De Rosa C, De Rosa V, Tuccillo C, Tirino V, Amato L, Papaccio F, Ciardiello D, Napolitano S, Martini G, Ciardiello F, Morgillo F, Iommelli F, Della Corte CM
ITGB1 and DDR activation as novel mediators in acquired resistance to osimertinib and MEK inhibitors in EGFR-mutant NSCLC
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322linking), 2024 Jan 4; 14(1): 500-500.
Terlizzi C, De Rosa V, Iommelli F, Pezone A, Altobelli GG, Maddalena M, Dimitrov J, De Rosa C, Della Corte CM, Avvedimento VE, Del Vecchio S
ATM inhibition blocks glucose metabolism and amplifies the sensitivity of resistant lung cancer cell lines to oncogene driver inhibitors
Cancer Metab (ISSN: 2049-3002linking), 2023 Nov 6; 11(1): 20-20.
Sandomenico A, Ruggiero A, Iaccarino E, Oliver A, Squeglia F, Moreira M, Esposito L, Ruvo M, Berisio R
Unveiling CD59-Antibody Interactions to Design Paratope-Mimicking Peptides for Complement Modulation
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067linking, 1422-0067electronic), 2023 May 10; 24(10): 500-519.
Berisio R
Molecular Immunology in Bacterial Vaccine Discovery
Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409linking, 2073-4409electronic), 2022 Nov 28; 11(23): N/D-N/D.
Link W, Ilardi G, Zannetti A
Editorial: Tumor Microenvironment: Molecular Mechanisms and Signaling Pathways Involved in Metastatic Progression
Front Oncol (ISSN: 2234-943xlinking), 2021 Aug 13; 11: 730815-730815.
Pellegrino S, Fonti R, Pulcrano A, Del Vecchio S
PET-Based Volumetric Biomarkers for Risk Stratification of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Diagnostics (ISSN: 2075-4418linking, 2075-4418electronic), 2021 Jan 30; 11(2): N/D-N/D.
Susana F, Fagoonee S, Alessandro S, Valentina G, Chiara R, Marco P, Fiorella A, Danilo D
Impedance-based drug-resistance characterization of colon cancer cells through real-time cell culture monitoring
Talanta (ISSN: 0039-9140linking), 2021 Jan 15; 222: 121441-121441.
Grund ME, Choi SJ, Mcnitt DH, Barbier M, Hu G, Lasala PR, Cote CK, Berisio R, Lukomski S
Burkholderia collagen-like protein 8, Bucl8, is a unique outer membrane component of a putative tetrapartite efflux pump in Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203linking, 1932-6203electronic), 2020 Nov 23; 15(11): e0242593-N/D.
Pellegrino S, Fonti R, Mazziotti E, Piccin L, Mozzillo E, Damiano V, Matano E, De Placido S, Del Vecchio S
Total metabolic tumor volume by 18F-FDG PET/CT for the prediction of outcome in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Ann Nucl Med (ISSN: 0914-7187linking, 1864-6433), 2019 Dec; 33(12): 937-944.
Russi S, Verma HK, Laurino S, Mazzone P, Storto G, Nardelli A, Zoppoli P, Calice G, La Rocca F, Sgambato A, Lucci V, Falco G, Ruggieri V
Adapting and Surviving: Intra and Extra-Cellular Remodeling in Drug-Resistant Gastric Cancer Cells
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067linking, 1661-6596, 1422-0067electronic), 2019 Jul 31; 20(15): N/D-N/D.
De Rosa V, Monti M, Terlizzi C, Fonti R, Del Vecchio S, Iommelli F
Coordinate Modulation of Glycolytic Enzymes and OXPHOS by Imatinib in BCR-ABL Driven Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Cells
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067linking, 1661-6596, 1422-0067electronic), 2019 Jun 27; 20(13): N/D-N/D.
