Kramarska E, De Maio F, Delogu G, Berisio R
Structural Basis of PE_PGRS Polymorphism, a Tool for Functional Modulation
Biomolecules (ISSN: 2218-273xlinking), 2023 May 10; 13(5): N/D-N/D.
Sandomenico A, Ruggiero A, Iaccarino E, Oliver A, Squeglia F, Moreira M, Esposito L, Ruvo M, Berisio R
Unveiling CD59-Antibody Interactions to Design Paratope-Mimicking Peptides for Complement Modulation
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067linking, 1422-0067electronic), 2023 May 10; 24(10): 500-519.
Ruggiero A, Choi HG, Barra G, Squeglia F, Back YW, Kim HJ, Berisio R
Structure based design of effective HtpG-derived vaccine antigens against M. tuberculosis
Front Mol Biosci (ISSN: 2296-889xlinking), 2022 Aug 11; 9: 964645-964645.
Squeglia F, Romano M, Esposito L, Barra G, Campiglia P, Sala M, Scala MC, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Structure-Based Development of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Interactors
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067linking, 1422-0067electronic), 2022 May 17; 23(10): N/D-N/D.
Scognamiglio PL, Vicidomini C, Fontanella F, De Stefano C, Palumbo R, Roviello GN
Protein Binding of Benzofuran Derivatives: A CD Spectroscopic and In Silico Comparative Study of the Effects of 4-Nitrophenyl Functionalized Benzofurans and Benzodifurans on BSA Protein Structure
Biomolecules (ISSN: 2218-273xlinking), 2022 Feb; 12(2): 262-273.
Esposito L, Balasco N, Smaldone G, Berisio R, Ruggiero A, Vitagliano L
AlphaFold-Predicted Structures of KCTD Proteins Unravel Previously Undetected Relationships among the Members of the Family
Biomolecules (ISSN: 2218-273xlinking), 2021 Dec 10; 11(12): N/D-N/D.
Moreira M, Ruggiero A, Iaccarino E, Barra G, Sandomenico A, Ruvo M, Berisio R
A structure-based approach for the development of a bicyclic peptide acting as a miniaturized anti-CD55 antibody
Int J Biol Macromol (ISSN: 0141-8130linking, 1879-0003electronic), 2021 May 17; 182: 1455-1462.
Kramarska E, Squeglia F, De Maio F, Delogu G, Berisio R
PE_PGRS33, an Important Virulence Factor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Potential Target of Host Humoral Immune Response
Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409linking, 2073-4409electronic), 2021 Jan 15; 10(1): N/D-N/D.
Squeglia F, Romano M, Ruggiero A, Maga G, Berisio R
Host DDX Helicases as Possible SARS-CoV-2 Proviral Factors: A Structural Overview of Their Hijacking Through Multiple Viral Proteins
Front Chem (ISSN: 2296-2646linking), 2020 Dec 10; 8: 602162-602162.
D'Abrosca G, Paladino A, Baglivo I, Russo L, Sassano M, Grazioso R, Iacovino R, Pirone L, Pedone E, Pedone P, Isernia C, Fattorusso R, Malgieri G
Structural Insight of the Full-Length Ros Protein: A Prototype of the Prokaryotic Zinc-Finger Family
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322, 2045-2322linking, 2045-2322electronic), 2020 Jun 9; 10(1): 9283-9283.
Romano M, Ruggiero A, Squeglia F, Maga G, Berisio R
A Structural View of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Replication Machinery: RNA Synthesis, Proofreading and Final Capping
Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409linking, 2073-4409electronic), 2020 May 20; 9(5): 1297-1297.
Moreira M, Ruggiero A, Esposito L, Choi HG, Kim HJ, Berisio R
Structural features of HtpGMtb and HtpG-ESAT6Mtb vaccine antigens against tuberculosis: Molecular determinants of antigenic synergy and cytotoxicity modulation
Int J Biol Macromol (ISSN: 0141-8130linking, 1879-0003electronic), 2020 May 4; 158: 305-317.
La Rosa C, Condorelli M, Compagnini G, Lolicato F, Milardi D, Do TN, Karttunen M, Pannuzzo M, Ramamoorthy A, Fraternali F, Collu F, Rezaei H, Strodel B, Raudino A
Symmetry-breaking transitions in the early steps of protein self-assembly
Eur Biophys J (ISSN: 0175-7571linking, 1432-1017), 2020 Mar; 49(2): 175-191.
Balasco N, Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Verde C, Mazzarella L, Vergara A
The unique structural features of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin from the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322linking, 2045-2322electronic), 2019 Dec 12; 9(1): 18987-18987.
Smaldone G, Ruggiero A, Balasco N, Abuhammad A, Autiero I, Caruso D, Esposito D, Ferraro G, Gelardi E, L , M , Moreira M, Quareshy M, Romano M, Saaret A, Selvam I, Squeglia F, Troisi R, Kroon-batenburg L, M , J , Esposito L, Berisio R, Vitagliano L
The non-swapped monomeric structure of the arginine-binding protein from Thermotoga maritima
Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun (ISSN: 2053-230xlinking), 2019 Nov 1; 75(Pt11): 707-713.
Vincenzi M, Mercurio FA, Leone M
About TFE: Old and New Findings
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037linking), 2019; 20
): 425-451.
Smaldone G, Balasco N, Vigorita M, Ruggiero A, Cozzolino S, Berisio R, Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Vitagliano L
Domain communication in Thermotoga maritima Arginine Binding Protein unraveled through protein dissection
Int J Biol Macromol (ISSN: 0141-8130linking, 1879-0003electronic), 2018 Nov; 119: 758-769.
Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Collagen degradation in tuberculosis pathogenesis: the biochemical consequences of hosting an undesired guest
Biochem J (ISSN: 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking, 0264-6021print), 2018 Oct 11; 475(19): 3123-3140.
Ruggiero A, Garcia-ortega L, Ragucci S, Russo R, Landi N, Berisio R, Di Maro A
Structural and enzymatic properties of Ageritin, a novel metal-dependent ribotoxin-like protein with antitumor activity
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1872-8006electronic, 0304-4165linking, 0304-4165print), 2018 Sep 18; 1862(12): 2888-2894.
Mazzarella L, Merlino A, Balasco N, Balsamo A, Vergara A
Crystal structure of the ferric homotetrameric beta4 human hemoglobin
Biophys Chem (ISSN: 0301-4622linking), 2018 Sep; 240: 9-14.
Sbardella D, Tundo GR, Coletta A, Marcoux J, Koufogeorgou EI, Ciaccio C, Santoro AM, Milardi D, Grasso G, Cozza P, Bousquet-dubouch MP, Marini S, Coletta M
The insulin-degrading enzyme is an allosteric modulator of the 20S proteasome and a potential competitor of the 19S
Cell Mol Life Sci (ISSN: 1420-9071electronic, 1420-682xlinking), 2018 Sep; 75(18): 3441-3456.
Avitabile C, D'Andrea LD, D'Aversa E, Milani R, Gambari R, Romanelli A
Effect of Acylation on the Antimicrobial Activity of Temporin B Analogues
Chemmedchem (ISSN: 1860-7179linking, 1860-7187electronic), 2018 Aug 10; 13(15): 1549-1554.
Smaldone G, Berisio R, Balasco N, D'Auria S, Vitagliano L, Ruggiero A
Domain swapping dissection in Thermotoga maritima arginine binding protein: How structural flexibility may compensate destabilization
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639print, 1570-9639linking, 0005-2728), 2018 May 31; 1866(9): 952-962.
Roviello GN
Novel insights into nucleoamino acids: biomolecular recognition and aggregation studies of a thymine-conjugated L-phenyl alanine
Amino Acids (ISSN: 1438-2199electronic, 0939-4451linking), 2018 May 15; DOI10.1007/s00726-01: 933-941.
Diaferia C, Balasco N, Sibillano T, Ghosh M, Adler-abramovich L, Giannini C, Vitagliano L, Morelli G, Accardo A
Amyloid-Like Fibrillary Morphology Originated by Tyrosine-Containing Aromatic Hexapeptides
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539linking, 1521-3765electronic), 2018 May 7; 24
): 6804-6817.
Buonanno M, Coppola M, Di Lelio I, Molisso D, Leone M, Pennacchio F, Langella E, Rao R, Monti SM
Prosystemin, a prohormone that modulates plant defense barriers, is an intrinsically disordered protein
Protein Sci (ISSN: 1469-896xelectronic, 0961-8368linking), 2018 Mar; 27(3): 620-632.
Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Chemistry of Peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Life Cycle: An off-the-wall Balance of Synthesis and Degradation
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539linking, 1521-3765electronic), 2018 Feb 21; 24
): 2533-2546.
Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, De Simone A, Berisio R
A structural overview of mycobacterial adhesins: Key biomarkers for diagnostics and therapeutics
Protein Sci (ISSN: 1469-896xelectronic, 0961-8368linking), 2018 Feb; 27(2): 369-380.
De Rosa L, Di Stasi R, D'Andrea LD
Pro-angiogenic peptides in biomedicine
Arch Bioch Bioph (ISSN: 0003-9861, 0003-9861linking), 2018; 660: 72-86.
Magri A, Pietropaolo A, Tabbì G, La Mendola D, Rizzarelli E
From Peptide Fragments to Whole Protein: Copper(II) Load and Coordination Features of IAPP
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2017 Dec 19; 23(71): 17898-17902.
Squeglia F, Romano M, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Molecular players in Tuberculosis drug development: another break in the cell wall
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2017 Nov 24; 24(36): 3954-3969.
Calvanese L, Falcigno L, Squeglia F, D'Auria G, Berisio R
PASTA in Penicillin Binding Proteins and Serine/Threonine Kinases: A Recipe of Structural, Dynamic and Binding Properties
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2017 Nov 24; 24(36): 4038-4056.
Gaglione R, Smaldone G, Di Girolamo R, Piccoli R, Pedone E, Arciello A
Cell milieu significantly affects the fate of AApoAI amyloidogenic variants: predestination or serendipity?
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2728, 0006-3002print, 1570-9639print), 2017 Nov 23; 1862(3): 377-384.
Balasco N, Esposito L, Vitagliano L
Factors affecting the amplitude of the tau angle in proteins: a revisitation
Acta Crystallogr D (ISSN: 2059-7983), 2017 Jul 01; 73(Pt7): 618-625.
Mercurio FA, Costantini S, Di Natale C, Pirone L, Guariniello S, Scognamiglio PL, Marasco D, Pedone EM, Leone M
Structural investigation of a C-terminal EphA2 receptor mutant: Does mutation affect the structure and interaction properties of the Sam domain?
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2728, 0006-3002print, 1570-9639linking), 2017 Jun 06; 1865(9): 1095-1104.
La Manna S, Scognamiglio PL, Di Natale C, Leone M, Mercurio FA, Malfitano AM, Cianfarani F, Madonna S, Caravella S, Albanesi C, Novellino E, Marasco D
Characterization of linear mimetic peptides of Interleukin-22 from dissection of protein interfaces
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 0300-9084linking), 2017 May 04; 138: 106-115.
Vitagliano L, Mazzarella L, Merlino A, Vergara A
Fine Sampling of the R--> T Quaternary-Structure Transition of a Tetrameric Hemoglobin
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2017 Jan 12; 23(3): 605-613.
Balasco N, Esposito L, Thind AS, Guarracino MR, Vitagliano L
Dissection of Factors Affecting the Variability of the Peptide Bond Geometry and Planarity
Biomed Res Int (ISSN: 2314-6133, 2314-6141), 2017; 2017: 2617629-2617629.
Di Matteo A, Franceschini M, Paiardini A, Grottesi A, Chiarella S, Rocchio S, Di Natale C, Marasco D, Vitagliano L, Travaglini-allocatelli C, Federici L
Structural investigation of Nucleophosmin interaction with the tumor suppressor Fbw7γ
Oncogenesis (ISSN: 2157-9024), 2017; 6(9): N/D-N/D.
Smaldone G, Vigorita M, Ruggiero A, Balasco N, Dattelbaum JD, D'Auria S, Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Vitagliano L
Proline 235 plays a key role in the regulation of the oligomeric states of Thermotoga maritima Arginine Binding Protein
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2728, 0006-3002print, 1570-9639print), 2016 Jul; 1864(7): 814-824.
Smaldone G, Pirone L, Pedone E, Marlovits T, Vitagliano L, Ciccarelli L
The BTB domains of the potassium channel tetramerization domain proteins prevalently assume pentameric states
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468), 2016 Jun; 590(11): 1663-1671.
Diana D, De Rosa L, Palmieri M, Russomanno A, Russo L, La Rosa C, Milardi D, Colombo G, D'Andrea LD, Fattorusso R
Long range Trp-Trp interaction initiates the folding pathway of a pro-angiogenic beta-hairpin peptide
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322, 2045-2322electronic, 2045-2322linking), 2015 Nov 25; 5: 16651-16651.
Ruggiero A, Squeglia F, Romano M, Vitagliano L, De Simone A, Berisio R
The structure of Resuscitation promoting factor B from M. tuberculosis reveals unexpected ubiquitin-like domains
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2728, 0006-3002print, 1570-9639print), 2015 Nov 5; 1860(2): 445-451.
Foca A, Sanguigno L, Foca G, Strizzi L, Iannitti R, Palumbo R, Hendrix MJ, Leonardi A, Ruvo M, Sandomenico A
New Anti-Nodal Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting the Nodal Pre-Helix Loop Involved in Cripto-1 Binding
Int J Mol Sc (ISSN: 1422-0067, 1661-6596, 1422-0067linking), 2015 Sep 7; 16(9): 21342-21362.
Paladino A, Morra G, Colombo G
Structural Stability and Flexibility Direct the Selection of Activating Mutations in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Kinase
J Chem Inf Model (ISSN: 1549-9596linking), 2015 Jul 27; 55
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Smaldone G, Pirone L, Balasco N, Di Gaetano S, Pedone E, Vitagliano L
Cullin 3 recognition is not a universal property among KCTD proteins
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2015 May 14; 10(5): e0126808-e0126808.
