Acconcia C, Paladino A, Valle MD, Farina B, Del Gatto A, Gaetano SD, Capasso D, Gentile MT, Malgieri G, Isernia C, Saviano M, Fattorusso R, Zaccaro L, Russo L
High-Resolution Conformational Analysis of RGDechi-Derived Peptides Based on a Combination of NMR Spectroscopy and MD Simulations
Int J Mol Sci (ISSN: 1422-0067linking), 2022 Sep 20; 23 (19 ): N/D-N/D.

Vincenzi M, Mercurio FA, Leone M
NMR spectroscopy in the conformational analysis of peptides: an overview
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673linking, 1875-533xelectronic), 2021; 28(14): 2729-2782.

Vincenzi M, Mercurio FA, Leone M
Protein Interaction Domains: structural features and drug discovery applications (part 2)
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673linking, 1875-533xelectronic), 2021; 28(5): 854-892.

Tornatore L, Capece D, Sandomenico A, Verzella D, Vecchiotti D, Zazzeroni F, Ruvo M, Franzoso G
The Screening of Combinatorial Peptide Libraries for Targeting Key Molecules or Protein-Protein Interactions in the NF-κB Pathway
Methods Mol Biol (ISSN: 1064-3745linking, 1940-6029electronic), 2021; 2366: 343-356.

Riccardi C, Capasso D, Coppola A, Platella C, Montesarchio D, Di Gaetano S, Roviello GN, Musumeci D
Synthesis, Antiproliferative Activity, and DNA Binding Studies of Nucleoamino Acid-Containing Pt(II) Complexes
Pharmaceuticals (ISSN: 1424-8247linking, 1424-8247print), 2020 Sep 30; 13(10): 284-284.

Mercurio FA, Di Natale C, Pirone L, Vincenzi M, Marasco D, De Luca S, Pedone EM, Leone M
Exploring the ability of cyclic peptides to target SAM domains: a computational and experimental study
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227linking, 1439-7633), 2020 Mar 2; 21(5): 702-711.

Riccardi C, Capasso D, Rozza GM, Platella C, Montesarchio D, Di Gaetano S, Marzo T, Pratesi A, Messori L, Roviello GN, Musumeci D
Synthesis, DNA binding studies, and antiproliferative activity of novel Pt(II)- complexes with an L-alanyl-based ligand
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134linking, 0162-0134print, 1873-3344), 2020 Feb; 203: 110868-110868.

Vincenzi M, Mercurio FA, Leone M
Sam Domains in Multiple Diseases
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673linking, 1875-533xelectronic), 2020; 27(3): 450-476.

Farina B, Del Gatto A, Comegna D, Di Gaetano S, Capasso D, Isernia C, Saviano M, Fattorusso R, Zaccaro L, Russo L
Conformational studies of RGDechi peptide by natural-abundance NMR spectroscopy
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617linking, 1099-1387electronic), 2019 May; 25(5): e3166-e3166.

Grage SL, Kara S, Bordessa A, Doan V, Rizzolo F, Putzu M, Kubar T, Papini AM, Chaume G, Brigaud T, Afonin S, Ulrich AS
Orthogonal (19) F-Labeling for Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Reveals the Conformation and Orientation of Short Peptaibols in Membranes
Chemistry (ISSN: 1521-3765electronic, 0947-6539linking), 2018 Jan 11; N/D: N/D-N/D.

Di Stasi R, Diana D, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, De Rosa L, Celentano V, Isernia C, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
VEGFR Recognition Interface of a Proangiogenic VEGF-Mimetic Peptide Determined In Vitro and in the Presence of Endothelial Cells by NMR Spectroscopy
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2018; 24(44): 11461-11466.

Calvanese L, Foca A, Sandomenico A, Foca G, Caporale A, Doti N, Iaccarino E, Leonardi A, D'Auria G, Ruvo M, Falcigno L
Structural insights into the interaction of a monoclonal antibody and Nodal peptides by STD-NMR spectroscopy
Bioorg Med Chem (ISSN: 0968-0896, 1464-3391, 0968-0896linking), 2017 Dec 15; 25(24): 6589-6596.

Cavallari E, Carrera C, Aime S, Reineri F
(13) C MR Hyperpolarization of Lactate by Using ParaHydrogen and Metabolic Transformation in Vitro
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2017 Jan 23; 23(5): 1200-1204.

Lanza V, Travaglia A, Malgieri G, Fattorusso R, GrassoG, Di Natale G, Zito V, Arena G, Milardi D, Rizzarelli E
Ubiquitin Associates with the N-Terminal Domain of Nerve Growth Factor: The Role of Copper(II) Ions
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2016 Dec 05; 22(49): 17767-17775.

