Scognamiglio PL, Vicidomini C, Roviello GN
Dancing with Nucleobases: Unveiling the Self-Assembly Properties of DNA and RNA Base-Containing Molecules for Gel Formation
Gels, 2023 Dec 23; 10: 16-16.
Palumbo R, Simonyan H, Roviello GN
Advances in Amino Acid-based Chemistry
Pharmaceuticals, 2023 Oct; 16: 1490-1492.
Palumbo R, Simonyan H, Roviello GN
Advances in Amino Acid-based Chemistry
Pharmaceuticals, 2023 Oct; 16: N/D-N/D.
Palumbo R, Omodei D, Vicidomini C, Roviello GN
Willardiine and Its Synthetic Analogues: Biological Aspects and Implications in Peptide Chemistry of This Nucleobase Amino Acid
Pharmaceuticals, 2022 Oct 10; 15: 1243-1243.
Musumeci D, Ullah S, Ikram A, Roviello GN
Novel insights on nucleopeptide binding: a spectroscopic and in silico investigation on the interaction of a thymine-bearing tetrapeptide with a homoadenine DNA
Journal Of Molecular Liquids, 2021 Dec; 117975: 14140-14148.
Roviello V, Musumeci D, Mokhir A, Roviello GN
Evidence of Protein Binding by a Nucleopeptide Based on a Thyminedecorated L-Diaminopropanoic Acid through CD and In Silico Studies
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673linking, 1875-533xelectronic), 2021 Jul; 28(24): 5004-5015.
Scognamiglio PL, Platella C, Napolitano E, Musumeci D, Roviello GN
From Prebiotic Chemistry to Supramolecular Biomedical Materials: Exploring the Properties of Self-Assembling Nucleobase-Containing Peptides
Molecules (ISSN: 1420-3049linking, 1420-3049electronic), 2021 Jun 10; 26(12): 3558-3558.
Riccardi C, Capasso D, Coppola A, Platella C, Montesarchio D, Di Gaetano S, Roviello GN, Musumeci D
Synthesis, Antiproliferative Activity, and DNA Binding Studies of Nucleoamino Acid-Containing Pt(II) Complexes
Pharmaceuticals (ISSN: 1424-8247linking, 1424-8247print), 2020 Sep 30; 13(10): 284-284.
Musumeci D, Mokhir A, Roviello GN
Synthesis and nucleic acid binding evaluation of a thyminyl L-diaminobutanoic acid-based nucleopeptide
Bioorg Chem (ISSN: 0045-2068linking, 1090-2120electronic), 2020 Jul; 100: 103862-103870.
Angeli A, Buonanno M, Donald WA, Monti SM, Supuran CT
The zinc - but not cadmium - containing zeta-carbonic from the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii is potently activated by amines and amino acids
Bioorg Chem (ISSN: 1090-2120electronic, 0045-2068linking), 2018 Oct; 80: 261-265.
Roviello GN
Novel insights into nucleoamino acids: biomolecular recognition and aggregation studies of a thymine-conjugated L-phenyl alanine
Amino Acids (ISSN: 1438-2199electronic, 0939-4451linking), 2018 May 15; DOI10.1007/s00726-01: 933-941.
Musumeci D, Roviello V, Roviello GN
DNA- and RNA-binding ability of oligoDapT, a nucleobase-decorated peptide, for biomedical applications
Int J Nanomed (ISSN: 1176-9114linking, 1178-2013electronic), 2018 May 1; 2018:13: 2613-2629.
Sgarlata C, Arena G, Bonomo RP, Giuffrida A, Tabbì G
Simple and mixed complexes of copper(II) with 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and amino acids: Characterization in solution and potential biological implications
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2017 Dec 8; 180: 89-100.
Pirtskhalava M, Egoyan A, Mirtskhulava M, Roviello GN
Georgian Med News (ISSN: 1512-0112print, 1512-0112linking), 2017 Dec; (273): 1123-1128.
Leiria Campo V, Riul TB, Oliveira Bortot L, Martins-teixeira MB, Fiori Marchiori M, Iaccarino E, Ruvo M, Dias-baruffi M, Carvalho I
A Synthetic MUC1 Glycopeptide Bearing betaGalNAc-Thr as a Tn Antigen Isomer Induces the Production of Antibodies against Tumor Cells
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-4227linking), 2017 Mar 16; 18(6): 527-538.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D
Synthetic approaches to nucleopeptides containing all the four nucleobases, and nucleic acid-binding studies on a mixed-sequence nucleo-oligolysine
Rsc Adv (ISSN: 2046-2069, 2046-2069electronic), 2016 Jun; 6: 63578-63585.
Roviello GN, Vicidomini C, Di Gaetano S, Capasso D, Musumeci D, Roviello V
Solid phase synthesis and RNA-binding activity of an arginine-containing nucleopeptide
Rsc Adv (ISSN: 2046-2069, 2046-2069electronic), 2016; 6(17): 14140-14148.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Roviello V, Pirtskhalava M, Egoyan A, Mirtskhulava M
Natural and artificial binders of polyriboadenylic acid and their effect on RNA structure
Beilstein J Nanotech (ISSN: 2190-4286), 2015; 6(1): 1338-1347.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, D'Alessandro C, Pedone C
Binding ability of a thymine-functionalized oligolysine towards nucleic acids
Bioorg Med Chem (ISSN: 0968-0896, 1464-3391, 0968-0896linking), 2014 Feb 1; 22(3): 997-1002.