De Paola I, Pirone L, Palmieri M, Balasco N, Esposito L, Russo L, Mazza D, Di Marcotullio L, Di Gaetano S, Malgieri G, Vitagliano L, Pedone E, Zaccaro L
Cullin3 - BTB interface: A novel target for stapled peptides
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2015 Apr 7; 10(4): e0121149-e0121149.
Brancaccio D, Merlino F, Limatola A, Yousif AM, Gomez-Monterrey I, Campiglia P, Novellino E, Grieco P, Carotenuto A
An investigation into the origin of the biased agonism associated with the urotensin II receptor activation
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617linking), 2015 Feb 19; 21(5): 392-399.
Smaldone G, Diana D, Pollegioni L, Di Gaetano S, Fattorusso R, Pedone E
Insight into conformational modification of alpha-synuclein in the presence of neuronal whole cells and of their isolated membranes
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468), 2015 Feb 18; 589(7): 798-804.
Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Berisio R
Exit from mycobacterial dormancy: a structural perspective
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2015 Feb 9; 22(14): 1698-1709.
Berisio R, Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Petraccone L, Stellato MI, Del Vecchio P
Differential thermodynamic behaviours of the extra-cellular regions of two Ser/Thr PrkC kinases revealed by calorimetric studies
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0925-4439, 0006-3002, 1570-9639), 2015 Feb 8; 1854(5): 402-409.
Calvanese L, Sandomenico A, Caporale A, Foca A, Foca G, D'Auria G, Falcigno L, Ruvo M
Conformational features and binding affinities to Cripto, ALK7 and ALK4 of Nodal synthetic fragments
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617linking), 2015 Jan 15; 21(4): 283-293.
Balasco N, Barone D, Vitagliano L
Structural conversion of the transformer protein RfaH: new insights derived from protein structure prediction and molecular dynamics simulations
J Biomol Struct Dyn (ISSN: 0739-1102, 1538-0254electronic, 0739-1102linking), 2015 Jan 12; 33(10): 2173-2179.
Diana D, Russomanno A, De Rosa L, Di Stasi R, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, Romanelli A, Russo L, D'Andrea LD, Fattorusso R
Functional Binding Surface Of A Beta-Hairpin Vegf Receptor Targeting Peptide Determined By Nmr Spectroscopy In Living Cells
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2015 Jan 2; 21(1): 91-95.
Falcigno L, D'Auria G, Calvanese L, Marasco D, Iacobelli R, Scognamiglio PL, Brun P, Danesin R, Pasqualin M, Castagliuolo I, Dettin M
Osteogenic properties of a short BMP-2 chimera peptide
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617linking), 2015; 21(9): 700-709.
Malgieri G, Avitabile C, Palmieri M, D'Andrea LD, Isernia C, Romanelli A, Fattorusso R
Structural basis of a temporin 1b analogue antimicrobial activity against gram negative bacteria determined by CD and NMR techniques in cellular environment
Acs Chem Biol (ISSN: 1554-8929), 2015; 10(4): 965-969.
Notomista E, Falanga A, Fusco S, Pirone L, Zanfardino A, Galdiero S, Varcamonti M, Pedone E, Contursi P
The identification of a novel Sulfolobus islandicus CAMP-like peptide points to archaeal microorganisms as cell factories for the production of antimicrobial molecules
Microb Cell Fact (ISSN: 1475-2859), 2015; 14(1): N/D-N/D.
Benetti F, Biarnés X, Attanasio F, Giachin G, Rizzarelli E, Legname G
Structural determinants in prion protein folding and stability
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 0022-2836linking), 2014 Nov 11; 426(22): 3796-3810.
Mercurio FA, Scognamiglio PL, Di Natale C, Marasco D, Pellecchia M, Leone M
Cd And Nmr Conformational Studies Of A Peptide Encompassing The Mid Loop Interface Of Ship2-Sam
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2014 Nov; 101(11): 1088-1098.
Sinopoli A, Magri A, Milardi D, Pappalardo M, Pucci P, Flagiello A, Titman JJ, Nicoletti VG, Caruso G, Pappalardo G, GrassoG
The role of copper(II) in the aggregation of human amylin
Metallomics (ISSN: 1756-5901, 1756-591x), 2014 Oct; 6(10): 1841-1852.
Scognamiglio PL, Di Natale C, Leone M, Poletto M, Vitagliano L, Tell G, Marasco D
G-quadruplex DNA recognition by nucleophosmin: new insights from protein dissection
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2728, 0006-3002print, 1570-9639print), 2014 Jun; 1840(6): 2050-2059.
Ruggiero A, Dattelbaum JD, Staiano M, Berisio R, D'Auria S, Vitagliano L
A loose domain swapping organization confers a remarkable stability to the dimeric structure of the arginine binding protein from Thermotoga maritima
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2014 May 15; 9(5): e96560-e96560.
Graziano G, Merlino A
Molecular bases of protein halotolerance
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0925-4439, 0006-3002, 1570-9639), 2014 Apr; 1844(4): 850-858.
Avitabile C, D'Andrea LD, Romanelli A
Circular Dichroism studies on the interactions of antimicrobial peptides with bacterial cells
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322, 2045-2322electronic, 2045-2322linking), 2014 Mar 12; 4: 4293-4293.
Limauro D, De Simone G, Pirone L, Bartolucci S, D'Ambrosio K, Pedone E
Sulfolobus solfataricus thiol redox puzzle: characterization of an atypical protein disulfide oxidoreductase
Extremophiles (ISSN: 1431-0651, 1433-4909, 1433-4909electronic), 2014 Mar; 18(2): 219-228.
Squeglia F, Bachert B, De Simone A, Lukomski S, Berisio R
The crystal structure of the streptococcal collagen-like protein 2 globular domain from invasive M3-type group a streptococcus shows significant similarity to immunomodulatory HIV protein gp41
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2014 Feb 21; 289(8): 5122-5133.
Palmieri M, Russo L, Malgieri G, Esposito S, Baglivo I, Rivellino A, Farina B, de Paola I, Zaccaro L, Milardi D, Isernia C, Pedone PV, Fattorusso R
Deciphering the zinc coordination properties of the prokaryotic zinc finger domain: The solution structure characterization of Ros87 H42A functional mutant
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2014 Feb; 131: 30-36.
D'Ambrosio K, Lopez M, Dathan NA, Ouahrani-bettache S, Köhler S, Ascione G, Monti SM, Winum JY, De Simone G
Structural basis for the rational design of new anti-Brucella agents: The crystal structure of the C366S mutant of l-histidinol dehydrogenase from Brucella suis
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 0300-9084linking), 2014 Feb; 97(1): 114-120.
Hayafune M, Berisio R, Marchetti R, Silipo A, Kayama M, Desaki Y, Arima S, Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Tokuyasu K, Molinaro A, Kaku H, Shibuya N
Chitin-induced activation of immune signaling by the rice receptor CEBiP relies on a unique sandwich-type dimerization
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2014 Jan 21; 111(3): E404-E404.
Chi M-C, Lo Y-H, Chen Y-Y, Lin L-L, Merlino A
γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase architecture: Effect of extra sequence deletion on autoprocessing, structure and stability of the protein from Bacillus licheniformis
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0925-4439, 0006-3002, 1570-9639), 2014; 1844(12): 2290-2297.
Lin L-L, Chen Y-Y, Chi M-C, Merlino A
Low resolution X-ray structure of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase from Bacillus licheniformis: Opened active site cleft and a cluster of acid residues potentially involved in the recognition of a metal ion
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0925-4439, 0006-3002, 1570-9639), 2014; 1844(9): 1523-1529.
Contursi P, Farina B, Pirone L, Fusco S, Russo L, Bartolucci S, Fattorusso R, Pedone E
Structural and functional studies of Stf76 from the Sulfolobus islandicus plasmid-virus pSSVx: a novel peculiar member of the winged helix-turn-helix transcription factor family
Nucleic Acids Res (ISSN: 0305-1048, 1362-4962), 2014; 42(9): 5993-6011.
Sica F, Pica A, Merlino A, Russo Krauss I, Ercole C, Picone D
The multiple forms of bovine seminal ribonuclease: Structure and stability of a C-terminal swapped dimer
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2013 Nov 29; 587(23): 3755-3762.
Cantisani M, Falanga A, Incoronato N, Russo L, De Simone A, Morelli G, Berisio R, Galdiero M, Galdiero S
Conformational modifications of gB from herpes simplex virus type 1 analyzed by synthetic peptides
J Med Chem (ISSN: 0022-2623, 1520-4804, 0022-2623print), 2013 Nov 14; 56(21): 8366-8376.
Autiero I, Langella E, Saviano M
Insights Into The Mechanism Of Interaction Between Trehalose-Conjugated Beta-Sheet Breaker Peptides And Aβ(1-42) Fibrils By Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Mol Biosyst (ISSN: 1742-206x, 1742-2206, 1742-2051linking), 2013 Nov; 9(11): 2835-2841.
Cantisani M, Leone M, Mignogna E, Kampanaraki K, Falanga A, Morelli G, Galdiero M, Galdiero S
Structure-Activity Relations of Myxinidin, an Antibacterial Peptide Derived from the Epidermal Mucus of Hagfish
Antimicrob Agents Ch (ISSN: 0066-4804, 1098-6596), 2013 Nov; 57(11): 5665-5673.
Petruk AA, Varriale S, Coscia MR, Mazzarella L, Merlino A, Oreste U
The Structure Of The Cd3 Zeta Zeta Transmembrane Dimer In Popc And Raft-Like Lipid Bilayer: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2736, 0006-3002e, 0005-2736print), 2013 Nov; 1828(11): 2637-2645.
Correale S, Esposito C, Pirone L, Vitagliano L, Di Gaetano S, Pedone E
A biophysical characterization of the folded domains of KCTD12: insights into interaction with the GABA(B2) receptor
Journal Of Molecular Recognition (ISSN: 0952-3499, 0952-2349), 2013 Oct; 26(10): 488-495.
Pica A, Merlino A, Buell AK, Knowles TJ, Pizzo E, D'Alessio G, Sica F, Mazzarella L
Three-dimensional domain swapping and supramolecular protein assembly: insights from the X-ray structure of a dimeric swapped variant of human pancreatic RNase
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr (ISSN: 0907-4449, 0907-4449linking), 2013 Oct; 69: 2116-2123.
Alcides Petruk A, Vergara A, Estrin D, Merlino A
Molecular basis of the NO trans influence in quaternary T-state human hemoglobin: A computational study
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2013 Sep 2; 587(15): 2393-2398.
Squeglia F, Bachert B, Romano M, Lukomski S, Berisio R
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the variable domain of Scl2. 3, a streptococcal collagen-like protein from invasive M3-type Streptococcus pyogenes
Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids (ISSN: 1744-3091, 1744-4309), 2013 Sep; 69(9): 1023-1025.
Russo L, Raiola L, Campitiello MA, Magrì A, Fattorusso R, Malgieri G, Pappalardo G, La Mendola D, Isernia C
Probing the residual structure in avian prion hexarepeats by CD, NMR and MD techniques
Molecules (ISSN: 1420-3049, 1420-3049electronic, 1420-3049linking), 2013 Sep; 18(9): 11467-11484.
Ronda L, Merlino A, Bettati S, Verde C, Balsamo A, Mazzarella L, Mozzarelli A, Vergara A
Role of tertiary structures on the Root effect in fish hemoglobins
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2013 Sep; 1834(9): 1885-1893.
Autiero I, Saviano M, Langella E
In silico investigation and targeting of amyloid beta oligomers of different size
Mol Biosyst (ISSN: 1742-206x, 1742-2051electronic, 1742-2051linking), 2013 Aug; 9(8): 2118-2124.
Balasco N, Esposito L, De Simone A, Vitagliano L
Role of loops connecting secondary structure elements in the stabilization of proteins isolated from thermophilic organisms
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2013 Jul; 22(7): 1016-1023.
De Simonea A, Stanzione F, Marasco D, Vitagliano L, Esposito L
The Intrinsic Stability Of The Human Prion Beta-Sheet Region Investigated By Molecular Dynamics
Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 2013 May 1; 31(5): 441-452.
Palmieri M, Malgieri G, Russo L, Baglivo I, Esposito S, Netti F, Del Gatto A, De Paola I, Zaccaro L, Pedone PV, Isernia C, Milardi D, Fattorusso R
Structural Zn(II) Implies a Switch from Fully Cooperative to Partly Downhill Folding in Highly Homologous Proteins
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2013 Apr 2; 135(13): 5220-5228.
Spagnuolo MS, Di Stasi R, De Rosa L, Maresca B, Cigliano L, D'Andrea LD
Analysis of the haptoglobin binding region on the apolipoprotein A-I-derived P2a peptide
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2013 Apr; 19(4): 220-226.
Avitabile C, Capparelli R, Rigano MM, Fulgione A, Barone A, Pedone C, Romanelli A
Antimicrobial peptides from plants: Stabilization of the γ core of a tomato defensin by intramolecular disulfide bond
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2013 Apr; 19(4): 240-245.
Diana D, Di Stasi R, De Rosa L, Isernia C, D'Andrea LD, Fattorusso R
Structural investigation of the VEGF receptor interaction with a helical antagonist peptide
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2013 Apr; 19(4): 214-219.
Attanasio F, Convertino M, Magno A, Caflisch A, Corazza A, Haridas H, Esposito G, Cataldo S, Pignataro B, Milardi D, Rizzarelli E
Carnosine Inhibits Abeta(42) Aggregation By Perturbing The H-Bond Network In And Around The Central Hydrophobic Cluster
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2013 Mar 18; 14(5): 583-592.
Costantini S, Sharma A, Raucci R, Costantini M, Autiero I, Colonna G
Genealogy of an ancient protein family: the Sirtuins, a family of disordered members
Bmc Evol Biol (ISSN: 1471-2148linking), 2013 Mar 5; 13: 60-60.
