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Antimicrobial Metabolites of Caucasian Medicinal Plants as Alternatives to Antibiotics
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Dancing with Nucleobases: Unveiling the Self-Assembly Properties of DNA and RNA Base-Containing Molecules for Gel Formation
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Conformational stability of ageritin, a metal binding ribotoxin-like protein of fungal origin
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Scognamiglio PL, Vicidomini C, Fontanella F, De Stefano C, Palumbo R, Roviello GN
Protein Binding of Benzofuran Derivatives: A CD Spectroscopic and In Silico Comparative Study of the Effects of 4-Nitrophenyl Functionalized Benzofurans and Benzodifurans on BSA Protein Structure
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The Excited State Dynamics of a Mutagenic Cytidine Etheno Adduct Investigated by Combining Time-Resolved Spectroscopy and Quantum Mechanical Calculations
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Scognamiglio PL, Platella C, Napolitano E, Musumeci D, Roviello GN
From Prebiotic Chemistry to Supramolecular Biomedical Materials: Exploring the Properties of Self-Assembling Nucleobase-Containing Peptides
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A Novel Class of (1) H-MRI Contrast Agents Based on the Relaxation Enhancement Induced on Water Protons by (14) N-Containing Imidazole Moieties
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Synthesis, Antiproliferative Activity, and DNA Binding Studies of Nucleoamino Acid-Containing Pt(II) Complexes
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Fik-jaskółkaa MA, Mkrtchyand AF, Saghyand AS, Palumbo R, Belter A, Hayriyand LA, Simonyane H, Roviello V, Roviello GN
Biological macromolecule binding and anticancer activity of synthetic alkyne-containing L-phenylalanine derivatives
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Fik-jaskółka MA, Mkrtchyan AF, Saghyan AS, Palumbo R, Belter A, Hayriyan LA, Simonyan H, Roviello V, Roviello GN
Spectroscopic and SEM evidences for G4-DNA binding by a synthetic alkyne-containing amino acid with anticancer activity
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Symmetry-breaking transitions in the early steps of protein self-assembly
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About TFE: Old and New Findings
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A Late-Stage Synthetic Approach to Lanthionine-Containing Peptides via S-Alkylation on Cyclic Sulfamidates Promoted by Molecular Sieves
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Smaldone G, Balasco N, Vigorita M, Ruggiero A, Cozzolino S, Berisio R, Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Vitagliano L
Domain communication in Thermotoga maritima Arginine Binding Protein unraveled through protein dissection
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The zinc - but not cadmium - containing zeta-carbonic from the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii is potently activated by amines and amino acids
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The intrinsic flexibility of the aptamer targeting the ribosomal protein S8 is a key factor for the molecular recognition
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Repurposing of Copper(II)-chelating Drugs for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
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Specific Recognition of G-Quadruplexes Over Duplex-DNA by a Macromolecular NIR Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe
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Multiple Electronic and Structural Factors Control Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer and 6-4 Thymine-Thymine Photodimerization in a DNA Duplex
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Novel propanamides as fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitors
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Synthesis of isoxazole-containing sulfonamides with potent carbonic anhydrase II and VII inhibitory properties
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Decoding the Molecular Basis for the Population Mechanism of the Triplet Phototoxic Precursors in UVA Light-Activated Pyrimidine Anticancer Drugs
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Roviello GN, Vicidomini C, Di Gaetano S, Capasso D, Musumeci D, Roviello V
Solid phase synthesis and RNA-binding activity of an arginine-containing nucleopeptide
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Structure-Activity Study of the Peptides P5U and Urantide by the Development of Analogues Containing Uncoded Amino Acids at Position9
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Conformational studies of chiral D-Lys-PNA and achiral PNA system in binding with DNA or RNA through a molecular dynamics approach
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Berisio R, Squeglia F, Ruggiero A, Petraccone L, Stellato MI, Del Vecchio P
Differential thermodynamic behaviours of the extra-cellular regions of two Ser/Thr PrkC kinases revealed by calorimetric studies
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New therapeutic perspectives in CCDC6 deficient lung cancer cells
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Efficient UV-induced charge separation and recombination in an 8-oxoguanine-containing dinucleotide
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Molecular recognition of Cullin3 by KCTDs: Insights from experimental and computational investigations
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Molecular bases of protein halotolerance
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A thermodynamic assay to test pharmacological chaperones for Fabry disease
