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Investigating plasma volume expanders as novel macromolecular MRI-CEST contrast agents for tumor contrast-enhanced imaging
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Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging during the COVID-19 pandemic: A southern Italian single-center experience
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Towards an Improved Design of MRI Contrast Agents: Synthesis and Relaxometric Characterisation of Gd-HPDO3A Analogues
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Granato L, Longo D, Boutry S, Vander Elst L, Henoumont C, Aime S, Muller RN, Laurent S
Synthesis and Relaxometric Characterization of New Poly[N, N-bis(3-aminopropyl)glycine] (PAPGly) Dendrons Gd-Based Contrast Agents and Their in Vivo Study by Using the Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Technique at Low Field (1 T)
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Megna R, Alfano B, Lanzillo R, Costabile T, Comerci M, Vacca G, Carotenuto A, Moccia M, Servillo G, Prinster A, Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M
Brain tissue volumes and relaxation rates in multiple sclerosis: implications for cognitive impairment
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Cocozza S, Pontillo G, Lanzillo R, Russo C, Petracca M, Di Stasi M, Paolella C, Vola EA, Criscuolo C, Moccia M, Lamberti A, Monti S, Brescia Morra V, Elefante A, Palma G, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A
MRI features suggestive of gadolinium retention do not correlate with Expanded Disability Status Scale worsening in Multiple Sclerosis
Neuroradiology (ISSN: 0028-3940linking, 1432-1920electronic), 2019 Feb; 61(2): 155-162.

Baroni S, Ruggiero MR, Aime S, Geninatti Crich S
Exploring the tumour extracellular matrix by in vivo Fast Field Cycling relaxometry after the administration of a Gadolinium-based MRI contrast agent
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Ugga L, Romeo V, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocolloids in MRI studies of neuroinflammation
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Di Gregorio E, Ferrauto G, Furlan C, Lanzardo S, Nuzzi R, Gianolio E, Aime S
The Issue of Gadolinium Retained in Tissues: Insights on the Role of Metal Complex Stability by Comparing Metal Uptake in Murine Tissues Upon the Concomitant Administration of Lanthanum- and Gadolinium-Diethylentriamminopentaacetate
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Di Gregorio E, Iani R, Ferrauto G, Nuzzi R, Aime S, Gianolio E
Gd accumulation in tissues of healthy mice upon repeated administrations of Gadodiamide and Gadoteridol
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Tedeschi E, Cocozza S, Borrelli P, Ugga L, Morra VB, Palma G
Longitudinal assessment of dentate nuclei relaxometry during massive gadobutrol exposure
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Gianolio E, Bardini P, Arena F, Stefania R, Di Gregorio E, Iani R, Aime S
Gadolinium Retention in the Rat Brain: Assessment of the Amounts of Insoluble Gadolinium-containing Species and Intact Gadolinium Complexes after Repeated Administration of Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents
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Diaferia C, Gianolio E, Sibillano T, Mercurio FA, Leone M, Giannini C, Balasco N, Vitagliano L, Morelli G, Accardo A
Cross-beta nanostructures based on dinaphthylalanine Gd-conjugates loaded with doxorubicin
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Anemone A, Consolino L, Longo DL
MRI-CEST assessment of tumour perfusion using X-ray iodinated agents: comparison with a conventional Gd-based agent
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Consolino L, Longo DL, Sciortino M, Dastru W, Cabodi S, Giovenzana GB, Aime S
Assessing tumor vascularization as a potential biomarker of imatinib resistance in gastrointestinal stromal tumors by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
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Successful in vivo MRI tracking of MSCs labeled with Gadoteridol in a Spinal Cord Injury experimental model
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Tedeschi E, Palma G, Canna A, Cocozza S, Russo C, Borrelli P, Lanzillo R, Angelini V, Postiglione E, Morra VB, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M
In vivo dentate nucleus MRI relaxometry correlates with previous administration of Gadolinium-based contrast agents
Eur Radiol (ISSN: 0938-7994, 1432-1084electronic, 0938-7994linking), 2016 Feb 23; 26(12): 4577-4584.

Accardo A, Arena F, Gianolio E, Marasco D, Ringhieri P, Boffa C, Bardini P, Aime S, Morelli G
Diolein based nanostructures as targeted theranostics
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Consolino L, Longo DL, Dastrù W, Cutrin JC, Dettori D, Lanzardo S, Oliviero S, Cavallo F, Aime S
Functional imaging of the angiogenic switch in a transgenic mouse model of human breast cancer by dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
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Longo DL, Arena F, Consolino L, Minazzi P, Geninatti-crich S, Giovenzana GB, Aime S
Gd-AAZTA-MADEC, an improved blood pool agent for DCE-MRI studies on mice on 1 T scanners
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Erra P, Puglia M, Ragozzino A, Maurea S, Liuzzi R, Sabino G, Barbuto L, Cuocolo A, Imbriaco M
Appearance of hepatocellular carcinoma on gadoxetic acid-enhanced hepato-biliary phase MR imaging: a systematic review
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Correlative Imaging in a Patient with Cystic Thymoma: CT, MR and PET/CT Comparison
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Veins And Lymphatics (ISSN: 2279-7483), 2015; 4(s1): 20-21.