Palmieri M, Russo L, Malgieri G, Esposito S, Baglivo I, Rivellino A, Farina B, de Paola I, Zaccaro L, Milardi D, Isernia C, Pedone PV, Fattorusso R
Deciphering the zinc coordination properties of the prokaryotic zinc finger domain: The solution structure characterization of Ros87 H42A functional mutant
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2014 Feb; 131: 30-36.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis of a diaminopropanoic acid-based nucleoamino acid and assembly of cationic nucleopeptides for biomedical applications
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2012 Dec; 43(6): 2537-2543.
Accardo A, Mansi R, Salzano G, Morisco A, Aurilio M, Parisi A, Maione F, Cicala C, Ziaco B, Tesauro D, Aloj L, De Rosa G, Morelli G
Bombesin peptide antagonist for target-selective delivery of liposomal doxorubicin on cancer cells
Journal Of Drug Targeting (ISSN: 1061-186x), 2012 Nov 21; 21(3): 240-249.
Roviello GN, Roviello G, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Dakin-West reaction on 1-thyminyl acetic acid for the synthesis of 1, 3-bis(1-thyminyl)-2-propanone, a heteroaromatic compound with nucleopeptide-binding properties
Amino Acids (ISSN: 1438-2199, 0939-4451, 1438-2199electronic), 2012 Oct; 43(4): 1615-1623.
Roviello GN, Mottola A, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis and aggregation properties of a novel enzymatically resistant nucleoamino acid
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2012 Oct; 43(4): 1465-1470.
Squeglia F, Marchetti R, Ruggiero A, Lanzetta R, Marasco D, Dworkin J, Petoukhov M, Molinaro A, Berisio R, Silipo A
Chemical basis of peptidoglycan discrimination by PrkC, a key kinase involved in bacterial resuscitation from dormancy
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2011 Dec 28; 133(51): 20676-20679.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis and characterization of a novel ester-based nucleoamino acid for the assembly of aromatic nucleopeptides for biomedical applications
Int J Pharm (ISSN: 0378-5173, 1873-3476), 2011 Sep 30; 415(1-2): 206-210.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Evidences for supramolecular organization of nucleopeptides: Synthesis, spectroscopic and biological studies of a novel dithymine l-serine tetrapeptide
Mol Biosyst (ISSN: 1742-206x, 1742-2051, 1742-2051electronic), 2011 Apr; 7(4): 1073-1080.
Roviello GN, Crescenzo C, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, Franco S, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis of a novel Fmoc-protected nucleoaminoacid for the solid phase assembly of 4-piperidyl glycine/L-arginine-containing nucleopeptides and preliminary RNA interaction studies
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 Sep; 39(3): 795-800.
Roviello GN, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Bucci EM
Nucleobase-containing peptides: An overview of their characteristic features and applications
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 Jun; 39(1): 45-57.
Roviello GN, Gröschel S, Pedone C, Diederichsen U
Synthesis of novel MMT/acyl-protected nucleo alanine monomers for the preparation of DNA/alanyl-PNA chimeras
Amino Acids (ISSN: 1438-2199, 0939-4451, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 May; 38(5): 1301-1309.
Roviello GN, Di Gaetano S, Capasso D, Cesarani A, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis, spectroscopic studies and biological activity of a novel nucleopeptide with Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 May; 38(5): 1489-1496.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Pedone C, Bucci EM
Synthesis, Characterization And Hybridization Studies Of An Alternate Nucleo-Epsilon/Gamma-Peptide: Complexes Formation With Natural Nucleic Acids
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 Jan; 38(1): 103-111.
Pensato S, Saviano M, Romanelli A
New peptide nucleic acid analogues: synthesis and applications
Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy (ISSN: 1471-2598), 2007 Sep; 7(8): 1219-1232.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Moccia M, Castiglione M, Sapio R, Valente M, Bucci EM, Perretta G, Pedone C
Dabpna: Design, Synthesis And Nucleic Acids Binding Studies
Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids (ISSN: 1525-7770), 2007; 26(10-12): 1307-1310.
Santoro F, Barone V, Gustavsson T, Improta R
Solvent effect on the singlet excited-state lifetimes of nucleic acid bases: A computational study of 5-fluorouracil and uracil in acetonitrile and water
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2006 Dec 20; 128(50): 16312-16322.
Roviello GN, Moccia M, Sapio R, Valente M, Bucci EM, Castiglione M, Pedone C, Perretta G, Benedetti E, Musumeci D
Synthesis, Characterization And Hybridization Studies Of New Nucleo-Gamma-Peptides Based On Diaminobutyric Acid
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2006 Dec; 12(12): 829-835.
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EANM procedure guidelines for brain tumour imaging using labelled amino acid analogues
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New synthetic strategy for o-NBS protected amino acids and their use in synthesis of mono-benzylated peptides
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Absorption and fluorescence spectra of uracil in the gas phase and in aqueous solution: A TD-DFT quantum mechanical study
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