Fagoonee S, Pellicano R
Helicobacter pylori: molecular basis for colonization and survival in gastric environment and resistance to antibiotics. A short review
Infect Dis (ISSN: 2374-4243linking), 2019 Jun; 51(6): 399-408.
De Simone G
Targeted treatment of anaerobic cancer. Patent evaluation of US2016279084 and US2017056350
Expert Opin Ther Pat (ISSN: 1744-7674electronic, 1354-3776linking), 2019 Jan; 29(1): 1-6.
Caviglia GP, Sguazzini C, Cisaro F, Ribaldone DG, Rosso C, Fagoonee S, Smedile A, Saracco GM, Astegiano M, Pellicano R
Gastric emptying and related symptoms in patients treated with buspirone, amitriptyline or clebopride: a "real world" study by 13C-octanoic Acid Breath Test
Hepatology (ISSN: 0026-4806, 1827-1669electronic, 0026-4806linking), 2017 Dec; 108(6): 489-495.
Gallicchio R, Nardelli A, Venetucci A, Capacchione D, Pelagalli A, Sirignano C, Mainenti P, Pedicini P, Guglielmi G, Storto G
F-18 FDG PET/CT metabolic tumor volume predicts overall survival in patients with disseminated epithelial ovarian cancer
Eur J Radiol (ISSN: 0720-048x), 2017 Aug; 93: 107-113.
Dennehy R, RomanoM, Ruggiero A, Mohamed YF, Dignam SL, Mujica Troncoso C, Callaghan M, Valvano MA, Berisio R, Mcclean S
The Burkholderia cenocepacia peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein is involved in epithelial cell attachment and elicitation of inflammation
Cell Microbiol (ISSN: 1462-5814), 2017 May; 19(5): e12691-e12691.
Consolino L, Longo DL, Sciortino M, Dastru W, Cabodi S, Giovenzana GB, Aime S
Assessing tumor vascularization as a potential biomarker of imatinib resistance in gastrointestinal stromal tumors by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
Gastric Cancer (ISSN: 1436-3291, 1436-3291linking), 2016 Dec 19; 20(4): 629-639.
De Rosa V, Iommelli F, Monti M, Fonti R, Votta G, Stoppelli MP, Del Vecchio S
Reversal of Warburg Effect and Reactivation of Oxidative Phosphorylation by Differential Inhibition of EGFR Signaling Pathways in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2015 Nov 15; 21(22): 5110-5120.
Berisio R
Editorial: Molecular determinants of bacterial diseases
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2015; 22(14): 1640-1641.
Iommelli F, De Rosa V, Gargiulo S, Panico M, Monti M, Greco A, Gramanzini M, Ortosecco G, Fonti R, Brunetti A, Del Vecchio S
Monitoring Reversal of MET-Mediated Resistance to EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using 3 '-Deoxy-3 '-[F-18]-Fluorothymidine Positron Emission Tomography
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2014 Sep 15; 20(18): 4806-4815.
Gargiulo S, Petretta MP, Greco A, Panico M, Larobina M, Gramanzini M, Schiattarella GG, Esposito G, Petretta M, Brunetti A, Cuocolo A
Genetic deletion in uncoupling protein 3 augments 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose cardiac uptake in the ischemic heart
Bmc Cardiovasc Disor (ISSN: 1471-2261), 2014 Sep 8; 14(1): 98-98.
D'Alterio C, Avallone A, Tatangelo F, Delrio P, Pecori B, Cella L, Pelella A, D'Armiento FP, Carlomagno C, Bianco F, Silvestro L, Pacelli R, Napolitano M, Iaffaioli RV, Scala S
A prognostic model comprising pT stage, N status, and the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 powerfully predicts outcome in neoadjuvant resistant rectal cancer patients
Int J Cancer (ISSN: 0020-7136), 2014 Jul 15; 135(2): 379-390.