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Synthesis, biophysical characterization and anti-HIV activity of d(TG(3)AG) Quadruplexes bearing hydrophobic tails at the 5 '-end
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Russo Krauss I, Parkinson GN, Merlino A, Mattia CA, Randazzo A, Novellino E, Mazzarella L, Sica F
A regular thymine tetrad and a peculiar supramolecular assembly in the first crystal structure of an all-LNA G-quadruplex
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GrassoG, Magrì A, Bellia F, Pietropaolo A, La Mendola D, Rizzarelli E
The Copper (ii) And Zinc (ii) Coordination Mode Of Hexxh And Hxxeh Motif In Small Peptides: The Role Of Carboxylate Location And Hydrogen Bonding Network
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Determination Of Formal Redox Potentials In Aqueous Solution Of Copper(ii) Complexes With Ligands Having Nitrogen And Oxygen Donor Atoms And Comparisonwith Their Epr And Uv–vis Spectral Features
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A novel arsenate reductase from the bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB27: Its role in arsenic detoxification
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The Intrinsic Stability Of The Human Prion Beta-Sheet Region Investigated By Molecular Dynamics
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Palmieri M, Malgieri G, Russo L, Baglivo I, Esposito S, Netti F, Del Gatto A, De Paola I, Zaccaro L, Pedone PV, Isernia C, Milardi D, Fattorusso R
Structural Zn(II) Implies a Switch from Fully Cooperative to Partly Downhill Folding in Highly Homologous Proteins
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Octreotide labeled aggregates containing platinum complexes as nanovectors for drug delivery
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Ruggiero A, Marchant J, Squeglia F, Makarov V, De Simone A, Berisio R
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Pica A, Russo Krauss I, Castellano I, La Cara F, Graziano G, Sica F, Merlino A
Effect Of Nacl On The Conformational Stability Of The Thermophilic Gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase From Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans: Implication For Globular Protein Halotolerance
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Analytical model and multiscale simulations of Aβ peptide aggregation in lipid membranes: Towards a unifying description of conformational transitions, oligomerization and membrane damage
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α-Helical structures drive early stages of self-assembly of amyloidogenic amyloid polypeptide aggregate formation in membranes
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ATP regulation of the ligand-binding properties in temperate and cold-adapted haemoglobins. X-ray structure and ligand-binding kinetics in the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus
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Magrì A, D'Alessandro F, Di Stefano DA, Campagna T, Pappalardo G, Impellizzeri G, La Mendola D
Copper(ii) Coordination Properties Of The Integrin Ligand Sequence Phsrn And Its New Beta-Cyclodextrin Conjugates
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Mercurio FA, Marasco D, Pirone L, Pedone E, Pellecchia M, Leone M
Solution Structure of the First Sam Domain of Odin and Binding Studies with the EphA2 Receptor
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Barrierless photoisomerisation of the "simplest cyanine": Joining computational and femtosecond optical spectroscopies to trace the full reaction path
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Grasso GI, Arena G, Bellia F, Maccarrone G, Parrinello M, Pietropaolo A, Vecchio G, Rizzarelli E
Intramolecular weak interactions in the thermodynamic stereoselectivity of copper(II) complexes with carnosine-trehalose conjugates
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Roviello GN, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Nucleobase-containing peptides: a spectroscopic study of their properties and nucleic acids recognition ability
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The Interplay between ππ*/nπ* excited states in gas-phase thymine: A quantum dynamical study
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Nanoparticles containing octreotide peptides and gadolinium complexes for MRI applications
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Lanza V, Bellia F, D'Agata R, Grasso G, Rizzarelli E, Vecchio G
New glycoside derivatives of carnosine and analogs resistant to carnosinase hydrolysis: synthesis and characterization of their copper(II) complexes
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Pizzo E, Merlino A, Turano M, Russo Krauss I, Coscia F, Zanfardino A, Varcamonti M, Furia A, Giancola C, Mazzarella L, Sica F, D'Alessio G
A new RNase sheds light on the RNase/angiogenin subfamily from zebrafish
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A gemini guest triggers the self-assembly of a calixarene capsule in water at neutral pH
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La Mendola D, Magrì A, Vagliasindi LI, Hansson Ö, Bonomo RP, Rizzarelli E
Copper(II) complex formation with a linear peptide encompassing the putative cell binding site of angiogenin
Dalton T (ISSN: 1477-9234, 1477-9226, 1477-9234electronic), 2010 Nov 28; 39(44): 10678-10684.
Banyasz A, Karpati S, Mercier Y, Reguero M, Gustavsson T, Markovitsi D, Improta R
The peculiar spectral properties of amino-substituted uracils: A combined theoretical and experimental study
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Inhibition Of The R1 Fragment Of The Cadmium-Containing Zeta-Class Carbonic Anhydrase From The Diatom Thalassiosira Weissflogii With Anions
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (ISSN: 0960-894x), 2010 Sep 15; 20(16): 4745-4748.