Carotenuto M, Pedone E, Diana D, de Antonellis P, Džeroski S, Marino N, Navas L, Di Dato V, Scoppettuolo MN, Cimmino F, Correale S, Pirone L, Monti SM, Bruder E, Zenko B, Slavkov I, Pastorino F, Ponzoni M, Schulte JH, Schramm A, Eggert A, Westermann F, Arrigoni G, Accordi B, Basso G, Saviano M, Fattorusso R, Zollo M
Neuroblastoma tumorigenesis is regulated through the Nm23-H1/h-Prune C-terminal interaction
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322, 2045-2322electronic, 2045-2322linking), 2013 Mar 1; 3: 1351-1351.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Tarallo R, Russo L, Galdiero E, Cantisani M, Morelli G, Galdiero M
Peptide inhibitors against herpes simplex virus infections
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2013 Mar; 19(3): 148-158.
Ruggiero A, Marchant J, Squeglia F, Makarov V, De Simone A, Berisio R
Molecular determinants of inactivation of the resuscitation promoting factor B from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
J Biomol Struct Dyn (ISSN: 0739-1102, 1538-0254electronic, 0739-1102linking), 2013 Feb 1; 31(2): 195-205.
Marasco D, Ruggiero A, Vascotto C, Poletto M, Scognamiglio PL, Tell G, Vitagliano L
Role of mutual interactions in the chemical and thermal stability of nucleophosmin NPM1 domains
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications (ISSN: 0006-291x), 2013 Jan 11; 430(2): 523-528.
Mercurio FA, Marasco D, Pirone L, Scognamiglio PL, Pedone E, Pellecchia M, Leone M
Heterotypic Sam-Sam Association Between Odin-Sam1 And Arap3-Sam: Binding Affinity And Structural Insights
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-9422, 1439-7633), 2013 Jan 2; 14(1): 100-106.
Pica A, Russo Krauss I, Castellano I, La Cara F, Graziano G, Sica F, Merlino A
Effect Of Nacl On The Conformational Stability Of The Thermophilic Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase From Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans: Implication For Globular Protein Halotolerance
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2013 Jan; 1834(1): 149-157.
Pannuzzo M, Milardi D, Raudino A, Karttunen M, La Rosa C
Analytical model and multiscale simulations of Aβ peptide aggregation in lipid membranes: Towards a unifying description of conformational transitions, oligomerization and membrane damage
Phys Chem Chem Phys (ISSN: 1463-9076, 1463-3907, 1463-9084electronic), 2013; 15(23): 8940-8951.
Carotenuto A, Cipolletta E, Gomez-Monterrey I, Sala M, Vernieri E, Limatola A, Bertamino A, Musella S, Sorriento D, Grieco P, Trimarco B, Novellino E, Iaccarino G, Campiglia P
Design, synthesis and efficacy of novel G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 inhibitors
Eur J Med Chem (ISSN: 0223-5234, 1768-3254, 1768-3254electronic), 2013; 69: 384-392.
Balasco N, Esposito L, De Simone A, Vitagliano L
FOR the RECORD: Role of loops connecting secondary structure elements in the stabilization of proteins isolated from thermophilic organisms
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2013; 22(7): 1016-1023.
Smaldone G, Falanga A, Capasso D, Guarnieri D, Correale S, Galdiero M, Netti PA, Zollo M, Galdiero S, Di Gaetano S, Pedone E
gH625 is a viral derived peptide for effective delivery of intrinsically disordered proteins
Int J Nanomed (ISSN: 1178-2013, 1176-9114, 1178-2013electronic), 2013; 8: 2555-2565.
Esposito L, Balasco N, De Simone A, Berisio R, Vitagliano L
Interplay between peptide bond geometrical parameters in nonglobular structural contexts
Biomed Res Int (ISSN: 2314-6133, 2314-6141, 2314-6141electronic), 2013; 2013: N/D-N/D.
Pannuzzo M, Raudino A, Milardi D, La Rosa C, Karttunen M
α-Helical structures drive early stages of self-assembly of amyloidogenic amyloid polypeptide aggregate formation in membranes
Sci Rep (ISSN: 2045-2322, 2045-2322electronic, 2045-2322linking), 2013; 3: N/D-N/D.
Pirone L, Esposito C, Correale S, Graziano G, Di Gaetano S, Vitagliano L, Pedone E
Thermal and chemical stability of two homologous POZ/BTB domains of KCTD proteins characterized by a different oligomeric organization
Biomed Res Int (ISSN: 2314-6133, 2314-6141, 2314-6141electronic), 2013; 2013: 162674-162674.
Faiella M, Maglio O, Nastri F, Lombardi A, Lista L, Hagen WR, Pavone V
De Novo Design, Synthesis and Characterisation of MP3, A New Catalytic Four-Helix Bundle Hemeprotein
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2012 Dec 7; 18(50): 15960-15971.
Ruggiero A, De Simone P, Smaldone G, Squeglia F, Berisio R
Bacterial cell division regulation by Ser/Thr kinases: A structural perspective
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2012 Dec; 13(8): 756-766.
Berisio R
Learning from pathogens: Exploiting host-pathogen liaison for therapeutic development
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2012 Dec; 13(8): 697-698.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Cantisani M, Tarallo R, della Pepa ME, D'Oriano V, Galdiero M
Microbe-Host Interactions: Structure and Role of Gram-Negative Bacterial Porins
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2012 Dec; 13(8): 843-854.
Berisio R
Editorial: cell processes in bacterial diseases
Protein Pept Lett (ISSN: 0929-8665, 1875-5305), 2012 Oct; 19(10): 1011-1012.
Kaprelyants AS, Mukamolova GV, Ruggiero A, Makarov VA, Demina GR, Shleeva MO, Potapov VD, Shramko PA
Resuscitation-promoting Factors (Rpf): In Search of Inhibitors
Protein Pept Lett (ISSN: 0929-8665, 1875-5305), 2012 Oct; 19(10): 1026-1034.
Berisio R, Ciccarelli L, Squeglia F, De Simone A, Vitagliano L
Structural and Dynamic properties of incomplete immunoglobulin-like fold domains
Protein Pept Lett (ISSN: 0929-8665, 1875-5305), 2012 Oct; 19(10): 1045-1053.
Tagliamonte M, Marasco D, Ruggiero A, de Stradis A, Tornesello ML, Totrov M, Buonaguro FM, Buonaguro L
HIV p24 as Scaffold for Presenting Conformational HIV Env Antigens
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2012 Sep 17; 7(8): N/D-N/D.
Magrì A, D'Alessandro F, Di Stefano DA, Campagna T, Pappalardo G, Impellizzeri G, La Mendola D
Copper(ii) Coordination Properties Of The Integrin Ligand Sequence Phsrn And Its New Beta-Cyclodextrin Conjugates
Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2012 Sep; 113: 15-24.
Stanzione F, De Simone A, Esposito L, Vitagliano L
Dynamical Properties of Steric Zipper Polymorphs Formed by a IAPP-Derived Peptide
Protein Pept Lett (ISSN: 0929-8665, 1875-5305), 2012 Sep; 19(8): 846-851.
Russo Krauss I, Merlino A, Randazzo A, Novellino E, Mazzarella L, Sica F
High-resolution structures of two complexes between thrombin and thrombin-binding aptamer shed light on the role of cations in the aptamer inhibitory activity
Nucleic Acids Res (ISSN: 0305-1048, 1362-4962, 1362-4962electronic), 2012 Sep; 40(16): 8119-8128.
Ziaco B, Diana D, Capasso D, Palumbo R, Celentano V, Di Stasi R, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
C-terminal truncation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor mimetic helical peptide preserves structural and receptor binding properties
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 0006-291x), 2012 Jul 27; 424(2): 290-294.
Santoro AM, Lo Giudice MC, D'Urso A, Lauceri R, Purrello R, Milardi D
Cationic porphyrins are reversible proteasome inhibitors
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2012 Jun 27; 134(25): 10451-10457.
De Simone G, Supuran CT
(In)organic anions as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2012 Jun; 111: 117-129.
Avitabile C, Moggio L, Malgieri G, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, Saviano M, Pedone C, Romanelli A
Gamma Sulphate Pna (pna S): Highly Selective Dna Binding Molecule Showing Promising Antigene Activity
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2012 May 7; 7(5): e35774-e35774.
Merlino A, Picone D, Ercole C, Balsamo A, Sica F
Chain termini cross-talk in the swapping process of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 1638-6183electronic), 2012 May; 94(5): 1108-1118.
Alterio V, Langella E, Viparelli F, Vullo D, Ascione G, Dathan NA, Morel FM, Supuran CT, De Simone G, Monti SM
Structural and inhibition insights into carbonic anhydrase CDCA1 from the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 1638-6183electronic), 2012 May; 94(5): 1232-1241.
Ascione G, de Pascale D, De Santi C, Pedone C, Dathan NA, Monti SM
Native expression and purification of hormone-sensitive lipase from Psychrobacter sp. TA144 enhances protein stability and activity
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 1090-2104, 0006-291x, 1090-2104electronic), 2012 Apr 13; 420(3): 542-546.
Galdiero S, Russo L, Falanga A, Cantisani M, Vitiello M, Fattorusso R, Malgieri G, Galdiero M, Isernia C
Structure and Orientation of the gH625-644 Membrane Interacting Region of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 in a Membrane Mimetic System
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2012 Apr 10; 51(14): 3121-3128.
Doti N, Scognamiglio PL, Madonna S, Scarponi C, Ruvo M, Perretta G, Albanesi C, Marasco D
New mimetic peptides of the kinase-inhibitory region (KIR) of SOCS1 through focused peptide libraries
Biochemical Journal, 2012 Apr 1; 443: 231-240.
Pica A, Russo Krauss I, Castellano I, Rossi M, La Cara F, Graziano G, Sica F, Merlino A
Exploring The Unfolding Mechanism Of Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidases: The Case Of The Thermophilic Enzyme From Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2012 Apr; 1824(4): 571-577.
Balsamo A, Sannino F, Merlino A, Parrilli E, Tutino ML, Mazzarella L, Vergara A
Role of the tertiary and quaternary structure in the formation of bis-histidyl adducts in cold-adapted hemoglobins
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 1638-6183electronic), 2012 Apr; 94(4): 953-960.
Esposito C, Cantisani M, D'Auria G, Falcigno L, Pedone E, Galdiero S, Berisio R
Mapping key interactions in the dimerization process of HBHA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, insights into bacterial agglutination
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2012 Mar 23; 586(6): 659-667.
Mercurio FA, Marasco D, Pirone L, Pedone E, Pellecchia M, Leone M
Solution Structure of the First Sam Domain of Odin and Binding Studies with the EphA2 Receptor
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2012 Mar 13; 51(10): 2136-2145.
Paola LD, Paci P, Santoni D, Ruvo MD, Giuliani A
Proteins as sponges: A statistical journey along protein structure organization principles
J Chem Inf Model (ISSN: 1549-9596), 2012 Feb 27; 52(2): 474-482.
Falanga A, Tarallo R, Vitiello G, Vitiello M, Perillo E, Cantisani M, D'Errico G, Galdiero M, Galdiero S
Biophysical Characterization and Membrane Interaction of the Two Fusion Loops of Glycoprotein B from Herpes Simplex Type I Virus
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2012 Feb 23; 7(2): N/D-N/D.
Esposito L, Ruggiero A, Masullo M, Ruocco MR, Lamberti A, Arcari P, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
Crystallographic and spectroscopic characterizations of Sulfolobus solfataricus TrxA1 provide insights into the determinants of thioredoxin fold stability
J Struct Biol (ISSN: 1047-8477, 1047-8477linking), 2012 Feb; 177(2): 506-512.
De Simone G
Editorial: Zinc Metallo-Enzymes As Target For Drug Design
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2012 Feb; 19(6): 820-1012.
Langlois C, Del Gatto A, Arseneault G, Lafrance-vanasse J, De Simone M, Morse T, De Paola I, Lussier-price M, Legault P, Pedone C, Zaccaro L, Omichinski JG
Structure-based design of a potent artificial transactivation domain based on p53
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 1520-5126, 0002-2786, 0002-7863), 2012 Jan 25; 134(3): 1715-1723.
Celentano V, Diana D, De Rosa L, Romanelli A, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
beta-Hairpin stabilization through an interstrand triazole bridge
Chem Commun (ISSN: 1359-7345, 1364-548x, 1364-548xelectronic), 2012 Jan 18; 48(5): 762-764.
Castellano I, Merlino A
γ-glutamyltranspeptidases: Sequence, structure, biochemical properties, and biotechnological applications
Cell Mol Life Sci (ISSN: 1420-682x), 2012; 69(20): 3381-3394.
Squeglia F, Marchetti R, Ruggiero A, Lanzetta R, Marasco D, Dworkin J, Petoukhov M, Molinaro A, Berisio R, Silipo A
Chemical basis of peptidoglycan discrimination by PrkC, a key kinase involved in bacterial resuscitation from dormancy
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2011 Dec 28; 133(51): 20676-20679.
Diana D, Basile A, De Rosa L, Di Stasi R, Auriemma S, Arra C, Pedone C, Turco MC, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
Beta-Hairpin Peptide That Targets Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (vegf) Receptors: Design, Nmr Characterization, And Biological Activity
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 1083-351x, 0021-9258, 0021-9258linking), 2011 Dec 2; 286(48): 41680-41691.
Viparelli F, Doti N, Sandomenico A, Marasco D, Dathan NA, Miele C, Beguinot F, Monti SM, Ruvo M
GSM48878: CD8 IL2-D2
Gene Expression Omnibus, 2011 Dec 2; 59(2): 302-308.
Esposito G, De Falco F, Tinto N, Testa F, Vitagliano L, Tandurella IC, Iannone L, Rossi S, Rinaldi E, Simonelli F, Zagari A, Salvatore F
Comprehensive mutation analysis (20 families) of the choroideremia gene reveals a missense variant that prevents the binding of REP1 with Rab geranylgeranyl transferase
Hum Mutat (ISSN: 1059-7794, 1098-1004, 1098-1004electronic), 2011 Dec; 32(12): 1460-1469.
Vitiello G, Falanga A, Galdiero M, Marsh D, Galdiero S, D'Errico G
Lipid composition modulates the interaction of peptides deriving from herpes simplex virus type I glycoproteins B and H with biomembranes
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2736, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2011 Oct; 1808(10): 2517-2526.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis and characterization of a novel ester-based nucleoamino acid for the assembly of aromatic nucleopeptides for biomedical applications
Int J Pharm (ISSN: 0378-5173, 1873-3476), 2011 Sep 30; 415(1-2): 206-210.