Gallicchio R, Mansueto G, Simeon V, Nardelli A, Guariglia R, Capacchione D, Soscia E, Pedicini P, Gattozzi D, Musto P, Storto G
F-18 FDG PET/CT quantization parameters as predictors of outcome in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Eur J Haematol (ISSN: 0902-4441), 2014 May; 92(5): 382-389.
Bartolucci S, Contursi P, Fiorentino G, Limauro D, Pedone E
Responding to toxic compounds: a genomic and functional overview of Archaea
Frontiers In Bioscience (ISSN: 1093-9946, 1093-4715), 2013 Jan 1; 18: 165-189.
Rosa R, Marciano R, Malapelle U, Formisano L, Nappi L, D'Amato C, D'Amato V, Damiano V, Marf G, Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Greco A, De Stefano A, Carlomagno C, Veneziani BM, Troncone G, De Placido S, Bianco R
Sphingosine Kinase 1 Overexpression Contributes to Cetuximab Resistance in Human Colorectal Cancer Models
Clin Cancer Res (ISSN: 1078-0432, 1078-0432linking, 1078-0432print), 2013 Jan 1; 19(1): 138-147.
Fonti R, Larobina M, Del Vecchio S, Fabbricini R, Catalano L, Pane F, Salvatore M, Pace L
Metabolic tumor volume assessed by 18F-FDG PET/CT for the prediction of outcome in patients with multiple myeloma
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1535-5667, 0161-5505, 1535-5667electronic), 2012 Dec; 53(12): 1829-1835.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Cantisani M, Tarallo R, della Pepa ME, D'Oriano V, Galdiero M
Microbe-Host Interactions: Structure and Role of Gram-Negative Bacterial Porins
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2012 Dec; 13(8): 843-854.
Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Speranza A, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
3'-deoxy-3'-18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) PET/CT to guide therapy with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antagonists and Bcl-xL inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2012 Mar 1; 53(3): 443-450.
Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Speranza A, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
3'-deoxy-3'-18F-fluorothymidine PET/CT to guide therapy with epidermal growth factor receptor antagonists and Bcl-xL inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1535-5667, 0161-5505, 1535-5667electronic), 2012 Mar 1; 53(3): 443-450.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Lettieri A, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Molecular imaging of tumor microenvironment
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2010 Jun; 54(3): 243-258.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Iommelli F, Lettieri A, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Molecular imaging of tumor microenvironment: Challenges and perspectives
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2010 Jun; 54(3): 249-258.
Alberobello AT, D'Esposito V, Marasco D, Doti N, Ruvo M, Bianco R, Tortora G, Esposito I, Fiory F, Miele C, Beguinot F, Formisano P
Selective Disruption of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Signaling via Phosphoinositide-dependent Kinase-1 Prevents the Protective Effect of IGF-1 on Human Cancer Cell Death
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2010 Feb 26; 285(9): 6563-6572.
Di Fiore A, Fiorentino G, Vitale RM, Ronca R, Amodeo P, Pedone C, Bartolucci S, De Simone G
Structural analysis of BldR from Sulfolobus solfataricus provides insights into the molecular basis of transcriptional activation in Archaea by MarR family proteins
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 1089-8638, 0022-2836, 1089-8638electronic), 2009 May 8; 388(3): 559-569.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Fonti R, Iommelli F, Lettieri A, Salvatore M
Molecular imaging of drug resistance in cancer
Minerva Biotecnol (ISSN: 1120-4826), 2009 Mar; 21(1): 31-36.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Fonti R, Pace L, Salvatore M
Nuclear imaging in cancer theranostics
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2007 Jun; 51(2): 152-163.
Berisio R, Corti N, Pfister P, Yonath A, Böttger EC
23S rRNA 2058A→G alteration mediates ketolide resistance in combination with deletion in L22
Antimicrob Agents Ch (ISSN: 0066-4804, 1098-6596), 2006 Nov; 50(11): 3816-3823.