Roviello GN, Crescenzo C, Capasso D, Di Gaetano S, Franco S, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Synthesis of a novel Fmoc-protected nucleoaminoacid for the solid phase assembly of 4-piperidyl glycine/L-arginine-containing nucleopeptides and preliminary RNA interaction studies
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 Sep; 39(3): 795-800.
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Solid-phase synthesis of new Trp(Nps)-containing dipeptide derivatives as TRPV1 channel blockers
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Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Crystallographic and solution binding studies for the interaction of a boron-containing aromatic sulfamide with mammalian isoforms I-XV
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La Mendola D, Magrì A, Campagna T, Campitiello MA, Raiola L, Isernia C, Hansson O, Bonomo RP, Rizzarelli E
A doppel alpha-helix peptide fragment mimics the copper(II) interactions with the whole protein
Chemistry (ISSN: 0947-6539, 1521-3765, 1521-3765electronic), 2010 Jun 1; 16(21): 6212-6223.
Roviello GN, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Bucci EM
Nucleobase-containing peptides: An overview of their characteristic features and applications
Amino Acids (ISSN: 0939-4451, 1438-2199, 1438-2199electronic), 2010 Jun; 39(1): 45-57.
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Spectroscopic and metal-binding properties of DF3: an artificial protein able to accommodate different metal ions
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 1432-1327electronic, 0949-8257linking, 0949-8257print), 2010 Jun; 15(5): 717-728.
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Structural analysis of a helical peptide unfolding pathway
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External and Internal Guest Binding of a Highly Charged Supramolecular Host in Water: Deconvoluting the Very Different Thermodynamics
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Satriano C, Messina GM, Marino C, Aiello I, Conte E, La Mendola D, Distefano DA, D'Alessandro F, Pappalardo G, Impellizzeri G
Surface immobilization of fibronectin-derived PHSRN peptide on functionalized polymer films - Effects on fibroblast spreading
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Milardi D, Pappalardo M, Grasso DM, La Rosa C
Unveiling the unfolding pathway of FALS associated G37R SOD1 mutant: A computational study
Mol Biosyst (ISSN: 1742-206x), 2010; 6(6): 1032-1039.
Puglisi A, Rizzarelli E, Vecchio G, Iacovino R, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Saviano M
Crystal And Molecular Structure Of Beta-Cyclodextrins Functionalized With The Anti-Inflammatory Drug Etodolac
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1227-1235.
Ruggiero A, Di Maro A, Severino V, Chambery A, Berisio R
Crystal structure of PD-L1, a ribosome inactivating protein from Phytolacca dioica L. leaves with the property to induce DNA cleavage
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1135-1142.
Vitagliano L, Stanzione F, De Simone A, Esposito L
Dynamics and Stability of Amyloid-Like Steric Zipper Assemblies with Hydrophobic Dry Interfaces
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2009 Dec; 91(12): 1161-1171.
Ruggiero A, Masullo M, Marasco D, Ruocco MR, Grimaldi P, Arcari P, Zagari A, Vitagliano L
The dimeric structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus thioredoxin A2 and the basis of its thermostability
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2009 Dec; 77(4): 1004-1008.
Moccia M, Musumeci D, Roviello GN, Fusco S, Valente M, Bucci EM, Sapio R, Pedonea C, Netti PA
Preliminary studies on noncovalent hyperbranched polymers based on PNA and DNA building blocks
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Oct; 15(10): 647-653.
Marasco D, Stilo R, Sandomenico A, Monti SM, Tizzano B, De Capua A, Varricchio E, Liguoro D, Zotti T, Formisano S, Ruvo M, Vito P
Generation And Functional Characterization Of A Bcl10-Inhibitory Peptide That Represses Nf-Kappa B Activation
Biochem J (ISSN: 0264-6021, 1470-8728electronic, 0264-6021linking), 2009 Sep 15; 422(3): 553-561.
Palladino P, Ronga L, Benedetti E, Rossi F, Ragone R
Peptide Fragment Approach to Prion Misfolding: The Alpha-2 Domain
Int J Pept Res Ther (ISSN: 1573-3149, 0929-5666), 2009 Sep; 15(3): 165-176.
Accardo A, Tesauro D, Aloj L, Pedone C, Morelli G
Supramolecular aggregates containing lipophilic Gd(III) complexes as contrast agents in MRI
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Di Natale G, Osz K, Nagy Z, Sanna D, Micera G, Pappalardo G, Sovago I, Rizzarelli E
The Interaction Of Copper (ii) With The Prion Peptide Fragment Huprp (76-114) Encompassing Four Histidyl Residues Within And Outside The Octarepeat Domain
Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0020-1669, 1520-510x, 1520-510xelectronic), 2009 May 4; 48(9): 4239-4250.
Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morisco A, Mangiapia G, Vaccaro M, Gianolio E, Heenan RK, Paduano L, Morelli G
Micelles obtained by aggregation of gemini surfactants containing the CCK8 peptide and a gadolinium complex
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0949-8257, 1432-1327electronic, 0949-8257linking), 2009 May; 14(4): 587-599.
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The hemoglobins of the sub-Antarctic fish Cottoperca gobio, a phyletically basal species - oxygen-binding equilibria, kinetics and molecular dynamics
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Vitagliano L, Ruggiero A, Pedone C, Berisio R
Molecular dynamics studies of the P pilus rod subunit PapA
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009 Mar; 15(3): 192-199.
La Mendola D, Bonomo RP, Caminati S, Di Natale G, Emmi SS, Hansson O, Maccarrone G, Pappalardo G, Pietropaolo A, Rizzarelli E
Copper(II) complexes with an avian prion N-terminal region and their potential SOD-like activity
J Chem Res (ISSN: 1873-3344, 0162-0134, 0162-0134print), 2009 Feb; 103(2): 195-204.
Ronga L, Palladino P, Ragone R, Benedetti E, Rossi F
A thermodynamic approach to the conformational preferences of the 180-195 segment derived from the human prion protein α2-helix
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2009; 15(1): 30-35.
Sgarlata C, Bonaccorso C, Gulino FG, Zito V, Arena G, Sciotto D
Sterochemistry And Thermodynamics Of The Inclusion Of Aliphatic And Aromatic Anionic Guests In A Tetracationic Calix [4] Arene In Acidic And Neutral Aqueous Solutions
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Vaccaro M, Mangiapia G, Accardo A, Tesauro D, Gianolio E, Frielinghaus H, Morelli G, Paduano L
Polymerized mixed aggregates containing gadolinium complex and CCK8 peptide
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Di Natale G, Damante CA, Nagy Z, Osz K, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sóvágó I
Copper(II) binding to two novel histidine-containing model hexapeptides: evidence for a metal ion driven turn conformation
J Chem Res (ISSN: 1873-3344, 0162-0134, 0162-0134print), 2008 Nov; 102(11): 2012-2019.
Esposito L, Seydel A, Aiello R, Sorrentino G, Cendron L, Zanotti G, Zagari
The crystal structure of the superoxide dismutase from Helicobacter pylori reveals a structured C-terminal extension
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Past and Future Perspectives of Synthetic Peptide Libraries
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Structure and dimerization of the teleost transmembrane immunoglobulin region
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Accardo A, Tesauro D, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Morelli G
Naposomes: A new class of peptide containing supramolecular aggregates as target selective delivery systems
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Peptides containing membrane-interacting motifs inhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 infectivity
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Pappalardo M, Sciacca MFM, Milardi D, Grasso DM, La Rosa C
Thermodynamics Of Azurin Folding: The Role Of The Copper Ion
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D'Ambrosio K, Vitale R, Dogne J, Masereel B, Innocenti A, Scozzafava A, De Simone G, Supuran CT
Ccarbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors: Bioreductive Nitro-Containing Sulfonamides With Selectivity For Targeting The Tumor Associated Isoforms Ix And Xii
J Med Chem (ISSN: 1520-4804, 0022-2623, 0022-2623print), 2008 Jun 12; 51(11): 3230-3237.
Accardo A, Tesauro D, Aloj L, Tarallo L, Arra C, Mangiapia G, Vaccaro M, Pedone C, Paduano L, Morelli G
Peptide-containing aggregates as selective nanocarriers for therapeutics
Chemmedchem (ISSN: 1860-7179, 1860-7187, 1860-7187electronic), 2008 Apr; 3(4): 594-602.
Bellia F, Amorini AM, La Mendola D, Vecchio G, Tavazzi B, Giardina B, Di Pietro V, Lazzarino G, Rizzarelli E
New glycosidic derivatives of histidine-containing dipeptides with antioxidant properties and resistant to carnosinase activity
Eur J Med Chem (ISSN: 0223-5234, 1768-3254, 1768-3254electronic), 2008 Feb; 43(2): 373-380.
