracy of Gd-EOB-DTPA for Detection Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC): A Comparative Study with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CT)
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Anemone A, Consolino L, Longo DL
MRI-CEST assessment of tumour perfusion using X-ray iodinated agents: comparison with a conventional Gd-based agent
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Consolino L, Longo DL, Sciortino M, Dastru W, Cabodi S, Giovenzana GB, Aime S
Assessing tumor vascularization as a potential biomarker of imatinib resistance in gastrointestinal stromal tumors by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
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Filippi M, Boido M, Pasquino C, Garello F, Boffa C, Terreno E
Successful in vivo MRI tracking of MSCs labeled with Gadoteridol in a Spinal Cord Injury experimental model
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Ferrauto G, Delli Castelli D, Di Gregorio E, Terreno E, Aime S
LipoCEST and cellCEST imaging agents: opportunities and challenges
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Tedeschi E, Palma G, Canna A, Cocozza S, Russo C, Borrelli P, Lanzillo R, Angelini V, Postiglione E, Morra VB, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M
In vivo dentate nucleus MRI relaxometry correlates with previous administration of Gadolinium-based contrast agents
Eur Radiol (ISSN: 0938-7994, 1432-1084electronic, 0938-7994linking), 2016 Feb 23; 26(12): 4577-4584.

Palma G, Tedeschi E, Borrelli P, Cocozza S, Russo C, Liu S, Ye Y, Comerci M, Alfano B, Salvatore M, Haacke EM, Mancini M
A Novel Multiparametric Approach to 3D Quantitative MRI of the Brain
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Borrelli P, Palma G, Tedeschi E, Cocozza S, Comerci M, Alfano B, Haacke EM, Salvatore M
Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging: A Novel Multicomponent Non-Local Approach
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MR Angiography at 3 T of Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Randomized Prospective Comparison of Gadoterate Meglumine and Gadobutrol
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Longo DL, Sun PZ, Consolino L, Michelotti FC, Uggeri F, Aime S
A general MRI-CEST ratiometric approach for pH imaging: demonstration of in vivo pH mapping with iobitridol
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Maurea S, Mainenti PP, Tambasco A, Imbriaco M, Mollica C, Laccetti E, Camera L, Liuzzi R, Salvatore M
Diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging to identify and characterize focal liver lesions: comparison between gadolinium and superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast media
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Camera L, Sagnelli M, Guadagno P, Mainenti PP, Marra T, Scotto di Santolo M, Fei L, Salvatore M
Colonic perforation by a transmural and transvalvular migrated retained sponge: Multi-detector computed tomography findings
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Iodice D, Di Donato O, Liccardo I, Lamanna L, Segreto S, Salvatore M, Imbriaco M
Prevalence of extramammary findings on breast MRI: a large retrospective single-centre study
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Mancini M, Greco A, Salvatore G, Liuzzi R, Di Maro G, Vergara E, Chiappetta G, Pasquinelli R, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Imaging of thyroid tumor angiogenesis with microbubbles targeted to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 in mice
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Mancini M, Di Donato O, Saldalamacchia G, Liuzzi R, Rivellese A, Salvatore M
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of peripheral microcirculation in diabetic patients: effects of cigarette smoking
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Mainenti PP, Iodice D, Cozzolino I, Segreto S, Capece S, Sica G, Magliulo M, Ciancia G, Pace L, Salvatore M
Tomographic imaging of the spleen: the role of morphological and metabolic features in differentiating benign from malignant diseases
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Soscia E, Sirignano C, Catalano O, Atteno M, Costa L, Caso F, Peluso R, Bruner V, Aquino MM, Del Puente A, Salvatore M, Scarpa R
New developments in magnetic resonance imaging of the nail unit
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Mancini M, Morra VB, Di Donato O, Maglio V, Lanzillo R, Liuzzi R, Salvatore E, Brunetti A, Iaccarino V, Salvatore M
Multiple sclerosis: cerebral circulation time
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MR Contrast Agents
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Gadolinium-doped LipoCEST agents: A potential novel class of dual 1H-MRI probes
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Targeting exofacial protein thiols with Gd-III complexes. An efficient procedure for MRI cell labelling
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