Improta R, Vitagliano L, Esposito L
Peptide bond distortions from planarity: New insights from quantum mechanical calculations and peptide/protein crystal structures
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2011 Sep 16; 6(9): e24533-e24533.
Esposito C, Marasco D, Delogu G, Pedone E, Berisio R
Heparin-binding hemagglutinin HBHA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis affects actin polymerisation
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 0006-291x), 2011 Jul 1; 410(2): 339-344.
Ruvo M, Sandomenico A, Tudisco L, De Falco S
Branched peptides for the modulation of protein-protein interactions: More arms are better than one?
Curr Med Chem (ISSN: 0929-8673, 1875-533x, 1875-533xelectronic), 2011 Jun; 18(16): 2429-2437.
Vitagliano L, Berisio R, De Simone A
Role of hydration in collagen recognition by bacterial adhesins
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2011 May 4; 100(9): 2253-2261.
Pirone L, Correale S, De Paola I, Zaccaro L, De Simone G, Vitagliano L, Pedone E, Di Gaetano S
Design, synthesis and characterization of a peptide able to bind proteins of the KCTD family: implications for KCTD - cullin 3 recognition
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2011 May; 17(5): 373-376.
Scognamiglio PL, Doti N, Grieco P, Pedone C, Ruvo M, Marasco D
Discovery Of Small Peptide Antagonists Of Ped/Pea15-D4alpha Interaction From Simplified Combinatorial Libraries
Chem Biol Drug Des (ISSN: 1747-0277, 1747-0285), 2011 May; 77(5): 319-327.
Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Roviello GN, Sapio R, Valente M, Moccia M, Bianchi ME, Pedone C
DNA-based strategies for blocking HMGB1 cytokine activity: Design, synthesis and preliminary in vitro/in vivo assays of DNA and DNA-like duplexes
Mol Biosyst (ISSN: 1742-206x, 1742-2051, 1742-2051electronic), 2011 May; 7(5): 1742-1752.
Merlino A, Howes BD, Prisco G, Verde C, Smulevich G, Mazzarella L, Vergara A
Occurrence and formation of endogenous histidine hexa-coordination in cold-adapted hemoglobins
Iubmb Life (ISSN: 1521-6543, 1521-6551), 2011 May; 63(5): 295-303.
Contursi P, D'Ambrosio K, Pirone L, Pedone E, Aucelli T, She Q, De Simone G, Bartolucci S
C68 from the Sulfolobus islandicus plasmid-virus pSSVx is a novel member of the AbrB-like transcription factor family
Biochem J (ISSN: 0264-6021, 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking), 2011 Apr 1; 435(1): 157-166.
Troise F, Monti M, Merlino A, Cozzolino F, Fedele C, Russo Krauss I, Sica F, Pucci P, D'Alessio G, De Lorenzo C
A novel ErbB2 epitope targeted by human antitumor immunoagents
Febs Journal (ISSN: 1742-464x), 2011 Apr; 278(7): 1156-1166.
Lusso P, Vangelista L, Cimbro R, Secchi M, Sironi F, Longhi R, Faiella M, Maglio O, Pavone V
Molecular engineering of RANTES peptide mimetics with potent anti-HIV-1 activity
Faseb J (ISSN: 0892-6638, 0892-6638linking), 2011 Apr; 25(4): 1230-1243.
Correale S, Pirone L, Di Marcotullio L, De Smaele E, Greco A, Mazzà D, Moretti M, Alterio V, Vitagliano L, Di Gaetano S, Gulino A, Pedone E
Molecular organization of the cullin E3 ligase adaptor KCTD11
Biochimie (ISSN: 0300-9084, 1638-6183, 1638-6183electronic), 2011 Apr; 93(4): 715-724.
Basile A, Del Gatto A, Diana D, Di Stasi R, Falco A, Festa M, Rosati A, Barbieri A, Franco R, Arra C, Pedone C, Fattorusso R, Turco MC, D'Andrea LD
Characterization of a designed vascular endothelial growth factor receptor antagonist helical peptide with antiangiogenic activity in vivo
J Med Chem (ISSN: 1520-4804, 0022-2623, 0022-2623print), 2011 Mar 10; 54(5): 1391-1400.
Boechi L, Marti MA, Vergara A, Sica F, Mazzarella L, Estrin DA, Merlino A
Protonation of Histidine 55 Affects the Oxygen Access to Heme in the Alpha Chain of the Hemoglobin from the Antarctic Fish Trematomus bernacchii
Iubmb Life (ISSN: 1521-6543, 1521-6551), 2011 Mar; 63(3): 175-182.
Pizzo E, Merlino A, Turano M, Russo Krauss I, Coscia F, Zanfardino A, Varcamonti M, Furia A, Giancola C, Mazzarella L, Sica F, D'Alessio G
A new RNase sheds light on the RNase/angiogenin subfamily from zebrafish
Biochem J (ISSN: 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking, 0264-6021print), 2011 Jan 15; 433(2): 345-355.
Verardi R, Traaseth NJ, Shi L, Porcelli F, Monfregola L, De Luca S, Amodeo P, Veglia G, Scaloni A
Probing membrane topology of the antimicrobial peptide distinctin by solid-state NMR spectroscopy in zwitterionic and charged lipid bilayers
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0005-2736, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2011 Jan; 1808(1): 34-40.
Castellano I, Di Salle A, Merlino A, Rossi M, La Cara F
Gene cloning and protein expression of γ-glutamyltranspeptidases from Thermus thermophilus and Deinococcus radiodurans: Comparison of molecular and structural properties with mesophilic counterparts
Extremophiles (ISSN: 1431-0651, 1433-4909, 1433-4909electronic), 2011; 15(2): 259-270.
Russo Krauss I, Merlino A, Giancola C, Randazzo A, Mazzarella L, Sica F
Thrombin-aptamer recognition: a revealed ambiguity
Nucleic Acids Res (ISSN: 0305-1048, 1362-4962, 1362-4962electronic), 2011; 39(17): 7858-7867.
Varriale S, Merlino A, Coscia MR, Mazzarella L, Oreste U
An evolutionary conserved motif is responsible for Immunoglobulin heavy chain packing in the B cell membrane
Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution (ISSN: 1055-7903), 2010 Dec; 57(3): 1238-1244.
Fantini D, Vascotto C, Marasco D, D'Ambrosio C, Romanello M, Vitagliano L, Pedone C, Poletto M, Cesaratto L, Quadrifoglio F, Scaloni A, Radicella JP, Tell G
Critical lysine residues within the overlooked N-terminal domain of human APE1 regulate its biological functions
Nucleic Acids Res (ISSN: 1362-4962, 0305-1048, 1362-4962electronic), 2010 Dec; 38(22): 8239-8256.
Esposito G, Imperato MR, Ieno L, Sorvillo R, Benigno V, Parenti G, Parini R, Vitagliano L, Zagari A, Salvatore F
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance: Functional Study of Two Novel ALDOB Natural Variants and Characterization of a Partial Gene Deletion
Hum Mutat (ISSN: 1059-7794, 1098-1004, 1098-1004electronic), 2010 Dec; 31(12): 1294-1303.
Merlino A, Russo Krauss I, Castellano I, De Vendittis E, Rossi B, Conte M, Vergara A, Sica F
Structure and flexibility in cold-adapted iron superoxide dismutases: The case of the enzyme isolated from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis
J Struct Biol (ISSN: 1047-8477, 1047-8477linking), 2010 Dec; 172(3): 343-352.
D'Auria G, Esposito C, Falcigno L, Calvanese L, Iaccarino E, Ruggiero A, Pedone C, Pedone E, Berisio R
Dynamical properties of cold shock protein A from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 0006-291x, 1090-2104, 1090-2104electronic), 2010 Nov 26; 402(4): 693-698.
Pedone E, Limauro D, D'Ambrosio K, De Simone G, Bartolucci S
Multiple catalytically active thioredoxin folds: a winning strategy for many functions
Cell Mol Life Sci Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences (ISSN: 1420-682x), 2010 Nov; 67(22): 3797-3814.
Calvanese L, Marasco D, Doti N, Saporito A, D'Auria G, Paolillo L, Ruvo M, Falcigno L
Structural Investigations on the Nodal-Cripto Binding: A Theoretical and Experimental Approach
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2010 Nov; 93(11): 1011-1021.
Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Sica F, Marino K, Verde C, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L
An Order-Disorder Transition Plays a Role in Switching Off the Root Effect in Fish Hemoglobins
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2010 Oct 15; 285(42): 32568-32575.
Limauro D, D'Ambrosio K, Langella E, De Simone G, Galdi I, Pedone C, Pedone E, Bartolucci S
Exploring the catalytic mechanism of the first dimeric Bcp: Functional, structural and docking analyses of Bcp4 from Sulfolobus solfataricus
Biochimie (ISSN: 1638-6183, 0300-9084, 1638-6183electronic), 2010 Oct; 92(10): 1435-1444.
Viparelli F, Monti SM, De Simone G, Innocenti A, Scozzafava A, Xu Y, Morel FMM, Supuran CT
Inhibition Of The R1 Fragment Of The Cadmium-Containing Zeta-Class Carbonic Anhydrase From The Diatom Thalassiosira Weissflogii With Anions
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (ISSN: 0960-894x), 2010 Sep 15; 20(16): 4745-4748.
Ruggiero A, Marasco D, Squeglia F, Soldini S, Pedone E, Pedone C, Berisio R
Structure and functional regulation of RipA, a mycobacterial enzyme essential for daughter cell separation
Structure (ISSN: 0969-2126, 1878-4186, 0969-2126linking), 2010 Sep 8; 18(9): 1184-1190.
Di Fiore A, Truppo E, Supuran CT, Alterio V, Dathan N, Bootorabi F, Parkkila S, Monti SM, De Simone G
Crystal structure of the C183S/C217S mutant of human CA VII in complex with acetazolamide
Bioorg Med Chem Lett (ISSN: 0960-894x), 2010 Sep 1; 20(17): 5023-5026.
Alterio V, Aurilia V, Romanelli A, Parracino A, Saviano M, D'Auria S, De Simone G
Crystal structure of an S-formylglutathione hydrolase from pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2010 Sep; 93(8): 669-677.
La Mendola D, Magrì A, Campagna T, Campitiello MA, Raiola L, Isernia C, Hansson O, Bonomo RP, Rizzarelli E
A doppel alpha-helix peptide fragment mimics the copper(II) interactions with the whole protein
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2010 Jun 1; 16(21): 6212-6223.
Scudiero O, Galdiero S, Cantisani M, Di Noto R, Vitiello M, Galdiero M, Naclerio G, Cassiman JJ, Pedone C, Castaldo G, Salvatore F
Novel synthetic, salt-resistant analogs of human beta-defensins 1 and 3 endowed with enhanced antimicrobial activity
Antimicrob Agents Ch (ISSN: 1098-6596, 0066-4804), 2010 Jun; 54(6): 2312-2322.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Vitiello M, Raiola L, Russo L, Pedone C, Isernia C, Galdiero M
The presence of a single N-terminal histidine residue enhances the fusogenic properties of a Membranotropic peptide derived from herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 1083-351x, 0021-9258, 0021-9258linking), 2010 May 28; 285(22): 17123-17136.
Diana D, Ziaco B, Scarabelli G, Pedone C, Colombo G, D'Andrea LD, Fattorusso R
Structural analysis of a helical peptide unfolding pathway
Chemistry (ISSN: 1521-3765, 0947-6539, 1521-3765electronic), 2010 May 10; 16(18): 5400-5407.
Esposito C, Carullo C, Pedone E, Graziano G, Del Vecchio P, Berisio R
Dimerisation and structural integrity of Heparin Binding Hemagglutinin A from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Implications for bacterial agglutination
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 0014-5793linking), 2010 Mar 19; 584(6): 1091-1096.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Vitiello G, Vitiello M, Pedone C, D'Errico G, Galdiero M
Role of membranotropic sequences from herpes simplex virus type I glycoproteins B and H in the fusion process
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0006-3002, 0005-2736, 0925-4439), 2010 Mar; 1798(3): 579-591.
Pedone E, Limauro D, Bartolucci S
The Machinery for Oxidative Protein Folding in Thermophiles (vol 10, pg 157, 2008)
Antioxid Redox Signal (ISSN: 1523-0864, 1557-7716, 1523-0864linking), 2010 Jan; 12(1): 157-169.
Supuran CT, Di Fiore A, Alterio V, Monti SM, De Simone G
Recent advances in structural studies of the carbonic anhydrase family: The crystal structure of human CA IX and CA XIII
Curr Pharm Des Current Pharmaceutical Design (ISSN: 1381-6128, 1873-4286), 2010; 16(29): 3246-3254.
Milardi D, Pappalardo M, Grasso DM, La Rosa C
Unveiling the unfolding pathway of FALS associated G37R SOD1 mutant: A computational study
Mol Biosyst (ISSN: 1742-206x), 2010; 6(6): 1032-1039.
Faiella M, Andreozzi C, de Rosales RT, Pavone V, Maglio O, Nastri F, DeGrado WF, Lombardi A
An artificial di-iron oxo-protein with phenol oxidase activity
Nat Chem Biol (ISSN: 1552-4450), 2009 Dec; 5(12): 882-884.
Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Howes BD, Verde C, Di Prisco G, Smulevich G, Sica F, Vergara A
Combined Crystallographic and Spectroscopic Analysis of Trematomus bernacchii Hemoglobin Highlights Analogies and Differences in the Peculiar Oxidation Pathway of Antarctic Fish Hemoglobins
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1117-1125.
Ruggiero A, Di Maro A, Severino V, Chambery A, Berisio R
Crystal structure of PD-L1, a ribosome inactivating protein from Phytolacca dioica L. leaves with the property to induce DNA cleavage
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1135-1142.
Vitagliano L, Stanzione F, De Simone A, Esposito L
Dynamics and Stability of Amyloid-Like Steric Zipper Assemblies with Hydrophobic Dry Interfaces
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1161-1171.
Ruggiero A, Masullo M, Marasco D, Ruocco MR, Grimaldi P, Arcari P, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
The dimeric structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus thioredoxin A2 and the basis of its thermostability
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2009 Dec; 77(4): 1004-1008.
