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Semiautomatic regional segmentation to measure orbital fat volumes in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. A validation study
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Trans fatty acids consumption in type 1 diabetic patients: evaluation by dietary records and measurement in serum phospholipids
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Giacomobono S, Gallicchio R, Capacchione D, Nardelli A, Gattozzi D, Lettini G, Molinari L, Mainenti P, Cammarota A, Storto G
F-18 FDG PET/CT in the assessment of patients with unexplained CEA rise after surgical curative resection for colorectal cancer
International Journal Of Colorectal Disease (ISSN: 0179-1958, 0179-1958linking), 2013 Jul 12; 28(12): 1699-1705.
Gargiulo P, Dellegrottaglie S, Bruzzese D, Savarese G, Scala O, Ruggiero D, D'Amore C, Paolillo S, Agostoni P, Bossone E, Soricelli A, Cuocolo A, Trimarco B, Perrone Filardi P
The prognostic value of normal stress cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis
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Gramanzini M, Di Girolamo N, Gargiulo S, Greco A, Cocchia N, Delogu M, Rosapane I, Liuzzi R, Selleri P, Brunetti A
Assessment Of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry For Use In Evaluating The Effects Of Dietary And Environmental Management On Hermann'S Tortoises (testudo Hermanni)
Am J Vet Res (ISSN: 0002-9645, 0002-2964), 2013 Jun; 74(6): 918-924.
Mariconda M, Soscia E, Sirignano C, Smeraglia F, Soldati A, Balato G
Long-Term Clinical Results And Mri Changes After Tendon Ball Arthroplasty For Advanced Kienbock'S Disease
J Hand Surg Eur Vol (ISSN: 2043-6289, 0266-7681, 2043-6289electronic), 2013 Jun; 38(5): 508-514.
Maffei E, Midiri M, Russo V, Rengo M, Tedeschi C, Spagnolo P, Seitun S, Francone M, Guaricci AI, Carrabba N, Malagò R, Cuocolo A, Arcadi T, Catalano OA, Cademartiri F
Rationale, design and methods of CTCA-PRORECAD (Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography Prognostic Registry for Coronary Artery Disease): A multicentre and multivendor registry
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2013 Jun; 118(4): 591-607.
Mancini M, Masulli M, Liuzzi R, Mainenti PP, Ragucci M, Maurea S, Riccardi G, Vaccaro O
Renal duplex sonographic evaluation of type 2 diabetic patients
J Ultrasound Med (ISSN: 1550-9613, 0278-4297), 2013 Jun; 32(6): 1033-1040.
Storto G, Gallicchio R, Pellegrino T, Nardelli A, Capacchione D, Sirignano C, Pace L
Impact of F-18-fluoride PET-CT on implementing early treatment of painful bone metastases with Sm-153 EDTMP
Nucl Med Biol (ISSN: 0969-8051, 0883-2897, 0969-8051linking), 2013 May; 40(4): 518-523.
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Spontaneous intracranial hypotension and epidural blood patch: A report involving seven cases
Anaesth Intensive Care (ISSN: 0310-057x), 2013 May; 41(3): 393-396.
Lanzillo R, Bonavita S, Quarantelli M, Vacca G, Lus G, Amato L, Carotenuto A, Tedeschi G, Orefice G, Brescia Morra V
Natalizumab is effective in multiple sclerosis patients switching from other disease modifying therapies in clinical practice
Neurol Sci (ISSN: 1590-1874, 1590-0187, 1590-3478), 2013 Apr; 34(4): 521-528.
Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Prognosis in the era of comparative effectiveness research
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1532-6551, 1071-3581, 1532-6551electronic), 2013 Apr; 20(2): 313-313.
Pacelli R, Conson M, Cella L, Liuzzi R, Troncone G, Iorio V, Solla R, Farella A, Scala S, Pagliarulo C, Salvatore M
Radiation therapy following surgery for localized breast cancer: Outcome prediction by classical prognostic factors and approximated genetic subtypes
J Rad Res Journal Of Radiation Research (ISSN: 1349-9157, 0449-3060, 1349-9157electronic), 2013 Mar 1; 54(2): 292-298.
Quarantelli M, Giardino G, Prinster A, Aloj G, Carotenuto B, Cirillo E, Marsili A, Salvatore E, Del Giudice E, Pignata C
Steroid Treatment In Ataxia-Telangiectasia Induces Alterations Of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Prono-Supination Task
Eur J Paediatr Neuro (ISSN: 1532-2130, 1090-3798, 1532-2130electronic), 2013 Mar; 17(2): 135-140.
Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Prediction models for risk classification in cardiovascular disease
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070, 0340-6997), 2012 Dec; 39(12): 1959-1969.
Lamagna B, Greco A, Guardascione A, Navas L, Ragozzino M, Paciello O, Brunetti A, Meomartino L
Canine Lipomas Treated with Steroid Injections: Clinical Findings
Plosone (ISSN: 1932-6203, 1932-6203electronic, 1932-6203linking), 2012 Nov 30; 7(11): N/D-N/D.
Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Bonavita S, Ventrella G, Lus G, Vacca G, Prinster A, Orefice G, Tedeschi G, Brescia Morra V
Natalizumab vs interferon beta 1a in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: A head-to-head retrospective study
Acta Neurol Scand (ISSN: 0001-6314, 1600-0404), 2012 Nov; 126(5): 306-314.
Sica G, Guida F, Bocchini G, Codella U, Mainenti PP, Tanga M, Scaglione M
Errors in Imaging Assessment of Polytrauma Patients
Seminars In Ultrasound Ct And Mri (ISSN: 0887-2171), 2012 Sep; 33(4): 337-346.
Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Pitfalls in statistical methods
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1532-6551, 1071-3581, 1532-6551electronic), 2012 Sep; 19(4): 818-818.
Petretta M, Daniele S, Acampa W, Imbriaco M, Pellegrino T, Messalli G, Xhoxhi E, Del Prete G, Nappi C, Accardo D, Angeloni F, Bonaduce D, Cuocolo A
Prognostic value of coronary artery calcium score and coronary CT angiography in patients with intermediate risk of coronary artery disease
Int J Card Imaging (ISSN: 1569-5794, 1875-8312), 2012 Sep; 28(6): 1547-1556.
Petretta M, Cuocolo A
In search of a marker of vulnerable carotid plaque: is the key in the heart?
Atherosclerosis (ISSN: 1879-1484, 0021-9150), 2012 Jul; 223(1): 95-97.
Soscia E, Sirignano C, Catalano O, Atteno M, Costa L, Caso F, Peluso R, Bruner V, Aquino MM, Del Puente A, Salvatore M, Scarpa R
New developments in magnetic resonance imaging of the nail unit
Journal Of Rheumatology (ISSN: 0315-162x), 2012 Jul; 39(SUPPL.89): 49-53.
Volpe U, Mucci A, Quarantelli M, Galderisi S, Maj M
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volume in patients with deficit or nondeficit schizophrenia
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (ISSN: 0278-5846, 0278-5846linking), 2012 Jun 1; 37(2): 264-269.
Perrone-Filardi P, Musella F, Savarese G, Cecere M, Marciano C, Scala O, Rengo G, Dellegrottaglie S, Cuocolo A, Leosco D
Coronary computed tomography: current role and future perspectives for cardiovascular risk stratification
Eur Heart J-Card Img (ISSN: 2047-2412, 2047-2404, 2047-2412electronic), 2012 Jun; 13(6): 453-458.
Franchin A, Corradin ML, Giantin V, Rossi F, Zanatta F, Attanasio F, Toffanello ED, Manzato E
Diabetes in a geriatric ward: Efficacy and safety of new insulin analogs in very old inpatients
Aging Clin Exp Res (ISSN: 1594-0667, 1720-8319), 2012 Jun; 24(SUPPL.3): 17-19.
Perrone-filardi P, Cuocolo A, Dellegrottaglie S
Myocardial perfusion imaging in very elderly patients with suspected coronary artery disease: never too late!
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1532-6551, 1071-3581, 1532-6551electronic), 2012 Apr; 19(2): 224-226.
Mancini M, Morra VB, Di Donato O, Maglio V, Lanzillo R, Liuzzi R, Salvatore E, Brunetti A, Iaccarino V, Salvatore M
Multiple sclerosis: cerebral circulation time
Radiology (ISSN: 1527-1315, 0033-8419, 1527-1315electronic), 2012 Mar; 262(3): 947-955.
Acampa W, Petretta M, Evangelista L, Daniele S, Xhoxhi E, De Rimini ML, Cittanti C, Marranzano F, Spadafora M, Baldari S, Mansi L, Cuocolo A
Myocardial perfusion imaging and risk classification for coronary heart disease in diabetic patients. The IDIS study: A prospective, multicentre trial
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2012 Mar; 39(3): 387-395.
Orditura M, Galizia G, Morgillo F, Martinelli E, Lieto E, Vitiello F, Di Martino N, Pacelli R, Renda A, Ciardiello F, De Vita F
Complete Response To Preoperative Chemoradiation And Survival In Esophageal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis Of Three Single-Institution Phase Ii Trials
Diseases Of The Esophagus, 2012 Feb; 142(5): 130-136.