Pirone L, Smaldone G, Esposito C, Balasco N, Petoukhov MV, Spilotros A, Svergun DI, Di Gaetano S, Vitagliano L, Pedone E
Proteins involved in sleep homeostasis: Biophysical characterization of INC and its partners
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Celentano V, Diana D, Di Salvo C, De Rosa L, Romanelli A, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
1, 2, 3-Triazole Bridge as Conformational Constrain in beta-Hairpin Peptides: Analysis of Hydrogen-Bonded Positions
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2016 Apr 11; 22(16): 5534-5537.

Farina B, De Paola I, Russo L, Capasso D, Liguoro A, Gatto AD, Saviano M, Pedone PV, Di Gaetano S, Malgieri G, Zaccaro L, Fattorusso R
A Combined NMR and Computational Approach to Determine the RGDechi-hCit-alphav beta3 Integrin Recognition Mode in Isolated Cell Membranes
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2016 Jan 11; 22(2): 681-693.

Smaldone G, Diana D, Pollegioni L, Di Gaetano S, Fattorusso R, Pedone E
Insight into conformational modification of alpha-synuclein in the presence of neuronal whole cells and of their isolated membranes
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468), 2015 Feb 18; 589(7): 798-804.

Diana D, Russomanno A, De Rosa L, Di Stasi R, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, Romanelli A, Russo L, D'Andrea LD, Fattorusso R
Functional Binding Surface Of A Beta-Hairpin Vegf Receptor Targeting Peptide Determined By Nmr Spectroscopy In Living Cells
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2015 Jan 2; 21(1): 91-95.

Mercurio FA, Di Natale C, Pirone L, Scognamiglio PL, Marasco D, Pedone EM, Saviano M, Leone M
Peptide Fragments of Odin-Sam1: Conformational Analysis and Interaction Studies with EphA2-Sam
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-4227linking), 2015; 16(11): 1629-1636.

Correale S, de Paola I, Morgillo CM, Federico A, Zaccaro L, Pallante P, Galeone A, Fusco A, Pedone E, Luque FJ, Catalanotti B
Structural Model of the hUbA1-UbcH10 Quaternary Complex: In Silico and Experimental Analysis of the Protein-Protein Interactions between E1, E2 and Ubiquitin
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2014 Nov 6; 9(11): e112082-e112082.

Vitale RM, Zaccaro L, Di Blasio B, Fattorusso R, Isernia C, Amodeo P, Pedone C, Saviano M
Conformational features of human melanin-concentrating hormone: an NMR and computational analysis
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-4227linking), 2014 Sep 17; 4(1): 73-81.

Balasco N, Pirone L, Smaldone G, Di Gaetano S, Esposito L, Pedone E, Vitagliano L
Molecular recognition of Cullin3 by KCTDs: Insights from experimental and computational investigations
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0925-4439, 0006-3002, 1570-9639), 2014 Jul; 1844(7): 1289-1298.

De Rosa L, Diana D, Basile A, Russomanno A, Isernia C, Turco MC, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
Design, Structural And Biological Characterization Of A Vegf Inhibitor Beta-Hairpin-Constrained Peptide
Eur J Med Chem (ISSN: 0223-5234, 1768-3254, 0223-5234linking), 2014; 73: 210-216.

Diana D, Smaldone G, De Antonellis P, Pirone L, Carotenuto M, Alonzi A, Di Gaetano S, Zollo M, Pedone E, Fattorusso R
Mapping Functional Interaction Sites of Human Prune C-Terminal Domain by NMR Spectroscopy in Human Cell Lysates
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2013 Sep 9; 19(37): 12217-12220.

Farina B, Doti N, Pirone L, Malgieri G, Pedone E, Ruvo M, Fattorusso R
Molecular basis of the PED/PEA15 interaction with the C-terminal fragment of phospholipase D1 revealed by NMR spectroscopy
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2013 Sep; 1834(8): 1572-1580.

Attanasio F, Convertino M, Magno A, Caflisch A, Corazza A, Haridas H, Esposito G, Cataldo S, Pignataro B, Milardi D, Rizzarelli E
Carnosine Inhibits Abeta(42) Aggregation By Perturbing The H-Bond Network In And Around The Central Hydrophobic Cluster
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Plasmonics for the study of metal ion-protein interactions
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Mercurio FA, Marasco D, Pirone L, Scognamiglio PL, Pedone E, Pellecchia M, Leone M
Heterotypic Sam-Sam Association Between Odin-Sam1 And Arap3-Sam: Binding Affinity And Structural Insights
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-9422, 1439-7633), 2013 Jan 2; 14(1): 100-106.

Malgieri G, Zaccaro L, Leone M, Bucci E, Esposito S, Baglivo I, Del Gatto A, Russo L, Scandurra R, Pedone PV, Fattorusso R, Isernia C
Zinc to Cadmium Replacement in the A. thaliana SUPERMAN Cys(2)His(2) Zinc Finger Induces Structural Rearrangements of Typical DNA Base Determinant Positions
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2011 Nov; 95(11): 801-810.

Ruvo M, Sandomenico A, Tudisco L, De Falco S
Branched peptides for the modulation of protein-protein interactions: More arms are better than one?
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2011 Jun; 18(16): 2429-2437.