Merlino A, Russo Krauss I, Perillo M, Mattia CA, Ercole C, Picone D, Vergara A, Sica F
Toward an Antitumor Form of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease: The Crystal Structure of Three Noncovalent Dimeric Mutants
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1029-1037.
Sandomenico A, Monti SM, Marasco D, Dathan N, Palumbo R, Saviano M, Ruvo M
Ige-Binding Properties And Selectivity Of Peptide Mimics Of The Fcvarepsilonri Binding Site
Mol Immunol (ISSN: 0161-5890), 2009 Oct; 46(16): 3300-3309.
Alterio V, Hilvo M, Di Fiore A, Supuran CT, Pan P, Parkkila S, Scaloni A, Pastorek J, Pastorekova S, Pedone C, Scozzafava A, Monti SM, De Simone G
Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the tumor-associated human carbonic anhydrase IX
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2009 Sep 22; 106(38): 16233-16238.
Arnesano F, Scintilla S, Calò V, Bonfrate E, Ingrosso C, Losacco M, Pellegrino T, Rizzarelli E, Natile G
Copper-triggered aggregation of ubiquitin
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2009 Sep 16; 4(9): e7052-e7052.
Marasco D, Stilo R, Sandomenico A, Monti SM, Tizzano B, De Capua A, Varricchio E, Liguoro D, Zotti T, Formisano S, Ruvo M, Vito P
Generation And Functional Characterization Of A Bcl10-Inhibitory Peptide That Represses Nf-Kappa B Activation
Biochem J (ISSN: 0264-6021, 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking), 2009 Sep 15; 422(3): 553-561.
Palladino P, Ronga L, Benedetti E, Rossi F, Ragone R
Peptide Fragment Approach to Prion Misfolding: The Alpha-2 Domain
Int J Pept Res Ther (ISSN: 1573-3149, 0929-5666), 2009 Sep; 15(3): 165-176.
Carriero MV, Longanesi-cattani I, Bifulco K, Maglio O, Lista L, Barbieri A, Votta G, Masucci MT, Arra C, Franco R, De Rosa M, Stoppelli MP, Pavone V
Structure-based design of an urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor-derived peptide inhibiting cell migration and lung metastasis
Mol Cancer Ther (ISSN: 1535-7163, 1538-8514electronic, 1535-7163linking), 2009 Sep; 8(9): 2708-2717.
D'Andrea LD, Del Gatto A, De Rosa L, Romanelli A, Pedone C
Peptides targeting angiogenesis related growth factor receptors
Curr Pharm Des Current Pharmaceutical Design (ISSN: 1873-4286, 1381-6128), 2009 Jul; 15(21): 2414-2429.
Ruggiero A, Lanzotti MA, Ruocco MR, Grimaldi P, Marasco D, Arcari P, Masullo M, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of two dimeric hyperthermostable thioredoxins isolated from Sulfolobus solfataricus
Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids (ISSN: 1744-3091, 1744-4309), 2009 Jun; 65: 604-607.
Di Fiore A, Fiorentino G, Vitale RM, Ronca R, Amodeo P, Pedone C, Bartolucci S, De Simone G
Structural analysis of BldR from Sulfolobus solfataricus provides insights into the molecular basis of transcriptional activation in Archaea by MarR family proteins
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 1089-8638, 0022-2836, 1089-8638electronic), 2009 May 8; 388(3): 559-569.
Di Natale G, Osz K, Nagy Z, Sanna D, Micera G, Pappalardo G, Sovago I, Rizzarelli E
The Interaction Of Copper (ii) With The Prion Peptide Fragment Huprp (76-114) Encompassing Four Histidyl Residues Within And Outside The Octarepeat Domain
Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0020-1669, 1520-510x, 1520-510xelectronic), 2009 May 4; 48(9): 4239-4250.
Sandomenico A, Monti SM, Sabatella M, De Capua A, Tornatore L, Doti N, Viparelli F, Dathan NA, Pedone C, Ruvo M, Marasco D
Protein-protein interactions: a simple strategy to identify binding sites and peptide antagonists
Chem Biol Drug Des (ISSN: 1747-0285, 1747-0277), 2009 May; 73(5): 483-493.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Moccia M, Castiglione M, Cesarani A, Bucci EM, Saviano M, Pedone C, Benedetti E
Evidences Of Complex Formation Between Daba-Based Nucleo-Gamma-Peptides With Alternate Configuration Backbone
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 147-154.
Vitagliano L, Ruggiero A, Pedone C, Berisio R
Molecular dynamics studies of the P pilus rod subunit PapA
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 192-199.
Berisio R, De Simone A, Ruggiero A, Improta R, Vitagliano L
Role of side chains in collagen triple helix stabilization and partner recognition
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 131-140.
D'Auria G, Vacatello M, Falcigno L, Paduano L, Mangiapia G, Calvanese L, Gambaretto R, Dettin M, Paolillo L
Self-assembling properties of ionic-complementary peptides
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 210-219.
Calvanese L, Saporito A, Oliva R, D'Auria G, Pedone C, Paolillo L, Ruvo M, Marasco D, Falcigno L
Structural insights into the interaction between the Cripto CFC domain and the ALK4 receptor
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 175-183.
Ruggiero A, Masullo M, Ruocco MR, Grimaldi P, Lanzotti MA, Arcari P, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
Structure and stability of a thioredoxin reductase from Sulfolobus solfataricus: A thermostable protein with two functions
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2009 Mar; 1794(3): 554-562.
Kaczmarek K, Farina B, Zubrzak P, Jankowski S, Zimecki M, Suder P, Benedetti E, Fattorusso R, Saviano M, Zabrocki J
Synthesis, conformational analysis and immunological activity of β3Phe-substituted Cyclolinopeptide A analogues
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 166-174.
Merlino A, Vergara A, Sica F, Mazzarella L
The bis-histidyl complex in hemoproteins: A detailed conformational analysis of database protein structures and the case of Antarctic fish hemoglobins
Marine Genomics (ISSN: 1874-7787), 2009 Mar; 2(1): 51-56.
Ciaccio C, Tundo GR, Grasso G, Spoto G, Marasco D, Ruvo M, Gioia M, Rizzarelli E, Coletta M
Somatostatin: a novel substrate and a modulator of insulin-degrading enzyme activity
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 1089-8638, 0022-2836, 1089-8638electronic), 2009 Feb 6; 385(5): 1556-1567.
Francalanci F, Avolio M, De Luca E, Longo DL, Menchise V, Guazzi P, Sgro F, Marino M, Goitre L, Balzac F, Trabalzini L, Retta SF
Structural and functional differences between KRIT1A and KRIT1B isoforms: A framework for understanding CCM pathogenesis
Exp Cell Res (ISSN: 0014-4827), 2009 Jan 15; 315(2): 285-303.
Ruggiero A, Tizzano B, Pedone E, Pedone C, Wilmanns M, Berisio R
Crystal Structure of the Resuscitation-Promoting Factor (Delta DUF)RpfB from M. tuberculosis
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2009 Jan 9; 385(1): 153-162.
Palmieri G, Catara G, Saviano M, Langella E, Gogliettino M, Rossi M
First archaeal PEPB-serine protease inhibitor from sulfolobus solfataricus with noncanonical amino acid sequence in the reactive-site loop
J Proteome Res (ISSN: 1535-3893), 2009 Jan; 8(1): 327-334.
Merlino A, Avella G, Di Gaetano S, Arciello A, Piccoli R, Mazzarella L, Sica F
Structural features for the mechanism of antitumor action of a dimeric human pancreatic ribonuclease variant
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic, 0961-8368linking), 2009 Jan; 18(1): 50-57.
Sorriento D, Campanile A, Santulli G, Leggiero E, Pastore L, Trimarco B, Iaccarino G
A new synthetic protein, TAT-RH, inhibits tumor growth through the regulation of NFκB activity
Mol Cancermolecular Cancer (ISSN: 1476-4598), 2009; 8: N/D-N/D.
Ronga L, Palladino P, Ragone R, Benedetti E, Rossi F
A thermodynamic approach to the conformational preferences of the 180-195 segment derived from the human prion protein α2-helix
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009; 15(1): 30-35.
Vitagliano L, Esposito L, Pedone C, De Simone A
Stability of single sheet GNNQQNY aggregates analyzed by replica exchange molecular dynamics: antiparallel versus parallel association
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 1090-2104, 0006-291x, 1090-2104electronic), 2008 Dec 26; 377(4): 1036-1041.
La Mendola D, Pietropaolo A, Pappalardo G, Zannoni C, Rizzarelli E
Prion proteins leading to neurodegeneration
Current Alzheimer Research (ISSN: 1567-2050), 2008 Dec; 5(6): 579-590.
Verde C, Vergara A, Mazzarella L, Di Prisco G
The Hemoglobins of Fishes Living at Polar Latitudes - Current Knowledge on Structural Adaptations in a Changing Environment
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2008 Dec; 9(6): 578-590.
Di Natale G, Damante CA, Nagy Z, Osz K, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sóvágó I
Copper(II) binding to two novel histidine-containing model hexapeptides: evidence for a metal ion driven turn conformation
J Chem Res (ISSN: 1873-3344, 0162-0134, 0162-0134print), 2008 Nov; 102(11): 2012-2019.
Esposito L, Seydel A, Aiello R, Sorrentino G, Cendron L, Zanotti G, Zagari
The crystal structure of the superoxide dismutase from Helicobacter pylori reveals a structured C-terminal extension
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2008 Nov; 1784(11): 1601-1606.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Vitiello M, Raiola L, Fattorusso R, Browne H, Pedone C, Isernia C, Galdiero M
Analysis of a membrane interacting region of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2008 Oct 31; 283(44): 29993-30009.
Hilvo M, Baranauskiene L, Salzano AM, Scaloni A, Matulis D, Innocenti A, Scozzafava A, Monti SM, Di Fiore A, De Simone G, Lindfors M, Janis J, Valjakka J, Pastorekova S, Pastorek J, Kulomaa MS, Nordlund HR, Supuran CT, Parkkila S
Biochemical characterization of CA IX, one of the most active carbonic anhydrase isozymes
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2008 Oct 10; 283(41): 27799-27809.
Marasco D, Perretta G, Sabatella M, Ruvo M
Past and Future Perspectives of Synthetic Peptide Libraries
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2008 Oct; 9(5): 447-467.
Merlino A, Varriale S, Coscia MR, Mazzarella L, Oreste U
Structure and dimerization of the teleost transmembrane immunoglobulin region
Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling (ISSN: 1093-3263), 2008 Oct; 27(3): 401-407.
Vitagliano L, Vergara A, Bonomi G, Merlino A, Verde C, Di Prisco G, Howes BD, Smulevich G, Mazzarella L
Spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of a tetrameric hemoglobin oxidation reveals structural features of the functional intermediate relaxed/tense state
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2008 Sep 13; 130(32): 10527-10535.
Merlino A, Sica F, Mazzarella L, Zagari A, Vergara A
Correlation between Raman and X-ray crystallography data of (Pro-Pro-Gly)(10)
Biophys Chem (ISSN: 0301-4622, 0301-4622linking), 2008 Sep; 137(1): 24-27.
De Simone A, Vitagliano L, Berisio R
Role of hydration in collagen triple helix stabilization
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 0006-291x), 2008 Jul 18; 372(1): 121-125.
Viparelli F, Doti N, Sandomenico A, Marasco D, Dathan NA, Miele C, Beguinot F, Monti SM, Ruvo M
Expression and purification of the D4 region of PLD1 and characterization of its interaction with PED-PEA15
Protein Expr Purif (ISSN: 1046-5928), 2008 Jun; 59(2): 302-308.
Daniele A, Cardillo G, Pennino C, Carbone MT, Scognamiglio D, Esposito L, Correra A, Castaldo G, Zagari A, Salvatore F
Five human phenylalanine hydroxylase proteins identified in mild hyperphenylalaninemia patients are disease-causing variants
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 0925-4439, 0006-3002, 1570-9639), 2008 Jun; 1782(6): 378-384.
Mandrich L, Menchise V, Alterio V, De Simone G, Pedone C, Rossi M, Manco G
Functional and structural features of the oxyanion hole in a thermophilic esterase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2008 Jun; 71(4): 1721-1731.
Improta R, Berisio R, Vitagliano L
Contribution of dipole-dipole interactions to the stability of the collagen triple helix
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2008 May; 17(5): 955-961.
Limauro D, Pedone E, Galdi I, Bartolucci S
Peroxiredoxins as cellular guardians in Sulfolobus solfataricus - characterization of Bcp1, Bcp3 and Bcp4
Febs Journal (ISSN: 1742-464x), 2008 May; 275(9): 2067-2077.
Pietropaolo A, Muccioli L, Zannoni C, La Mendola D, Maccarrone G, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E
Unveiling the role of histidine and tyrosine residues on the conformation of the avian prion hexarepeat domain
J Phys Chem B (ISSN: 1520-6106, 1520-5207, 1520-5207electronic), 2008 Apr 24; 112(16): 5182-5188.
Ruggiero A, Chambery A, Di Maro A, Parente A, Berisio R
Atomic Resolution (1. 1 Angstrom) Structure Of The Ribosome-Inactivating Protein Pd-L4 From Phytolacca Dioica L. Leaves
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2008 Apr; 71(1): 8-15.
Cigliano L, Maresca B, Salvatore A, Nino M, Monfrecola G, Ayala F, Carlucci A, Pugliese RC, Pedone C, Abrescia P
Haptoglobin from psoriatic patients exhibits decreased activity in binding haemoglobin and inhibiting lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase activity
Journal Of The European Academy Of Dermatology And Venereology (ISSN: 1468-3083, 0926-9959), 2008 Apr; 22(4): 417-425.
Granata V, Graziano G, Ruggiero A, Raimo G, Masullo M, Arcari P, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Stability Against Temperature Of Sulfolobus Solfataricus Elongation Factor 1 Alpha, A Multi-Domain Protein
Bba-Gen Subjects (ISSN: 1570-9639, 0006-3002, 0925-4439), 2008 Apr; 1784(4): 573-581.