Maurea S, Fusari M, Imbriaco M, Camera L, Mainenti PP, Campione S, Santangelo M, Salvatore M
Pitfalls in diagnostic imaging of cystic pancreatic masses: a case of true cystic lesion mimicking a mucinous cystadenoma
Jop (ISSN: 1590-8577, 1590-0857), 2012 Jan 10; 13(1): 83-86.
Petretta M, Acampa W, Zampella E, Assante R, Petretta MP, Cuocolo R, Fabiani I, Della Rattal GL, Perrone-Filardi P, Cuocolo A
Imaging techniques for assessment of coronary flow reserve
Monaldi Arch Chest Dis Card Ser (ISSN: 1122-0643, 1122-0643print), 2011 Dec; 76(4): 192-197.
Lanzillo R, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M, Ventrella G, Gasperi M, Prinster A, Vacca G, Pivonello C, Orefice G, Colao A, Morra VB
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-3 serum levels in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients
Eur J Neurol (ISSN: 1351-5101, 1468-1331electronic, 1351-5101linking), 2011 Dec; 18(12): 1402-1406.
Perrone-Filardi P, Paolillo S, Dellegrottaglie S, Gargiulo P, Savarese G, Marciano C, Casaretti L, Cecere M, Musella F, Pirozzi E, Parente A, Cuocolo A
Assessment of cardiac sympathetic activity by MIBG imaging in patients with heart failure: a clinical appraisal
Heart (ISSN: 1468-201x, 1355-6037), 2011 Nov; 97(22): 1828-1833.
Takano A, Gulyas B, Varrone A, Karlsson P, Sjoholm N, Larsson S, Jonsson C, Odh R, Sparks R, Al Tawil N, Hoffmann A, Zimmermann T, Thiele A, Halldin C
Biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of the 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) radioligand [ 18F]FEDAA1106: A human whole-body PET study
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2011 Nov; 38(11): 2058-2065.
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Zinc to Cadmium Replacement in the A. thaliana SUPERMAN Cys(2)His(2) Zinc Finger Induces Structural Rearrangements of Typical DNA Base Determinant Positions
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Bastianello S, Giugni E, Amato MP, Tola MR, Trojano M, Galletti S, Luccichenti G, Quarantelli M, Picconi O, Patti F, COGIMUS
Changes In Magnetic Resonance Imaging Disease Measures Over 3 Years In Mildly Disabled Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Receiving Interferon Beta-1a In The Cognitive Impairment In Multiple Sclerosis (cogimus) Study
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Iavarone A, Lorè E, De Falco C, Milan G, Mosca R, Pappata S, Galeone F, Sorrentino P, Scognamiglio M, Postiglione A
Dysexecutive performance of healthy oldest old subjects on the Frontal Assessment Battery
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Esmaeilzadeh M, Farde L, Karlsson P, Varrone A, Halldin C, Waters S, Tedroff J
Extrastriatal dopamine D 2 receptor binding in Huntington's disease
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Daniele S, Nappi C, Acampa W, Storto G, Pellegrino T, Ricci F, Xhoxhi E, Porcaro F, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Incremental prognostic value of coronary flow reserve assessed with single-photon emission computed tomography
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2011 Sep; 18(4): 612-619.
Durazzo M, Campion D, Fagoonee S, Pellicano R, Sonne JU, Erckenbrecht JF, Grassi M, Petraccia L, Mennuni G, Fontana M, Scarno A, Sabetta S, Fraioli A
Changes, functional disorders, and diseases in the gastrointestinal tract of elderly
Hepatology (ISSN: 1827-1669electronic, 0026-4806linking, 1432-1289electronic), 2011 Jul; 2655108(6): 659-668.
Alfano B, Comerci M, Larobina M, Prinster A, Hornak JP, Selvan SE, Amato U, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi G, Brunetti A, Salvatore M
An MRI digital brain phantom for validation of segmentation methods
Med Image Anal (ISSN: 1361-8415, 1361-8423, 1361-8415linking), 2011 Jun; 15(3): 329-339.
Cuocolo A
Current research in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging in Italy: Highlights of the 10th National Congress of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2011 Jun; 55(3): 280-300.
Esmaeilzadeh M, Kullingsjo J, Ullman H, Varrone A, Tedroff J
Regional cerebral glucose metabolism after pridopidine (ACR16) treatment in patients with huntington disease
Clin Neuropharmacol (ISSN: 0362-5664), 2011 May; 34(3): 95-100.