Scognamiglio PL, Doti N, Grieco P, Pedone C, Ruvo M, Marasco D
Discovery Of Small Peptide Antagonists Of Ped/Pea15-D4alpha Interaction From Simplified Combinatorial Libraries
Chem Biol Drug Des (ISSN: 1747-0277, 1747-0285), 2011 May; 77(5): 319-327.

Correale S, Pirone L, Di Marcotullio L, De Smaele E, Greco A, Mazzà D, Moretti M, Alterio V, Vitagliano L, Di Gaetano S, Gulino A, Pedone E
Molecular organization of the cullin E3 ligase adaptor KCTD11
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 1638-6183electronic), 2011 Apr; 93(4): 715-724.

Cucinotta V, Giuffrida A, Grasso G, MacCarrone G, Mazzaglia A, Messina M, Vecchio G
Diaminotrehalose-capped β-cyclodextrin, a new member of hemispherodextrins: Synthesis, thermodynamic and spectroscopic characterization and its exploitation in chiral electrokinetic chromatography
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Verardi R, Traaseth NJ, Shi L, Porcelli F, Monfregola L, De Luca S, Amodeo P, Veglia G, Scaloni A
Probing membrane topology of the antimicrobial peptide distinctin by solid-state NMR spectroscopy in zwitterionic and charged lipid bilayers
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Farina B, Pirone L, Russo L, Viparelli F, Doti N, Pedone C, Pedone E, Fattorusso R
NMR backbone dynamics studies of human PED/PEA-15 outline protein functional sites
Febs J (ISSN: 1742-4658, 1742-464x, 1742-4658electronic), 2010 Oct; 277(20): 4229-4240.

Diana D, Ziaco B, Scarabelli G, Pedone C, Colombo G, D'Andrea LD, Fattorusso R
Structural analysis of a helical peptide unfolding pathway
Chemistry (ISSN: 1521-3765, 0947-6539, 1521-3765electronic), 2010 May 10; 16(18): 5400-5407.

Abbate M, Casella G, Fiore T, Grasso G, Pellerito C, Scopelliti M, Spinella A, Pellerito L
Structural characterization of triorganotin(IV) complexes with sodium fusidate and DFT calculations
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Puglisi A, Rizzarelli E, Vecchio G, Iacovino R, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Saviano M
Crystal And Molecular Structure Of Beta-Cyclodextrins Functionalized With The Anti-Inflammatory Drug Etodolac
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Sandomenico A, Monti SM, Sabatella M, De Capua A, Tornatore L, Doti N, Viparelli F, Dathan NA, Pedone C, Ruvo M, Marasco D
Protein-protein interactions: a simple strategy to identify binding sites and peptide antagonists
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Vitagliano L, Ruggiero A, Pedone C, Berisio R
Molecular dynamics studies of the P pilus rod subunit PapA
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Kaczmarek K, Farina B, Zubrzak P, Jankowski S, Zimecki M, Suder P, Benedetti E, Fattorusso R, Saviano M, Zabrocki J
Synthesis, conformational analysis and immunological activity of β3Phe-substituted Cyclolinopeptide A analogues
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Structure and dimerization of the teleost transmembrane immunoglobulin region
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Vitagliano L, Ruggiero A, Pedone C, Berisio R
Conformational states and association mechanism of Yersinia pestis Caf1 subunits
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 0006-291x, 1090-2104, 1090-2104electronic), 2008 Sep 8; 372(4): 804-810.

Ruvo M, Marasco D, Viparelli F, Tornatore L, Sandomenico A, Doti N, Pedone C, Benedetti E, Monti SM
Peptide antagonists of protein-protein interactions identified by screening protein fragments derived by enzyme degradation
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Diana D, Ziaco B, Colombo G, Scarabelli G, Romanelli A, Fedone C, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
Structural determinants of the unusual helix stability of a de novo engineered vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mimicking peptide
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2008; 14(14): 4164-4166.

Malgieri G, Russo L, Esposito S, Baglivo I, Zaccaro L, Pedone EM, Di Blasio B, Isernia C, Pedone PV, Fattorusso R
The Prokaryotic Cys2his2 Zinc Finger Domain Adopts A Novel Fold As Revealed By The Solution Structure Of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Ros Dna Binding Domain
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Determination of the conformation of the human VDAC1 N-terminal peptide, a protein moiety essential for the functional properties of the pore
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Milardi D, Arnesano F, Grasso G, Magrì A, Tabbì G, Scintilla S, Natile G, Rizzarelli E
Ubiquitin stability and the Lys63-linked polyubiquitination site are compromised on copper binding
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Conformation analysis of aspartame-based sweeteners by NMR spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations, and X-ray diffraction studies
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Targeting angiogenesis: Structural characterization and biological properties of a de novo engineered VEGF mimicking peptide
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Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site 3: Role of site-specific mutations
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Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site
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Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site, 2: relevance of an N-terminal helix
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