Galdiero S, Vitiello M, D'Isanto M, Falanga A, Cantisani M, Browne H, Pedone C, Galdiero M
The identification and characterization of fusogenic domains in herpes virus glycoprotein B molecules
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-7633, 1439-4227, 1439-7633electronic), 2008 Mar 25; 9(5): 758-767.
Colangelo AM, Bianco MR, Vitagliano L, Cavaliere C, Cirillo G, De Gioia L, Diana D, Colombo D, Redaelli C, Zaccaro L, Morelli G, Papa M, Sarmientos P, Alberghina L, Martegani E
A New Nerve Growth Factor (ngf)-Mimetic Peptide Active On Neuropathic Pain In Rats
J Neurosci (ISSN: 0270-6474, 0270-0647, 1529-2401), 2008 Mar 12; 28(11): 2698-2709.
De Simone A, Pedone C, Vitagliano L
Structure, dynamics, and stability of assemblies of the human prion fragment SNQNNF
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 1090-2104, 0006-291x, 1090-2104electronic), 2008 Feb 15; 366(3): 800-806.
Merlino A, Ercole C, Picone D, Pizzo E, Mazzarella L, Sica F
The buried diversity of bovine seminal ribonuclease: Shape and cytotoxicity of the swapped non-covalent form of the enzyme
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2008 Feb 15; 376(2): 427-437.
Goldfine ID, Maddux BA, Youngren JF, Reaven G, Accili D, Trischitta V, Vigneri R, Frittitta L
The role of membrane glycoprotein plasma cell antigen 1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase 1 in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and related abnormalities
Endocrine Reviews (ISSN: 0163-769x), 2008 Feb; 29(1): 62-75.
Pedone E, Limauro D, Bartolucci S
The machinery for oxidative protein folding in thermophiles
Antioxid Redox Signal (ISSN: 1523-0864, 1557-7716, 1523-0864linking), 2008 Jan; 10(1): 157-169.
Merlino A, Verde C, Di Prisco G, Mazzarella L, Vergara A
Reduction of ferric hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii in a partial bis-histidyl state produces a deoxy coordination even when encapsulated into the crystal phase
Spectroscopy An International Journal (ISSN: 0712-4813), 2008; 22(2-3): 143-152.
Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L
Spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of bis-histidyl adducts in tetrameric hemoglobins
Method Enzymol (ISSN: 0076-6879, 1557-7988electronic), 2008; 436: 425-444.
Ronga L, Palladino P, Saviano G, Tancredi T, Benedetti E, Ragone R, Rossi F
Structural characterization of a neurotoxic threonine-rich peptide corresponding to the human prion protein α2-helical 180-195 segment and comparison with full-length α2-helix-derived peptides
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2008; 14(10): 1096-1102.
Diana D, Ziaco B, Colombo G, Scarabelli G, Romanelli A, Fedone C, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
Structural determinants of the unusual helix stability of a de novo engineered vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mimicking peptide
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2008; 14(14): 4164-4166.
Sorriento D, Ciccarelli M, Santulli G, Campanile A, Altobelli GG, Cimini V, Galasso G, Astone D, Piscione F, Pastore L, Trimarco B, Iaccarino G
The G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 inhibits NFκB transcriptional activity by inducing nuclear accumulation of IκBα
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2008; 105(46): 17818-17823.
Staiano M, Saviano M, Herman P, Grycznyski Z, Fini C, Varriale A, Parracino A, Kold AB, Rossi M, D'Auria S
Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations point out the effects of pressure on the stability and dynamics of the porcine odorant-binding protein
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2008; 89(4): 284-291.
Manetto GD, Grasso DM, Milardi D, Pappalardo M, Guzzi R, Sportelli L, Verbeet MP, Canters GW, La Rosa C
The role played by the α-helix in the unfolding pathway and stability of azurin: Switching between hierarchic and nonhierarchic folding
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2007 Nov 5; 8(16): 1941-1949.
Malgieri G, Russo L, Esposito S, Baglivo I, Zaccaro L, Pedone EM, Di Blasio B, Isernia C, Pedone PV, Fattorusso R
The Prokaryotic Cys2his2 Zinc Finger Domain Adopts A Novel Fold As Revealed By The Solution Structure Of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Ros Dna Binding Domain
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2007 Oct 30; 104(44): 17341-17346.
Vergara A, Franzese M, Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, Di Prisco G, Lee HC, Peisach J, Mazzarella L
Structural characterization of ferric hemoglobins from three Antarctic fish species of the suborder notothenioidei
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2007 Oct; 93(8): 2822-2829.
De Luca S, De Capua A, Saviano M, Della Moglie R, Aloj L, Tarallo L, Pedone C, Morelli G
Synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic and branched peptide analogues as ligands for cholecystokinin type 1 receptor
Bioorg Med Chem (ISSN: 0968-0896, 1464-3391, 1464-3391electronic), 2007 Sep 1; 15(17): 5845-5853.
Pensato S, Saviano M, Romanelli A
New peptide nucleic acid analogues: synthesis and applications
Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy (ISSN: 1471-2598), 2007 Sep; 7(8): 1219-1232.
Pastore C, Franzese M, Sica F, Temussi P, Pastore A
Understanding the binding properties of an unusual metal-binding protein - a study of bacterial frataxin
Febs Journal (ISSN: 1742-464x), 2007 Sep; 274(16): 4199-4210.
Papa S, Monti SM, Vitale RM, Bubici C, Jayawardena S, Alvarez K, De Smaele E, Dathan N, Pedone C, Ruvo M, Franzoso G
Insights Into The Structural Basis Of The Gadd45beta-Mediated Inactivation Of The Jnk Kinase, Mkk7/Jnkk2
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2007 Jun 29; 282(26): 19029-19041.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Vitiello M, D'Isanto M, Collins C, Orrei V, Browne H, Pedone C, Galdiero M
Evidence for a role of the membrane-proximal region of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein H in membrane fusion and virus inhibition
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2007 May 25; 8(8): 885-895.
Tesauro D, Accardo A, Gianolio E, Paduano L, Teixeira J, Schillén K, Aime S, Morelli G
Peptide derivatized lamellar aggregates as target-specific MRI contrast agents
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2007 May 25; 8(8): 950-955.
De Pinto V, Tomasello F, Messina A, Guarino F, Benz R, La Mendola D, Magrì A, Milardi D, Pappalardo G
Determination of the conformation of the human VDAC1 N-terminal peptide, a protein moiety essential for the functional properties of the pore
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2007 May 7; 8(7): 744-756.
Vitagliano L, Ruggiero A, Pedone C, Berisio R
A Molecular Dynamics Study of Pilus Subunits: Insights into Pilus Biogenesis
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2007 Apr 6; 367(4): 935-941.
Attanasio F, Cascio C, Fisichella S, Nicoletti VG, Pignataro B, Savarino A, Rizzarelli E
Trehalose effects on alpha-crystallin aggregates
Biochem Biophys Res Commun (ISSN: 0006-291x, 0006-291xlinking), 2007 Mar 23; 354(4): 899-905.
Giuffrida ML, Grasso G, Ruvo M, Pedone C, Saporito A, Marasco D, Pignataro B, Cascio C, Copani A, Rizzarelli E
Abeta(25-35) And Its C- And/Or N-Blocked Derivatives: Copper Driven Structural Features And Neurotoxicity
Journal Of Neuroscience Research (ISSN: 0360-4012), 2007 Feb 15; 85(3): 623-633.
Galdiero S, Galdiero M, Pedone C
Beta-Barrel Membrane Bacterial Proteins: Structure, Function, Assembly And Interaction With Lipids
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2007 Feb; 8(1): 63-82.
Ronga L, Palladino P, Costantini S, Facchiano A, Ruvo M, Benedetti E, Ragone R, Rossi F
Conformational diseases and structure-toxicity relationships: Lessons from prion-derived peptides
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2007 Feb; 8(1): 83-90.
Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Moccia M, Castiglione M, Sapio R, Valente M, Bucci EM, Perretta G, Pedone C
Dabpna: Design, Synthesis And Nucleic Acids Binding Studies
Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids (ISSN: 1525-7770), 2007; 26(10-12): 1307-1310.
Cucinotta V, Giuffrida A, Grasso G, Maccarrone G, Messina M, Vecchio G
High selectivity in new chiral separations of dansyl amino acids by cyclodextrin derivatives in electrokinetic chromatography
J Chromatogr A (ISSN: 0021-9673, 0021-9673linking), 2007; 1155(2): 172-179.
Accardo A, Tesauro D, Mangiapia G, Pedone C, Morelli G
Nanostructures by self-assembling peptide amphiphile as potential selective drug carriers
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2007; 88(2): 115-121.
Crisma M, Saviano M, Moretto A, Broxterman QB, Kaptein B, Toniolo C
Peptide α/310-helix dimorphism in the crystal state
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2007; 129(50): 15471-15473.
D'Auria S, Varriale A, Gonnelli M, Saviano M, Staiano M, Rossi M, Strambini GB
Tryptophan phosphorescence studies of the D-galactose/ D-glucose-binding protein from Escherichia coli provide a molecular portrait with structural and dynamics features of the protein
J Proteome Res (ISSN: 1535-3893), 2007; 6(4): 1306-1312.
Milardi D, Arnesano F, Grasso G, Magrì A, Tabbì G, Scintilla S, Natile G, Rizzarelli E
Ubiquitin stability and the Lys63-linked polyubiquitination site are compromised on copper binding
Angew Chem Int Ed (ISSN: 1433-7851, 1521-3773electronic, 1433-7851linking), 2007; 46(42): 7993-7995.
Saporito A, Marasco D, Chambery A, Botti P, Monti SM, Pedone C, Ruvo M
The chemical synthesis of the GstI protein by NCL on a X-Met site
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2006 Dec 5; 83(5): 508-518.
Ronga L, Palladino P, Tizzano B, Marasco D, Benedetti E, Ragone R, Rossi F
Effect of salts on the structural behavior of hPrP α2-helix-derived analogues: The counterion perspective
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2006 Dec; 12(12): 790-795.
De Simone A, Berisio R, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
Limited Tendency Of Alpha-Helical Residues To Form Disulfide Bridges: A Structural Explanation
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2006 Dec; 12(12): 740-747.
Calvanese L, Saporito A, Marasco D, D'Auria G, Minchiotti G, Pedone C, Paolillo L, Falcigno L, Ruvo M
Solution structure of mouse Cripto CFC domain and its inactive variant Trp107Ala
J Med Chem (ISSN: 0022-2623, 1520-4804, 0022-2623print), 2006 Nov 30; 49(24): 7054-7062.
Mazzarella L, Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Bonomi G, Scala S, Verde C, Di Prisco G
High resolution crystal structure of deoxy hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii at different pH values: The role of histidine residues in modulating the strength of the root effect
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2006 Nov 1; 65(2): 490-498.
D'Ambrosio K, Pedone E, Langella E, De Simone G, Rossi M, Pedone C, Bartolucci S
A novel member of the protein disulfide oxidoreductase family from Aeropyrum pernix K1: Structure, function and electrostatics
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2006 Sep 29; 362(4): 743-752.
Esposito S, Baglivo I, Malgieri G, Russo L, Zaccaro L, D'Andrea LD, Mammucari M, Di Blasio B, Isernia C, Fattorusso R, Pedone PV
A novel type of zinc finger DNA binding domain in the Agrobacterium tumefaciens transcriptional regulator Ros
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2006 Sep 29; 45(34): 10394-10405.
Marasco D, Saporito A, Ponticelli S, Chambery A, De Falco S, Pedone C, Minchiotti G, Ruvo M
Chemical synthesis of mouse Cripto CFC variants
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2006 Sep 15; 64(3): 779-788.
Esposito L, Pedone C, Vitagliano L
Molecular dynamics analyses of cross-beta-spine steric zipper models: beta-sheet twisting and aggregation
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2006 Sep 1; 103(31): 11533-11538.
Ronga L, Tizzano B, Palladino P, Ragone R, Urso E, Maffia M, Ruvo M, Benedetti E, Rossi F
The prion protein: structural features and related toxic peptides
Chem Biol Drug Des (ISSN: 1747-0277, 1747-0285), 2006 Sep; 68(3): 139-147.
Langella E, Improta R, Crescenzi O, Barone V
Assessing the acid-base and conformational properties of histidine residues in human prion protein (125-228) by means of pKα calculations and molecular dynamics simulations
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2006 Jul 1; 64(1): 167-177.
Granata V, Palladino P, Tizzano B, Negro A, Berisio R, Zagari A
The effect of the osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide on the stability of the prion protein at low pH
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2006 Jun 15; 82(3): 234-240.
Merlino A, Esposito L, Vitagliano L
Polyglutamine Repeats And Beta-Helix Structure: Molecular Dynamics Study
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2006 Jun 1; 63(4): 918-927.
Galdiero S, Vitiello M, D'Isanto M, Falanga A, Collins C, Raieta K, Pedone C, Browne H, Galdiero M
Analysis of synthetic peptides from heptad-repeat domains of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins H and
Journal Of General Virology (ISSN: 0022-1317), 2006 May; 87: 1085-1097.
Galdiero S, Vitiello M, Amodeo P, D'Isanto M, Cantisani M, Pedone C, Galdiero M
Structural requirements for proinflammatory activity of porin P2 loop 7 from Haemophilus influenzae
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2006 Apr 11; 45(14): 4491-4501.
Mannini R, Rivieccio V, D'Auria S, Tanfani F, Ausili A, Pedone C, Grimaldi G, Facchiano A
Structure/function of KRAB repression domains: Structural properties of KRAB modules inferred from hydrodynamic, circular dichroism, and FTIR spectroscopic analyses
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2006 Feb 15; 62(3): 604-616.
Pedone E, D'Ambrosio K, De Simone G, Rossi M, Pedone C, Bartolucci S
Insights on a new PDI-like family: Structural and functional analysis of a protein disulfide oxidoreductase from the bacterium Aquifex aeolicus
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2006 Feb 10; 356(1): 155-164.
Mazzarella L, Bonomi G, Lubrano MC, Merlino A, Riccio A, Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, Di Prisco G
Minimal structural requirements for root effect: Crystal structure of the cathodic hemoglobin isolated from the Antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2006 Feb 1; 62(2): 316-321.
