Liganded and unliganded forms of Antarctic fish haemoglobins in polyethylene glycol: crystallization of an R-state haemichrome intermediate(603 views) Riccio A, Vitagliano L, Di Prisco G, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Keywords: Hemoglobin, Hemoprotein, Ligand, Macrogol Derivative, Animal, Antarctica, Article, Chemical Structure, Chemistry, Crystallization, Hemichrome, Perciformes, Protein Conformation, X Ray Crystallography, Antarctic Regions, X-Ray, Hemeproteins, Models, Molecular, Polyethylene Glycols, Trematomus Bernacchii, Trematomus Newnesi, Vertebrata,
Affiliations: *** IBB - CNR ***
Ist. Biochim. delle Prot. Enzimol., CNR, Via Marconi 12, 1-80125 Napoli, Italy
References: Not available.
Liganded and unliganded forms of Antarctic fish haemoglobins in polyethylene glycol: crystallization of an R-state haemichrome intermediate
Liganded and unliganded forms of two Antarctic fish haemoglobins, from Trematomus newnesi and T. bernacchii, have been crystallized in low-salt media using polyethylene glycol as precipitant. In particular, crystals of air-exposed T. newnesi carbomonoxy haemoglobin were found to be isomorphous to the crystals grown in high-salt media. Preliminary X-ray analysis of the diffraction data revealed that the beta -haem iron of this haemoglobin is in the haemichrome state, with both the proximal and distal histidyl residues linked to the iron. This is the first crystallization of a haemichrome intermediate of a vertebrate haemoglobin.
Liganded and unliganded forms of Antarctic fish haemoglobins in polyethylene glycol: crystallization of an R-state haemichrome intermediate
Kállay C, Dávid A, Timári S, Nagy EM, Sanna D, Garribba E, Micera G, De Bona P, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sóvágó I * Copper(II) complexes of rat amylin fragments(661 views) Dalton T (ISSN: 1477-9234, 1477-9226, 1477-9234electronic), 2011 Oct 14; 40(38): 9711-9721. Impact Factor:3.838 ViewExport to BibTeXExport to EndNote