Longo DL, Dastrù W, Consolino L, Espak M, Arigoni M, Cavallo F, Aime S
Cluster analysis of quantitative parametric maps from DCE-MRI: Application in evaluating heterogeneity of tumor response to antiangiogenic treatment
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Tedeschi E, Russo C, Cocozza S, Palma G, Canna A, Borrelli P, Lanzillo R, Angelini V, Postiglione E, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
Does Gadolinium Change the Relaxometry of the Dentate Nuclei? A Quantitative Multi-parametric MRI Study
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Maurea S, Mainenti PP, Tambasco A, Imbriaco M, Mollica C, Laccetti E, Camera L, Liuzzi R, Salvatore M
Diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging to identify and characterize focal liver lesions: comparison between gadolinium and superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast media
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Accardo A, Ringhieri P, Szekely N, Pipich V, Luchini A, Paduano L, Tesauro D
Structural insights on nanoparticles containing gadolinium complexes as potential theranostic
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Ristori G, Romano S, Cannoni S, Visconti A, Tinelli E, Mendozzi L, Cecconi P, Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Buttinelli C, Gasperini C, Frontoni M, Coarelli G, Caputo D, Bresciamorra V, Vanacore N, Pozzilli C, Salvetti M
Effects of Bacille Calmette-Guerin after the first demyelinating event in the CNS
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Ciarmiello A, Gaeta MC, Meniconi M, Milano A, Alfano B, Del Vecchio S, Salvatore M
Parametric MR dynamic imaging for breast lesions characterization and prediction of lymph nodes involvement
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Iodice D, Di Donato O, Liccardo I, Lamanna L, Segreto S, Salvatore M, Imbriaco M
Prevalence of extramammary findings on breast MRI: a large retrospective single-centre study
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Gargiulo P, Dellegrottaglie S, Bruzzese D, Savarese G, Scala O, Ruggiero D, D'Amore C, Paolillo S, Agostoni P, Bossone E, Soricelli A, Cuocolo A, Trimarco B, Perrone Filardi P
The prognostic value of normal stress cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis
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Catanzaro V, Gringeri CV, Menchise V, Padovan S, Boffa C, Dastru W, Chaabane L, Digilio G, Aime S
A R2p/R1p ratiometric procedure to assess matrix metalloproteinase-2 activity by magnetic resonance imaging
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Castiglione F, Mainenti PP, De Palma GD, Testa A, Bucci L, Pesce G, Camera L, Diaferia M, Rea M, Caporaso N, Salvatore M, Rispo A
Noninvasive diagnosis of small bowel crohn's disease: Direct comparison of bowel sonography and magnetic resonance enterography
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Accardo A, Gianolio E, Arena F, Barnert S, Schubert R, Tesauro D, Morelli G
Nanostructures based on monoolein or diolein and amphiphilic gadolinium complexes as MRI contrast agents
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Comparison Between Fat Deposition In Liver And Muscle By Means Of 1h Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
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Gringeri CV, Menchise V, Rizzitelli S, Cittadino E, Catanzaro V, Dati G, Chaabane L, Digilio G, Aime S
Novel Gd(III)-based probes for MR molecular imaging of matrix metalloproteinases
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Maurea S, Fusari M, Imbriaco M, Camera L, Mainenti PP, Campione S, Santangelo M, Salvatore M
Pitfalls in diagnostic imaging of cystic pancreatic masses: a case of true cystic lesion mimicking a mucinous cystadenoma
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Menchise V, Digilio G, Gianolio E, Cittadino E, Catanzaro V, Carrera C, Aime S
MR Contrast Agents
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Terreno E, Boffa C, Menchise V, Fedeli F, Carrera C, Castelli DD, Digilio G, Aime S
Gadolinium-doped LipoCEST agents: A potential novel class of dual 1H-MRI probes
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Accardo A, Morisco A, Gianolio E, Tesauro D, Mangiapia G, Radulescu A, Brandt A, Morelli G
Nanoparticles containing octreotide peptides and gadolinium complexes for MRI applications
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2011 Feb; 17(2): 154-162.

Accardo A, Morisco A, Tesauro D, Pedone C, Morelli G
Naposomes: A new class of peptide-derivatized, target-selective multimodal nanoparticles for imaging and therapeutic applications
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Menchise V, Digilio G, Gianolio E, Cittadino E, Catanzaro V, Carrera C, Aime S
In vivo labeling of B16 melanoma tumor xenograft with a thiol-reactive gadolinium based MRI contrast agent
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Mainenti PP, Mancini M, Mainolfi C, Camera L, Maurea S, Manchia A, Tanga M, Persico F, Addeo P, D'Antonio D, Speranza A, Bucci L, Persico G, Pace L, Salvatore M
Detection of colo-rectal liver metastases: Prospective comparison of contrast enhanced US, multidetector CT, PET/CT, and 1. 5 Tesla MR with extracellular and reticulo-endothelial cell specific contrast agents
Abdom Imaging (ISSN: 0942-8925, 1432-0509), 2010 Oct; 35(5): 511-521.

Digilio G, Menchise V, Gianolio E, Catanzaro V, Carrera C, Napolitano R, Fedeli F, Aime S
Exofacial protein thiols as a route for the internalization of Gd(III)-based complexes for magnetic resonance imaging cell labeling
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Molecular imaging of tumor microenvironment
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Molecular imaging of tumor microenvironment: Challenges and perspectives
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Mainenti PP, Segreto S, Mancini M, Rispo A, Cozzolino I, Masone S, Rinaldi CR, Nardone G, Salvatore M
Intestinal amyloidosis: two cases with different patterns of clinical and imaging presentation
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Supramolecular aggregates containing lipophilic Gd(III) complexes as contrast agents in MRI
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Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morisco A, Mangiapia G, Vaccaro M, Gianolio E, Heenan RK, Paduano L, Morelli G
Micelles obtained by aggregation of gemini surfactants containing the CCK8 peptide and a gadolinium complex
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Micelles derivatized with octreotide as potential target-selective contrast agents in MRI
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Targeting exofacial protein thiols with Gd-III complexes. An efficient procedure for MRI cell labelling
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