Limauro D, Pedone E, Pirone L, Bartolucci S
Identification and characterization of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin from Sulfolobus solfataricus and its involvement in the response to oxidative stress
Febs Journal (ISSN: 1742-464x), 2006 Feb; 273(4): 721-731.
D'Andrea LD, Del Gatto A, Pedone C, Benedetti E
Peptide-based molecules in angiogenesis
Chem Biol Drug Des (ISSN: 1747-0277, 1747-0285, 1747-0277linking), 2006 Feb; 67(2): 115-126.
Granata V, Graziano G, Ruggiero A, Raimo G, Masullo M, Arcari P, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Chemical Denaturation Of The Elongation Factor 1 Alpha Isolated From The Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2006 Jan 24; 45(3): 719-726.
Di Fiore A, Pedone C, D'Ambrosio K, Scozzafava A, De Simone G, Supuran CT
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Valdecoxib binds to a different active site region of the human isoform II as compared to the structurally related cyclooxygenase II 'selective' inhibitor celecoxib
Bioorg Med Chem Lett Bioorganic And Medicinal Chemistry Letters (ISSN: 0960-894x), 2006 Jan 15; 16(2): 437-442.
Berisio R, Loguercio S, De Simone A, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
Polyproline helices in protein structures: A statistical survey
Protein Pept Lett (ISSN: 0929-8665, 1875-5305), 2006; 13(8): 847-854.
Grasso D, Grasso G, Guantieri V, Impellizzeri G, La Rosa C, Milardi D, Micera G, Osz K, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sanna D, Sovago I
Environmental effects on a prion's helix II domain: copper(II) and membrane interactions with PrP180-193 and its analogues
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2005 Dec 23; 12(2): 537-547.
Ruggiero A, Masullo M, Arcari P, Raimo G, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Crystallization And Preliminary X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis Of The Sulfolobus Solfataricus Nucleotide-Exchange Factor 1 Beta
Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids (ISSN: 1744-3091, 1744-4309), 2005 Nov; 61(11): 1000-1002.
Pedone E, Saviano M, Bartolucci S, Rossi M, Ausili A, Scire A, Bertoli E, Tanfani F
Temperature-, SDS-, and pH-induced conformational changes in protein disulfide oxidoreductase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus: A dynamic simulation and fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study
J Proteome Res (ISSN: 1535-3893), 2005 Nov; 4(6): 1972-1980.
Palladino P, Tizzano B, Pedone C, Ragone R, Rossi F, Saviano G, Tancredi T, Benedetti E
Structural determinants of unexpected agonist activity in a retro-peptide analogue of the SDF-1α N-terminus
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2005 Oct 10; 579(24): 5293-5298.
Galdiero S, Falanga A, Vitiello M, Browne H, Pedone C, Galdiero M
Fusogenic domains in herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2005 Sep 5; 280(31): 28632-28643.
Bucci E, Vitagliano L, Barone R, Sorrentino S, D'Alessio G, Graziano G
On the thermal stability of the two dimeric forms of ribonuclease
Biophys Chem (ISSN: 0301-4622, 0301-4622linking), 2005 Jul 1; 116(2): 89-95.
Vacatello M, D'Auria G, Falcigno L, Dettin M, Gambaretto R, Di Bello C, Paolillo L
Conformational Analysis Of Novel Heparin Binding Peptides
Biomaterials (ISSN: 0142-9612, 1878-5905electronic, 0142-9612linking), 2005 Jun; 26(16): 3207-3214.
Criscuolo C, Mancini P, Menchise V, Sacca F, De Michele G, Banfi S, Filla A
Very late onset in ataxia oculomotor apraxia type I [1]
Ann Neurol (ISSN: 0364-5134), 2005 May; 57(5): 777-777.
Picone D, Di Fiore A, Ercole C, Franzese M, Sica F, Tomaselli S, Mazzarella L
The role of the hinge loop in domain swapping - The special case of bovine seminal ribonuclease
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2005 Apr 8; 280(14): 13771-13778.
Tizzano B, Palladino P, De Capua A, Marasco D, Rossi F, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Ragone R, Ruvo M
The Human Prion Protein Alpha2 Helix: A Thermodynamic Study Of Its Conformational Preferences
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2005 Apr 1; 59(1): 72-79.
Esposito L, Daggett V
Insight into ribonuclease A domain swapping by molecular dynamics unfolding simulations
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2005 Mar 8; 44(9): 3358-3368.
Merlino A, Ceruso MA, Vitagliano L, Mazzarella L
Open interface and large quaternary structure movements in 3D domain swapped proteins: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations of the C-terminal swapped dimer of ribonuclease
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2005 Mar; 88(3): 2003-2012.
Di Natale G, Impellizzeri G, Pappalardo G
Conformational properties of peptide fragments homologous to the 106-114 and 106-126 residues of the human prion protein: a CD and NMR spectroscopic study
Org Biomol Chem (ISSN: 1477-0520, 1477-0539, 1477-0539electronic), 2005 Feb 7; 3(3): 490-497.
Saviano M, Isernia C, Bassarello C, Di Lello P, Galdiero S, Mierke DF, Benedetti E, Pedone C
Conformational analysis by NMR and distance geometry techniques of a peptide mimetic of the third helix of the Antennapedia homeodomain
J Pept Res (ISSN: 1397-002x), 2005 Feb; 65(2): 200-208.
Spagnuolo MS, Cigliano L, D'Andrea LD, Pedone C, Abrescia P
Assignment of the binding site for haptoglobin on apolipoprotein A-I
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2005 Jan 14; 280(2): 1193-1198.
Lahr SJ, Engel DE, Stayrook SE, Maglio O, North B, Geremia S, Lombardi A, Degrado WF
Analysis and design of turns in α-helical hairpins
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2005; 346(5): 1441-1454.
Calhoun JR, Nastri F, Maglio O, Pavone V, Lombardi A, Degrado WF
Artificial diiron proteins: From structure to function
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2005; 80(2-3): 264-278.
Rivieccio V, Mannini R, Concilio L, D'Auria S, Pedone C, Grimaldi G
Expression, purification and partial characterization of the Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) from the human ZNF2 protein
Protein Pept Lett (ISSN: 0929-8665, 1875-5305), 2005; 12(6): 527-532.
Vergara A, Lorber B, Sauter C, Giege R, Zagari A
Lessons from crystals grown in the Advanced Protein Crystallisation Facility for conventional crystallisation applied to structural biology
Biophys Chem (ISSN: 0301-4622, 0301-4622linking), 2005; 118(2-3): 102-112.
Falcigno L, Oliva R, D'Auria G, Maletta M, Dettin M, Pasquato A, Di Bello C, Paolillo L
Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site 3: Role of site-specific mutations
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2004 Dec 3; 5(12): 1653-1661.
Merlino A, Graziano G, Mazzarella L
Structural And Dynamic Effects Of Alpha-Helix Deletion In Sso7d: Implications For Protein Thermal Stability
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2004 Dec 1; 57(4): 692-701.
Langella E, Improta R, Barone V
Checking the pH-induced conformational transition of prion protein by molecular dynamics simulations: Effect of protonation of histidine residues
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2004 Dec; 87(6): 3623-3632.
Di Costanzo L, Geremia S, Randaccio L, Nastri F, Maglio O, Lombardi A, Pavone V
Miniaturized heme proteins: crystal structure of Co(III)-mimochrome IV
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0949-8257, 1432-1327electronic, 0949-8257print), 2004 Dec; 9(8): 1017-1027.
De Simone G, Menchise V, Alterio V, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G, Pedone C
The crystal structure of an EST2 mutant unveils structural insights on the H group of the carboxylesterase/lipase family
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2004 Oct 8; 343(1): 137-146.
Sica F, Di Fiore A, Merlino A, Mazzarella L
Structure and stability of the non-covalent swapped dimer of bovine seminal ribonuclease - An enzyme tailored to evade ribonuclease protein inhibitor
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2004 Sep 27; 279(35): 36753-36760.
Berisio R, Granata V, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Imino acids and collagen triple helix stability: Characterization of collagen-like polypeptides containing Hyp-Hyp-Gly sequence repeats
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2004 Sep 22; 126(37): 11402-11403.
Vitale RM, Pedone C, De Benedetti PG, Fanelli F
Structural features of the inactive and active states of the melanin-concentrating hormone receptors: Insights from molecular simulations
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2004 Sep 15; 56(3): 430-448.
Pedone E, Bartolucci S, Fiorentino G
Sensing and adapting to environmental stress: The Archaeal tactic
Frontiers In Bioscience (ISSN: 1093-9946, 1093-4715), 2004 Sep 1; 9: 2909-2926.
Pappalardo M, Milardi D, La Rosa C, Zannoni C, Rizzarelli E, Grasso D
A molecular dynamics study on the conformational stability of PrP 180-193 helix II prion fragment
Chem Phys Lett (ISSN: 0009-2614), 2004 Jun 1; 390(4-6): 511-516.
Agmon I, Amit M, Auerbach T, Bashan A, Baram D, Bartels H, Berisio R, Greenberg I, Harms J, Hansen HAS, Kessler M, Pyetan E, Schluenzen F, Sittner A, Yonath A, Zarivach R
Ribosomal crystallography: A flexible nucleotide anchoring tRNA translocation, facilitates peptide-bond formation, chirality discrimination and antibiotics synergism
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2004 Jun 1; 567(1): 20-26.
Leone M, Di Lello P, Ohlenschläger O, Pedone E, Bartolucci S, Rossi M, Di Blasio B, Pedone C, Saviano M, Isernia C, Fattorusso R
Solution structure and backbone dynamics of the K18G/R82E Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius thioredoxin mutant: A molecular analysis of its reduced thermal stability
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2004 May 25; 43(20): 6043-6058.
Esposito G, Vitagliano L, Costanzo P, Borrelli L, Barone R, Pavone L, Izzo P, Zagari A, Salvatore F
Human aldolase A natural mutants: relationship between flexibility of the C-terminal region and enzyme function
Biochem J (ISSN: 0264-6021, 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking), 2004 May 15; 380: 51-56.
Vitagliano L, Bonomi G, Riccio A, di Prisco G, Smulevich G, Mazzarella L
The oxidation process of Antarctic fish hemoglobins
Eur J Biochem (ISSN: 0014-2956, 0014-2956print), 2004 May; 271(9): 1651-1659.
Berisio R, Granata V, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Characterization of Collagen-Like Heterotrimers: Implications for Triple-Helix Stability
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2004 Apr 15; 73(6): 682-688.
Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Sica F, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Population shift vs induced fit: The case of bovine seminal ribonuclease swapping dimer
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2004 Apr 15; 73(6): 689-695.
Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Ceruso MA, Mazzarella L
Dynamic properties of the N-terminal swapped dimer of ribonuclease
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2004 Apr; 86(4): 2383-2391.
Rossi F, Zanotti G, Saviano M, Iacovino R, Palladino P, Saviano G, Amodeo P, Tancredi T, Laccetti P, Corbier C, Benedetti E
New antitumour cyclic astin analogues: Synthesis, conformation and bioactivity
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2004 Feb; 10(2): 92-102.
Brown DR, Guantieri V, Grasso G, Impellizzeri G, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E
Copper(II) complexes of peptide fragments of the prion protein. Conformation changes induced by copper(II) and the binding motif in C-terminal protein region
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2004 Jan; 98(1): 133-143.
Ohlenschlager O, Wohnert J, Bucci E, Seitz S, Hafner S, Ramachandran R, Zell R, Gorlach M
The Structure of the Stemloop D Subdomain of Coxsackievirus B3 Cloverleaf RNA and Its Interaction with the Proteinase 3C
Structure (ISSN: 0969-2126, 1878-4186, 0969-2126linking), 2004; 12(2): 237-248.
Esposito L, Bruno I, Sica F, Raia CA, Giordano A, Rossi M, Mazzarella L, Zagari A
Crystal structure of a ternary complex of the alcohol dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus solfataricus
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2003 Dec 16; 42(49): 14397-14407.
D'Andrea LD, Regan L
TPR proteins: the versatile helix
Trends Biochem Sci Trends In Biochemical Sciences (ISSN: 0968-0004), 2003 Dec; 28(12): 655-662.
Berisio R, Sica F, De Lorenzo C, Di Fiore A, Piccoli R, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Crystal Structure Of The Dimeric Un-Swapped Form Of Bovine Seminal Ribonuclease
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2003 Nov 6; 554(1-2): 105-110.
Menchise V, De Simone G, Tedeschi T, Corradini R, Sforza S, Marchelli R, Capasso D, Saviano M, Pedone C
Insights into peptide nucleic acid (PNA) structural features: The crystal structure of a D-lysine-based chiral PNA-DNA duplex
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2003 Oct 14; 100(21): 12021-12026.
Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Ceruso MA, Mazzarella L
Subtle functional collective motions in pancreatic-like ribonucleases: From ribonuclease A to angiogenin
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2003 Oct 1; 53(1): 101-110.
Galdiero M, Vitiello M, Galdiero S
Eukaryotic cell signaling and transcriptional activation induced by bacterial porins
Fems Microbiology Letters (ISSN: 0378-1097), 2003 Sep 12; 226(1): 57-64.
De Simone G, Menchise V, Omaggio S, Pedone C, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT
Design of weakly basic thrombin inhibitors incorporating novel P1 binding functions: Molecular and X-ray crystallographic studies
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2003 Sep 5; 42(30): 9013-9021.
Oliva R, Falcigno L, D'Auria G, Dettin M, Scarinci C, Pasquato A, Di Bello C, Paolillo L
Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2003 Sep 4; 4(8): 727-733.
Pedone E, Bartolucci S, Rossi M, Pierfederici FM, Scire A, Cacciamani T, Tanfani F
Structural and thermal stability analysis of Escherichia coli and Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius thioredoxin revealed a molten globule-like state in thermal denaturation pathway of the proteins: an infrared spectroscopic study
Biochem J (ISSN: 0264-6021, 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking), 2003 Sep 1; 373: 875-883.