Atlante A, Amadoro G, Bobba A, De Bari L, Corsetti V, Pappalardo G, Marra E, Calissano P, Passarella S
A Peptide Containing Residues 26-44 Of Tau Protein Impairs Mithocondrial Oxodative Phosphorylation Acting At The Level Of The Adenine Nucleotide Translocator
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Atlante A, Amadoro G, Bobba A, de Bari L, Corsetti V, Pappalardo G, Marra E, Calissano P, Passarella S
A peptide containing residues 26-44 of tau protein impairs mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation acting at the level of the adenine nucleotide translocator
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Diana D, Ziaco B, Colombo G, Scarabelli G, Romanelli A, Fedone C, Fattorusso R, D'Andrea LD
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Vaccaro M, Mangiapia G, Paduano L, Gianolio E, Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morelli G
Structural and relaxometric characterization of peptide aggregates containing gadolinium complexes as potential selective contrast agents in MRI
Chemphyschem (ISSN: 1439-4235, 1439-7641, 1439-7641electronic), 2007 Dec 3; 8(17): 2526-2538.
Manetto GD, Grasso DM, Milardi D, Pappalardo M, Guzzi R, Sportelli L, Verbeet MP, Canters GW, La Rosa C
The role played by the α-helix in the unfolding pathway and stability of azurin: Switching between hierarchic and nonhierarchic folding
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2007 Nov 5; 8(16): 1941-1949.
Vaccaro M, Accardo A, D'Errico G, Schillen K, Radulescu A, Tesauro D, Morelli G, Paduano L
Peptides and gd complexes containing colloidal assemblies as tumor-specific contrast agents in MRI: Physicochemical characterization
Biophysical Journal (ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086), 2007 Sep; 93(5): 1736-1746.
Agostini S, Bolzati C, Didonè E, Cavazza-Ceccato M, Refosco F, Aloj L, Arra C, Aurilio M, Tornesello AL, Tesauro D, Morelli G
The (Tc(N)(PNP))2+ metal fragment labeled cholecystokinin-8 (CCK8) peptide for CCK-2 receptors imaging: In vitro and in vivo studies
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2007 Apr; 13(4): 211-219.
Ronga L, Palladino P, Costantini S, Facchiano A, Ruvo M, Benedetti E, Ragone R, Rossi F
Conformational diseases and structure-toxicity relationships: Lessons from prion-derived peptides
Curr Protein Pept Sci (ISSN: 1389-2037, 1389-2037linking), 2007 Feb; 8(1): 83-90.
Accardo A, Tesauro D, Morelli G, Gianolio E, Aime S, Vaccaro M, Mangiapia G, Paduano L, Schillén K
High-relaxivity supramolecular aggregates containing peptides and Gd complexes as contrast agents in MRI
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0949-8257, 1432-1327electronic, 0949-8257print), 2007 Feb; 12(2): 267-276.
Musumeci D, Roviello GN, Moccia M, Pedone C, Bucci EM, Sapio R, Valente M, Fumero S
Bent oligonucleotide duplexes as HMGB1 inhibitors: A comparative study
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Maglio O, Nastri R, Torres O, Faiella V, Pavone WF, Degrado A, Lombardi M
Diiron-containing metalloproteins: Developing functional models
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Moccia M, Musumeci D, Valente M, Roviello GN, Sapio R, Pedone C, Bucci EM
Thermodynamic studies on PNA and PNA/DNA dendrimer formation
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Recombinant amyloidogenic domain of ApoA-I: analysis of its fibrillogenic potential
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications (ISSN: 0006-291x, 0006-291xprint), 2006 Dec 8; 351(1): 223-228.
Sciacca MFM, Milardi D, Pappalardo M, La Rosa C, Grasso DM
Role of electrostatics in the thermal stability of ubiquitin: A combined DSC and MM study
Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry (ISSN: 1388-6150), 2006 Nov; 86(2): 311-314.
Ronga L, Tizzano B, Palladino P, Ragone R, Urso E, Maffia M, Ruvo M, Benedetti E, Rossi F
The prion protein: structural features and related toxic peptides
Chem Biol Drug Des (ISSN: 1747-0277, 1747-0285), 2006 Sep; 68(3): 139-147.
Joszal V, Nagy Z, Osz K, Sanna D, Di Natale G, La Mendola D, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sovago I
Transition metal complexes of terminally protected peptides containing histidyl residues
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2006 Sep; 100(8): 1399-1409.
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Femtosecond study on the isomerization dynamics of NK88. I. Ground-state dynamics after photoexcitation
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Vogt G, Nuernberger P, Gerber G, Improta R, Santoro F, Nuernberger P, Vogt G, Gerber G, Improta R, Santoro F
Femtosecond study on the isomerization dynamics of NK88. II. Excited-state dynamics
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Granata V, Palladino P, Tizzano B, Negro A, Berisio R, Zagari A
The effect of the osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide on the stability of the prion protein at low pH
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2006 Jun 15; 82(3): 234-240.