Pedone C, Napoli N, Pozzilli P, Rossi FF, Lauretani F, Bandinelli S, Ferrucci L, Antonelli-Incalzi R
Dietary pattern and bone density changes in elderly women: a longitudinal study
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Corona C, Frazzini V, Silvestri E, Lattanzio R, La Sorda R, Piantelli M, Canzoniero LM, Ciavardelli D, Rizzarelli E, Sensi SL
Effects of dietary supplementation of carnosine on mitochondrial dysfunction, amyloid pathology, and cognitive deficits in 3xTg-AD mice
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Kaplan M, Pacelli R
The nurse with no last name
Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing, 2011 Feb; 15(1): 3-17.
Piazza O, De Robertis E, Caranci F, Quarantelli M, Tufano R
Riedel's thyroiditis and cerebral venous sinuses thrombosis: A case report
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Casciaro S, Conversano F, Ragusa A, Malvindi MA, Franchini R, Greco A, Pellegrino T, Gigli G
Optimal enhancement configuration of silica nanoparticles for ultrasound imaging and automatic detection at conventional diagnostic frequencies
Invest Radiol (ISSN: 0020-9996, 1536-0210, 1536-0210electronic), 2010 Nov; 45(11): 715-724.
Storto G, Di Giorgio E, De Renzo A, Pizzuti LM, Cerciello G, Nardelli A, Capacchione D, Castaldi E, Ortosecco G, Pace L
Assessment of metabolic activity by PET-CT with F-18-FDG in patients with T-cell lymphoma
Br J Haematol (ISSN: 0007-1048, 0007-1048linking, 1365-2141electronic), 2010 Oct; 151(2): 195-197.
Strianese D, Tranfa F, Finelli M, De Renzo A, Staibano S, Schiemer R, Cardone D, Pacelli R, Perna F, Mascolo M, De Rosa G, Bonavolonta G
Hepatitis C virus infection in ocular adnexal lymphomas
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Acampa W, Evangelista L, Daniele S, Xhoxhi E, De Rimini ML, Cittanti C, Marranzano F, Spadafora M, Baldari S, Mansi L, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Impact of Inducible Ischemia by SPECT Imaging on Cardiac Risk Assessment in Diabetic Patients: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter Trial
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2010 Oct; 37: N/D-N/D.
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A Computer Vision Approach to Micro-Nucleus automatic detection and surface measurements
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A piezo-film-based measurement system for global haemodynamic assessment
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Lanzillo R, Orefice G, Quarantelli M, Rinaldi C, Prinster A, Ventrella G, Spitaleri D, Lus G, Vacca G, Carotenuto B, Salvatore E, Brunetti A, Tedeschi G, Brescia Morra V
Atorvastatin combined to interferon to verify the efficacy (ACTIVE) in relapsing-remitting active multiple sclerosis patients: A longitudinal controlled trial of combination therapy
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Napolitano M, Ottaiano A, Mauro F, Ieranò C, Satriano R, Pacelli R, Franco R, De Angelis V, Castello G, Scala S
CD4(+)CD45RA(+)CXCR4(+) lymphocytes are inversely associated with progression in stages I-III melanoma patients
Cancer Immunol Immunother (ISSN: 0340-7004, 0340-7004linking), 2010 Apr; 59(4): 511-517.
Cuocolo A, Petretta M, Acampa W, De Falco T
Gated SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging: The further improvements of an excellent tool
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2010 Apr; 54(2): 129-144.
Acampa W, Caprio MG, Nicolai E, Liuzzi R, Capasso E, Luongo L, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Assessment of poststress left ventricular ejection fraction by gated SPECT: Comparison with equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2010 Feb; 37(2): 349-356.
Storto G, De Renzo A, Pellegrino T, Perna F, De Falco T, Erra P, Nardelli A, Speranza A, Klain M, Rotoli B, Pace L
Assessment of Metabolic Response to Radioimmunotherapy with (90)Y-Ibritumomab Tiuxetan in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 0033-8419linking), 2010 Jan; 254(1): 245-252.
D'Antò V, Michelotti A, Esposito L, Zagari A, Liguori R, Sacchetti L
Nonsynonimous mutation of catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) gene in a patient with temporomandibular disorder
J Sci Med Sport (ISSN: 1440-2440), 2010; 13(6): 174-179.
Storto G, Soricelli A, Pellegrino T, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Assessment of the arterial input function for estimation of coronary flow reserve by single photon emission computed tomography: comparison of two different approaches
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070, 0340-6997), 2009 Dec; 36(12): 2034-2041.