Pace L, Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
Use of Tc-99m-Sestamibi scintigraphy in multiple myeloma
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1535-5667, 0161-5505, 1535-5667electronic), 2006 Mar; 47(3): 555-555.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Salvatore B, Paone G, Fonti R, Salvatore M
Functional imaging of multidrug resistance in breast cancer
Phys Med (ISSN: 1120-1797, 1120-1797linking), 2006; 21(SUPPL.1): 24-27.
Pace L, Catalano L, Del Vecchio S, De Renzo A, Fonti R, Salvatore B, Andretta C, Di Nuzzo C, Rotoli B, Salvatore M
Washout of [99mTc] sestamibi in predicting response to chemotherapy in patients with multiple myeloma
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2005 Sep; 49(3): 281-285.
Pace L, Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M
Technetium 99m sestamibi in multiple myeloma
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 1527-1315electronic), 2005 Jan; 234(1): 312-313.
Pace L, Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M, Walker RC, Angtuaco E, Sethi R, Fassas A, Barlogie B
Technetium 99m sestamibi in multiple myeloma [3] (multiple letters)
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 1527-1315electronic), 2005; 234(1): 312-313.
Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M
Tc-99m-MIBI in the evaluation of breast cancer biology
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2004 Jun; 31(SUPPL.1): S88-S88.
Fonti R, Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, De Renzo A, Catalano L, Pace L, Rotoli B, Salvatore M
Functional Imaging Of Multidrug Resistant Phenotype By 99mtc-Mibi Scan In Patients With Multiple Myeloma
Cancer Biotherapy And Radiopharmaceuticals (ISSN: 1084-9785, 1084-4978), 2004; 19(2): 165-170.
Berisio R, Harms J, Schluenzen F, Zarivach R, Hansen HAS, Fucini P, Yonath A
Structural insight into the antibiotic action of telithromycin against resistant mutants
J Bacteriol Journal Of Bacteriology (ISSN: 0021-9193, 1098-5530), 2003 Jul; 185(14): 4276-4279.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Aloj L, Salvatore M
MIBI as prognostic factor in breast cancer
Q J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1124-3937, 1125-0135), 2003 Mar; 47(1): 46-50.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Ciarmiello A, Aloj L, Caracò C, Fonti R, Botti G, D'Aiuto G, Salvatore M
Dynamic coupling of Tc-99m-MIBI efflux and apoptotic pathway activation in untreated breast cancer patients
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 0340-6997, 1619-7089), 2002 Jun; 29(6): 809-814.
Del Vecchio S, Ciarmiello A, Salvatore M
Scintigraphic detection of multidrug resistance in cancer
Cancer Biotherapy And Radiopharmaceuticals (ISSN: 1084-9785, 1084-4978), 2000 Sep; 15(4): 327-337.
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Principles of chemoradiation: Theoretical and practical considerations
Oncology (ISSN: 0890-9091), 1999 Oct; 13(10SUPPL.5): 11-22.
Del Vecchio S, Ciarmiello A, Salvatore M
Clinical imaging of multidrug resistance in cancer
Q J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1124-3937, 1125-0135), 1999 Jun; 43(2): 125-131.
Fonti R, Levchenko A, Mehta BM, Zhang J, Tsuruo T, Larson SM
Measurement of P-glycoprotein expression in human neuroblastoma xenografts using in vitro quantitative autoradiography
Nucl Med Biol (ISSN: 0969-8051, 0883-2897), 1999 Jan; 26(1): 35-41.
Salvatore M, Del Vecchio S
Dynamic imaging: Scintimammography
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Mansi L, Rambaldi PF, Cuccurullo V, Pecori B, Quarantelli M, Fallanca F, Del Vecchio E
Diagnostic and prognostic role of 99mTc-Tetrofosmin in breast cancer
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Fractional retention of technetium-99m-sestamibi as an index of P- glycoprotein expression in untreated breast cancer patients
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In vivo detection of multidrug-resistant (MDR1) phenotype by technetium-99m sestamibi scan in untreated breast cancer patients
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