Cappiello M, Alterio V, Amodeo P, Del Corso A, Scaloni A, Pedone C, Moschini R, De Donatis GM, De Simone G, Mura U
A new spot test for sulfhydryl-containing compounds
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Cappiello M, Alterio V, Amodeo P, Del Corso A, Scaloni A, Pedone C, Moschini R, De Donatis GM, De Simone G, Mura U
Metal ion substitution in the catalytic site greatly affects the binding of sulfhydryl-containing compounds to leucyl aminopeptidase
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2006 Mar 14; 45(10): 3226-3234.
Musumeci D, Valente M, Capasso D, Palumbo R, Gorlach M, Schmidtke M, Zell R, Roviello GN, Sapio R, Pedone C, Bucci EM
A short PNA targeting coxsackievirus B3 5′-nontranslated region prevents virus-induced cytolysis
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2006 Mar; 12(3): 161-170.
Granata V, Graziano G, Ruggiero A, Raimo G, Masullo M, Arcari P, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Chemical Denaturation Of The Elongation Factor 1 Alpha Isolated From The Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus Solfataricus
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2006 Jan 24; 45(3): 719-726.
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Gustavsson T, Banyasz A, Lazzarotto E, Markovitsi D, Scalmani G, Frisch MJ, Barone V, Improta R
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Cucinotta V, Giuffrida A, Maccarrone G, Messina M, Puglisi A, Rizzarelli E, Vecchio G
Coordination properties of 3-functionalized β-cyclodextrins. Thermodynamic stereoselectivity of copper(II) complexes of the A, B-diamino derivative and its exploitation in LECE
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Characterization of a novel RGD-containing peptide with improved selectivity for imaging alpha v beta 3 integrin expression
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Maglio O, Nastri F, Calhoun JR, Lahr S, Wade H, Pavone V, Degrado WF, Lombardi A
Artificial di-iron proteins: solution characterization of four helix bundles containing two distinct types of inter-helical loops
J Biol Inorg Chem (ISSN: 0949-8257print, 0949-8257linking, 1432-1327electronic), 2005 Aug; 10(5): 539-549.
Tizzano B, Palladino P, De Capua A, Marasco D, Rossi F, Benedetti E, Pedone C, Ragone R, Ruvo M
The Human Prion Protein Alpha2 Helix: A Thermodynamic Study Of Its Conformational Preferences
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2005 Apr 1; 59(1): 72-79.
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Insight into ribonuclease A domain swapping by molecular dynamics unfolding simulations
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Zubrzak P, Banas A, Kaczmarek K, Leplawy MT, Sochacki M, Kowalski ML, Szkudlinska B, Zabrocki J, Di Lello P, Isernia C, Saviano M, Pedone C, Benedetti E
Analogues of cyclolinopeptide A containing alpha-hydroxymethyl amino acid residues
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2005; 80(2-3): 347-356.
Calhoun JR, Nastri F, Maglio O, Pavone V, Lombardi A, Degrado WF
Artificial diiron proteins: From structure to function
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Distinct diffusion in macromolecule-solvent mixtures
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Manetto GD, La Rosa C, Grasso DM, Milardi D
Evaluation Of Thermodynamic Properties Of Irreversible Dsc Data
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Pappalardo G, Campagna T, Di Natale G, Grasso G, Impellizzeri G, Rizzarelli E
Metal ion driven turn conformation in two histidine-containing short peptides
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Morelli G, Accardo A, Tesauro D, Pedone C, Mangiapia G, Paduano L, Gianolio E
Multicomponent aggregates containing the CCK8 bioactive peptide and Gd complexes as target-specific MRI contrast agents
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Merlino A, Graziano G, Mazzarella L
Structural And Dynamic Effects Of Alpha-Helix Deletion In Sso7d: Implications For Protein Thermal Stability
Proteins (ISSN: 0887-3585, 1097-0134, 1097-0134electronic), 2004 Dec 1; 57(4): 692-701.
Berisio R, Granata V, Vitagliano L, Zagari A
Imino acids and collagen triple helix stability: Characterization of collagen-like polypeptides containing Hyp-Hyp-Gly sequence repeats
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Vitale RM, Pedone C, De Benedetti PG, Fanelli F
Structural features of the inactive and active states of the melanin-concentrating hormone receptors: Insights from molecular simulations
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Leone M, Di Lello P, Ohlenschläger O, Pedone E, Bartolucci S, Rossi M, Di Blasio B, Pedone C, Saviano M, Isernia C, Fattorusso R
Solution structure and backbone dynamics of the K18G/R82E Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius thioredoxin mutant: A molecular analysis of its reduced thermal stability
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2004 May 25; 43(20): 6043-6058.