Bashan A, Zarivach R, Schluenzen F, Agmon I, Harms J, Auerbach T, Baram D, Berisio R, Bartels H, Hansen HAS, Fucini P, Wilson D, Peretz M, Kessler M, Yonath A
Ribosomal crystallography: Peptide bond formation and its inhibition
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2003 Sep; 70(1): 19-41.
Oliva R, Falcigno L, D'Auria G, Dettin M, Scarinci C, Pasquato A, Di Bello C, Paolillo L
Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site, 2: relevance of an N-terminal helix
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2003 Aug 4; 4(8): 727-733.
Bartolucci S, De Simone G, Galdiero S, Improta R, Menchise V, Pedone C, Pedone E, Saviano M
An integrated structural and computational study of the thermostability of two thioredoxin mutants from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
J Bacteriol Journal Of Bacteriology (ISSN: 0021-9193, 1098-5530), 2003 Jul; 185(14): 4285-4289.
Galdiero S, Capasso D, Vitiello M, D'Isanto M, Pedone C, Galdiero M
Protein P2 from Haemophilus influenzae: The role of its surface exposed loops on the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade
Infection And Immunity (ISSN: 0019-9567), 2003 May; 71(5): 2798-2809.
Berisio R, Schluenzen F, Harms J, Bashan A, Auerbach T, Baram D, Yonath A
Structural insight into the role of the ribosomal tunnel in cellular regulation
Nat Struct Biol (ISSN: 1072-8368), 2003 May; 10(5): 366-370.
Esposito L, Bruno I, Sica F, Raia CA, Giordano A, Rossi M, Mazzarella L, Zagari A
Structural study of a single-point mutant of Sulfolobus solfataricus alcohol dehydrogenase with enhanced activity
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 2003 Mar 27; 539(1-3): 14-18.
Isernia C, Bucci E, Leone M, Zaccaro L, Di Lello P, Digilio G, Esposito S, Saviano M, Di Blasio B, Pedone C, Pedone PV, Fattorusso R
NMR structure of the single QALGGH zinc finger domain from the Arabidopsis thaliana SUPERMAN protein
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2003 Mar 3; 4(2-3): 171-180.
Borgatti M, Lampronti I, Romanelli A, Pedone C, Saviano M, Bianchi N, Mischiati C, Gambari R
Transcription factor decoy molecules based on a peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-DNA chimera mimicking Sp1 binding sites
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2003 Feb 28; 278(9): 7500-7509.
Main ERG, Xiong Y, Cocco MJ, D'Andrea LD, Regan L
Design of stable α-helical arrays from an idealized TPR motif
Structure (ISSN: 0969-2126, 1878-4186, 0969-2126linking), 2003; 11(5): 497-508.
Peggion C, Formaggio F, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Jimenez AI, Cativiela C, Kaptein B, Broxterman QB, Saviano M, Benedetti E
Folding of peptides characterized by c3Val, a highly constrained analogue of valine
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2003; 68(2): 178-191.
Zaccaro L, Bucci E, Vitale RM, Perretta G, Fattorusso R, Benedetti E, Saviano M, Pedone C
Synthetic peptides mimicking the interleukin-6/gp130 interaction: A two-helix bundle system. Design and confirmational studies
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2003; 9(2): 90-105.
Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Ceruso M, Di Nola A, Mazzarella L
Global and local motions in ribonuclease A: A molecular dynamics study
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2002 Nov 15; 65(4): 274-283.
Maglio O, Saldanha JW, Vrtala S, Spitzauer S, Valenta R, Pastore A
A major IgE epitope-containing grass pollen allergen domain from Phl p 5 folds as a four-helix bundle
Protein Eng (ISSN: 0269-2139print, 0269-2139linking), 2002 Aug; 15(8): 635-642.
Riccio A, Vitagliano L, Di Prisco G, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
The crystal structure of a tetrameric hemoglobin in a partial hemichrome state
P Natl Acad Sci Usa (ISSN: 0027-8424, 1091-6490, 0027-8424print), 2002 Jul 23; 99(15): 9801-9806.
Morelli G, De Luca S, Tesauro D, Saviano M, Pedone C, Dolmella A, Visentin R, Mazzi U
CCK8 peptide derivatized with diphenylphosphine for rhenium labelling: Synthesis and molecular mechanics calculations
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2002 Jul; 8(7): 373-381.
Esposito L, Sica F, Raia CA, Giordano A, Rossi M, Mazzarella L, Zagari A
Crystal Structure Of The Alcohol Dehydrogenase From The Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus At 1. 85 Angstrom Resolution
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2002 Apr 26; 318(2): 463-477.
Oliva R, Leone M, Falcigno L, D'Auria G, Dettin M, Scarinci C, Di Bello C, Paolillo L
Structural investigation of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 cleavage site
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2002 Mar 15; 8(6): 1467-1473.
Berisio R, Vitagliano L, Mazzarella L, Zagari A
Crystal structure of the collagen triple helix model [(Pro-Pro-Gly)10]3
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2002 Feb; 11(2): 262-270.
Benzi C, Improta R, Scalmani G, Barone V
Quantum mechanical study of the conformational behavior of proline and 4R-hydroxyproline dipeptide analogues in vacuum and in aqueous solution
J Comput Chem (ISSN: 0192-8651, 1096-987xelectronic), 2002 Feb; 23(3): 341-350.
Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Reversible substrate-induced domain motions in ribonuclease
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2002 Jan 1; 46(1): 97-104.
Orru S, Ruoppolo M, Francese S, Vitagliano L, Marino G, Esposito C
Identification of tissue transglutaminase-reactive lysine residues in glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2002 Jan; 11(1): 137-146.
Romanelli A, Pedone C, Saviano M, Bianchi N, Borgatti M, Mischiati C, Gambari R
Molecular interactions between nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) transcription factors and a PNA-DNA chimera mimicking NF-κB binding sites
Eur J Biochem (ISSN: 0014-2956, 0014-2956print, 0014-2956linking), 2001 Dec; 268(23): 6066-6075.
De Simone G, Menchise V, Manco G, Mandrich L, Sorrentino N, Lang D, Rossi M, Pedone C
The crystal structure of a hyper-thermophilic carboxylesterase from the archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2001 Nov 30; 314(3): 507-518.
Vitagliano L, Masullo M, Sica F, Zagari A, Bocchini V
The crystal structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus elongation factor 1α in complex with GDP reveals novel features in nucleotide binding and exchange
Embo J (ISSN: 0261-4189, 0261-4189linking), 2001 Oct 1; 20(19): 5305-5311.
De Falco S, Ruvoletto MG, Verdoliva A, Ruvo M, Raucci A, Marino M, Senatore S, Cassani G, Alberti A, Pontisso P, Fassina G
Cloning and Expression of a Novel Hepatitis B Virus-binding Protein from HepG2 Cells
Jbc Papers (ISSN: 0021-9258, 1083-351x, 0021-9258linking), 2001 Sep 28; 276(39): 36613-36623.
De Luca S, Tesauro D, Di Lello P, Fattorusso R, Saviano M, Pedone C, Morelli G
Synthesis and solution characterization of a porphyrin-CCK8 conjugate
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2001 Jul; 7(7): 386-394.
De Falco S, Ruvo M, Verdoliva A, Scarallo A, Raimondo D, Raucci A, Fassina G
N-terminal myristylation of HBV preS1 domain enhances receptor recognition
J Pept Res (ISSN: 1397-002x, 1397-002xlinking), 2001 May; 57(5): 390-400.
Garzillo AM, Colao MC, Buonocore V, Oliva R, Falcigno L, Saviano M, Santoro AM, Zappala R, Bonomo RP, Bianco C, Giardina P, Palmieri G, Sannia G
Structural and kinetic characterization of native laccases from Pleurotas ostreatus, Rigidoporus lignosus, and Trametes trogii
Journal Of Protein Chemistry (ISSN: 0277-8033), 2001 Apr; 20(3): 191-201.
Berisio R, Viguera A, Serrano L, Wilmanns M
Atomic resolution structure of a mutant of the spectrin SH3 domain
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr (ISSN: 0907-4449, 0907-4449linking), 2001 Feb; 57(2): 337-340.
Romanelli A, Garella I, Menchise V, Iacovino R, Saviano M, Montesarchio D, Didierjean C, Lello PD, Rossi F, Benedetti E
Crystal-state conformation of Cα, α-dialkylated peptides containing chiral β-homo-residues
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2001; 7(1): 15-26.
Zanotti G, Falcigno L, Saviano M, D'Auria G, Bruno BM, Campanile T, Paolillo L
Solid state and solution conformation of [Ala7]-phalloidin: A synthetic phallotoxin analogue
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2001; 7(7): 1479-1485.
Orru S, Vitagliano L, Esposito L, Mazzarella L, Marino G, Ruoppolo M
Effect of deamidation on folding of ribonuclease
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2000 Dec; 9(12): 2577-2582.
Esposito L, Vitagliano L, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Experimental evidence for the correlation of bond distances in peptide groups detected in ultrahigh-resolution protein structures
Protein Eng (ISSN: 0269-2139, 0269-2139print, 0269-2139linking), 2000 Dec; 13(12): 825-828.
De Simone G, Galdiero S, Manco G, Lang D, Rossi M, Pedone C
A snapshot of a transition state analogue of a novel thermophilic esterase belonging to the subfamily of mammalian hormone-sensitive lipase
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2000 Nov 10; 303(5): 761-771.
Esposito L, Vitagliano L, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Pyramidalization of backbone carbonyl carbon atoms in proteins
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2000 Oct; 9(10): 2038-2042.
Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Productive and nonproductive binding to ribonuclease A: X-ray structure of two complexes with uridylyl(2 ', 5 ')guanosine
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2000 Jun; 9(6): 1217-1225.
De Simone G, Lombardi A, Galdiero S, Nastri F, Di Costanzo L, Gohda S, Sano A, Yamada T, Pavone V
The crystal structure of a Dcp-containing peptide
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2000 Feb; 53(2): 182-188.
Lombardi A, De Simone G, Galdiero S, Nastri F, Di Costanzo L, Makihiara K, Yamada T, Pavone V
The crystal structure of Afc-containing peptide
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2000 Feb; 53(2): 150-160.
Berisio R, Vitagliano L, Mazzarella L, Zagari A
Crystal Structure Of A Collagen-Like Polypeptide With Repeating Sequence Pro-Hyp-Gly At 1. 4 Ang Resolution: Implications For Collagen Hydration
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2000; 56(1): 8-13.
ZagariA, Berisio R, Merlino A, Sica F, Vitagliano L, Mazzarella L
Reversible domain motions induced by substrate binding in ribonuclease
Acta Crystallographica Section A, 2000; 56: 263-263.
Vitagliano L, Adinolfi S, Sica F, Merlino A, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
A potential allosteric subsite generated by domain swapping in bovine seminal ribonuclease
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 1999 Oct 29; 293(3): 569-577.
Berisio R, Lamzin VS, Sica F, Wilson KS, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Protein titration in the crystal state
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 1999 Oct 1; 292(4): 845-854.
Mazzarella L, D'Avino R, Di Prisco G, Savino C, Vitagliano L, Moody P, Zagari A
Crystal structure of Trematomus newnesi haemoglobin re-opens the Root effect question
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 1999 Apr 16; 287(5): 897-906.
Fogliano V, Monti SM, Visconti A, Randazzo G, Facchiano AM, Colonna G, Ritieni A
Identification of a β-lactoglobulin lactosylation site
Biochim Biophys Acta Protein Struct Mol Enzymol (ISSN: 0167-4838), 1998 Nov 10; 1388(2): 295-304.
Vitagliano L, Adinolfi S, Riccio A, Sica F, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
Binding of a substrate analog to a domain swapping protein: X-ray structure of the complex of bovine seminal ribonuclease with uridylyl(2 ', 5 ')adenosine
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 1998 Sep; 7(8): 1691-1699.
Kramer RZ, Vitagliano L, Bella J, Berisio R, Mazzarella L, Brodsky B, Zagari A, Berman HM
X-ray crystallographic determination of a collagen-like peptide with the repeating sequence (Pro-Pro-Gly)
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 1998 Jul 24; 280(4): 623-638.
Zanotti G, Saviano M, Saviano G, Tancredi T, Rossi F, Pedone C, Benedetti E
Structure of cyclic peptides: the crystal and solution conformation of cyclo(Phe-Phe-Aib-Leu-Pro)
Journal Of Peptide Research (ISSN: 1397-002x), 1998 Jun; 51(6): 460-466.
De Simone G, Lombardi A, Galdiero S, Nastri F, Della Morte R, Staiano N, Pedone C, Bolognesi M, Pavone V
Hirunorms Are True Hirudin Mimetics. The Crystal Structure Of Human Alpha-Thrombin-Hirunorm V Complex
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 1998 Feb; 7(2): 243-253.
Lombardi A, D'Auria G, Maglio O, Nastri F, Quartara L, Pedone C, Pavone V
A novel rigid β-turn molecular scaffold
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 1998; 120(24): 5879-5886.
Nastri F, Lombardi A, D'Andrea LD, Sanseverino M, Maglio O, Pavone V
Miniaturized hemoproteins
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525print, 0006-3525linking, 1097-0282electronic), 1998; 47(1): 5-22.
Adinolfi S, Piccoli R, Sica F, Mazzarella L
BS-RNase tetramers: An example of domain-swapped oligomers
Febs Lett (ISSN: 0014-5793, 0014-5793print, 1873-3468electronic), 1996 Dec 2; 398(2-3): 326-332.
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Discovering protein secondary structures: classification and description of isolated alpha-turns
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525print, 0006-3525linking, 1097-0282electronic), 1996 Jun; 38(6): 705-721.
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Bicyclic Peptides As Type I/Type Ii Beta-Turn Scaffolds
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Deamidation in proteins: The crystal structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease with an isoaspartyl residue at position 67
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Solution and solid state structure of an aib-containing cyclodecapeptide inhibiting the cholate uptake in hepatocytes
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Design of metal ion binding peptides
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β-alanine containing cyclic peptides with turned structure: The 'pseudo type II β-turn. ' VI
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Non coded C alpha, alpha-disubstituted amino acids. X-ray diffraction analysis of a dipeptide containing (S)-alpha-methylserine
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