Saviano M, Improta R, Benedetti E, Carrozzini B, Cascarano GL, Didierjean C, Toniolo C, Crisma M
Benzophenone photophore flexibility and proximity: Molecular and crystal-state structure of a Bpa-containing trichogin dodecapeptide analogue
Chembiochem (ISSN: 1439-4227, 1439-7633, 1439-7633electronic), 2004 Apr 2; 5(4): 541-544.
Accardo A, Tesauro D, Roscigno P, Gianolio E, Paduano L, D'Errico G, Pedone C, Morelli G
Physicochemical Properties of Mixed Micellar Aggregates Containing CCK Peptides and Gd Complexes Designed as Tumor Specific Contrast Agents in MRI
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2004 Mar 17; 126(10): 3097-3107.
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3-Amino Derivative Of Beta-Cyclodextrin: Thermodynamics Of Copper (ii) Complexes And Exploitation Of Its Enantioselectivity In The Separation Of Amino Acid Racemates By Ligand Exchange Capillary Electrophoresis
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Assesing the reliability of density functional methods in the conformational study of polypeptides: The treatment of intraresidue nonbonding interactions
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Characterization of multicomponent aggregate containing a bioactive peptide and a Gd complex
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Structural and thermal stability analysis of Escherichia coli and Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius thioredoxin revealed a molten globule-like state in thermal denaturation pathway of the proteins: an infrared spectroscopic study
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La Mendola D, Bonomo R, Maccarrone G, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E
A thermodynamic and spectroscopic study on the copper(II) complexes with hexarepeats fragments of the avian prion protein
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Thermodynamic analysis of the contributions of the copper ion and the disulfide bridge to azurin stability: Synergism among multiple depletions
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Free energy perturbation and molecular dynamics calculations of copper binding to azurin
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Maglio O, Nastri F, Pavone V, Lombardi A, Degrado WF
Preorganization of molecular binding sites in designed diiron proteins
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The effect of copper/zinc replacement on the folding free energy of wild type and Cys3Ala/Cys26Ala azurin
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Grasso D, Milardi D, Guantieri V, La Rosa C, Rizzarelli E
Interaction of prion peptide PrP 180-193 with DPPC model membranes: A thermodynamic study
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Bonomo RP, Bruno V, Conte E, De Guidi G, La Mendola D, Maccarrone G, Nicoletti F, Rizzarelli E, Sortino S, Vecchio G
Potentiometric, spectroscopic and antioxidant activity studies of SOD mimics containing carnosine
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Global and local motions in ribonuclease A: A molecular dynamics study
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2002 Nov 15; 65(4): 274-283.
Langella E, Improta R, Barone V
Conformational and spectroscopic analysis of the tyrosyl radical dipeptide analogue in the gas phase and in aqueous solution by a density functional/continuum solvent model
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2002 Sep 25; 124(38): 11531-11540.
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A major IgE epitope-containing grass pollen allergen domain from Phl p 5 folds as a four-helix bundle
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Improta R, Mele F, Crescenzi O, Benzi C, Barone V
Understanding the role of stereoelectronic effects in determining collagen stability. 2. A quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical study of (Proline-Proline-Glycine)n polypeptides
J Am Chem Soc (ISSN: 0002-7863, 0002-2786, 1520-5126), 2002 Jul 3; 124(26): 7857-7865.
Pappalardo G, Impellizzeri G, Bonomo RP, Campagna T, Grasso G, Saita MG
Copper(II) and nickel(II) binding modes in a histidine-containing model dodecapeptide
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Valine114 Replacements In The Archaeal Elongation Factor 1a Enhanced Its Ability To Interact With Aminoacyl-Trna And Kirromycin
Biochemistry (ISSN: 0006-2960, 1520-4995, 1520-4995electronic), 2002; 41(49): 14482-14488.
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Molecular interactions between nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) transcription factors and a PNA-DNA chimera mimicking NF-κB binding sites
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Romanelli A, Pedone C, Saviano M, Bianchi N, Borgatti M, Mischiati C, Gambari R
Molecular interactions with nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) transcription factors of a PNA-DNA chimera mimicking NF-kappaB binding sites
Eur J Biochem (ISSN: 0014-2956print, 0014-2956linking), 2001 Dec; 268(23): 6066-6075.
De Simone G, Menchise V, Manco G, Mandrich L, Sorrentino N, Lang D, Rossi M, Pedone C
The crystal structure of a hyper-thermophilic carboxylesterase from the archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus
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Romanelli A, Garella I, Menchise V, Iacovino R, Saviano M, Montesarchio D, Didierjean C, Lello PD, Rossi F, Benedetti E
Crystal-state conformation of Cα, α-dialkylated peptides containing chiral β-homo-residues
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 2001; 7(1): 15-26.
Saviano M, Romanelli A, Bucci E, Pedone C, Mischiati C, Bianchi N, Feriotto G, Borgatti M, Gambari R
Computational procedures to explain the different biological activity of DNA/DNA, DNA/PNA and PNA/PNA hybrid molecules mimicking NF-κB binding sites
J Biomol Struct Dyn (ISSN: 0739-1102, 1538-0254electronic, 0739-1102linking), 2000 Dec; 18(3): 353-362.
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Copper(II) complexes with L-lysine and L-ornithine: Is the side-chain involved in the coordination? A thermodynamic and spectroscopic study
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Esposito L, Vitagliano L, Sica F, Sorrentino G, Zagari A, Mazzarella L
The ultrahigh resolution crystal structure of ribonuclease A containing an isoaspartyl residue: Hydration and sterochemical analysis
J Mol Biol (ISSN: 0022-2836, 1089-8638, 1089-8638electronic), 2000 Mar 31; 297(3): 713-732.
Pavone V, Lombardi A, Saviano M, De Simone G, Nastri F, Maglio O, Omote Y, Yamanaka Y, Yamada T
Conformational behavior of C(α, α)-diphenyl glycine: Extended conformation in tripeptides containing consecutive Dφg residues
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2000 Feb; 53(2): 161-168.
De Simone G, Lombardi A, Galdiero S, Nastri F, Di Costanzo L, Gohda S, Sano A, Yamada T, Pavone V
The crystal structure of a Dcp-containing peptide
Biopolymers (ISSN: 0006-3525, 0006-6352, 0006-3525print), 2000 Feb; 53(2): 182-188.
Lombardi A, De Simone G, Galdiero S, Nastri F, Di Costanzo L, Makihiara K, Yamada T, Pavone V
The crystal structure of Afc-containing peptide
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Conformation and calcium-binding properties of a bicyclic nonapeptide
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Thermodynamic analysis of α-spectrin SH3 and two of its circular permutants with different loop lengths: Discerning the reasons for rapid folding in proteins
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The nickel(II) complex of a new multidentate ligand containing both imidazole and pyrazole moieties
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Lombardi A, D'Agostino B, Nastri F, D'Andrea LD, Filippelli A, Falciani M, Rossi F, Pavone V
A novel super-potent neurokinin A receptor antagonist containing dehydroalanine
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Pavone V, Lombardi A, Saviano M, Nastri F, Zaccaro L, Maglio O, Pedone C, Omote Y, Yamanaka Y, Yamada T
Conformational Behaviour Of C (alpha, Alpha)-Diphenylglycine: Folded Vs. Extended Structures In Dphig-Containing Tripeptides
J Pept Sci (ISSN: 1075-2617, 1099-1387, 1075-2617print), 1998 Feb; 4(1): 21-32.
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Cu(II)-L-glutamine and L-asparagine binary complexes. A thermodynamic and spectroscopic study
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Co-ordinating properties of cyclopeptides. Thermodynamic and spectroscopic study on the formation of copper(II) complexes with cyclo(Gly-His)4 and cyclo(Gly-His-Gly)2 and their superoxide dismutase-like activity
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Conformational Behaviour Of C-Alpha-Alpha-Diphenylglicine. Folded Versus Extended Structures In Dfg-Containing Tripeptides
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Bonomo RP, Cucinotta V, D'Alessandro F, Impellizzeri G, Maccarrone G, Rizzarelli E, Vecchio G, Carima L, Corradini R, Sartor G, Marchelli R
Chiral recognition by the copper(ii) complex of 6-deoxy-6-n-(2 - methylaminopyridine)-β-cyclodextrin
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Unusual conformational preferences of β-alanine containing cyclic peptides. VII
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Solution and solid state structure of an aib-containing cyclodecapeptide inhibiting the cholate uptake in hepatocytes
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Conformational Behaviour of a Cyclolinopeptide A Analogue: Two-dimensional NMR study of cyclo(Pro(1)-Pro-Phe-Phe-Ac(6)c-Ile-ala-Val(8))
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β-alanine containing cyclic peptides with turned structure: The 'pseudo type II β-turn. ' VI
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Beta-Alanine Containing Peptides: Gamma-Turns In Cyclotetrapeptides
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Non coded C alpha, alpha-disubstituted amino acids. X-ray diffraction analysis of a dipeptide containing (S)-alpha-methylserine
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Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Characterization, and in vitro O2- Scavenger Activity of Copper(II) Complexes with Glycyl-L-histidyl-glycyl-L-histidine
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β-Alanine containing peptides: A novel molecular tool for the design of γ-turns
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