Lucignani G, Cuocolo A
Recent advances in the assessment of myocardial viability
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070, 0340-6997), 2009 Nov; 36(11): 1892-1895.
Lucignani G, Cuocolo A
Advances in quantitative assessment of myocardial blood flow and coronary reserve
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070, 0340-6997), 2009 Oct; 36(10): 1687-1692.
Montella S, Santamaria F, Salvatore M, Maglione M, Iacotucci P, De Santi MM, Mollica C
Lung disease assessment in primary ciliary dyskinesia: a comparison between chest high-field magnetic resonance imaging and high-resolution computed tomography findings
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Montella S, Santamaria F, Salvatore M, Pignata C, Maglione M, Iacotucci P, Mollica C
Assessment of chest high-field magnetic resonance imaging in children and young adults with noncystic fibrosis chronic lung disease: comparison to high-resolution computed tomography and correlation with pulmonary function
Invest Radiol (ISSN: 1536-0210, 0020-9996, 1536-0210electronic), 2009 Sep; 44(9): 532-538.
Messalli G, Palumbo A, Maffei E, Martini C, Seitun S, Aldrovandi A, Imbriaco M, Salvatore M, Weustink A, Mollet N, Cademartiri F
Assessment of left ventricular volumes with cardiac MRI: Comparison between two semiautomated quantitative software packages
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Coppola G, Fortunato D, Auricchio G, Mainolfi C, Operto FF, Signoriello G, Pascotto A, Salvatore M
Bone mineral density in children, adolescents, and young adults with epilepsy
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Cuocolo A, Concilio C, Acampa W, Ferro A, Evangelista L, Daniele S, Petretta M
Cardiovascular risk stratification of diabetic patients
Minerva Endocrinol (ISSN: 0391-1977, 1827-1634electronic, 0391-1977linking), 2009 Sep; 34(3): 205-221.
Giacomobono S, Capacchione D, Lancellotti M, Nardelli A, Gallicchio R, Improta G, Nappi A, Cammarota A, Di Leo A, Pace L, Storto G
F-18 FDG PET/CT in the assessment of patients with unexplained CEA rise after surgical curative resection for colorectal cancer
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2009 Sep; 36: N/D-N/D.
Evangelista L, Acampa W, Ferro A, Daniele S, Xhoxhi E, De Rimini ML, Cittanti C, Marranzano F, Spadafora M, Baldari S, Mansi L, Cuocolo A
Impact of Inducible Ischemia by Stress SPECT in Cardiac Risk Assessment in Diabetic Patients: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter Trial
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2009 Sep; 36: N/D-N/D.
Lanzillo R, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M, Gasperi M, Ventrella G, Prinster A, Vacca G, Orefice G, Colao A, Morra VB
Serum levels of insulin like growth factor-1 and insulin like growth factor binding protein-3 in relapsing and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
Mult Scler (ISSN: 1352-4585, 1477-0970, 1352-4585linking), 2009 Sep; 15(9): 1402-1406.
Criscuolo C, Filla A, Coppola G, Rinaldi C, Carbone R, Pinto S, Wang Q, De Leva MF, Salvatore E, Banfi S, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Geschwind DH, Pappata S, De Michele G
Two novel CYP7B1 mutations in Italian families with SPG5: A clinical and genetic study
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Peca C, Pacelli R, Elefante A, Del Basso De Caro ML, Vergara P, Mariniello G, Giamundo A, Maiuri F
Early clinical and neuroradiological worsening after radiotherapy and concomitant temozolomide in patients with glioblastoma: Tumour progression or radionecrosis?
Clin Neurol Neurosurg (ISSN: 0303-8467), 2009 May; 111(4): 331-334.
Storto G, Nicolai E, Salvatore M
[18F]FDG-PET-CT for early monitoring of tumor response: When and why
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2009 Apr; 53(2): 167-180.
Evangelista L, Acampa W, Petretta M, Ferro A, Ricci F, Luongo L, Daniele S, Punzo G, Cuocolo A
Incremental prognostic value of cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography after nitrate administration in patients with ischemic left ventricular dysfunction
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2009 Feb; 16(1): 38-44.
Pedone C, Di Pasquale G, Greco C, Gonzini L, Maggioni AP, Pavesi PC, Sabini A, Boccanelli A; In-Acs Outcome Investigators
Prescription at discharge of recommended treatments for secondary prevention in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction according to reperfusion strategies. Results from the IN-ACS outcome study
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Cellular stress response: a novel target for chemoprevention and nutritional neuroprotection in aging, neurodegenerative disorders and longevity
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Predictors of In-Hospital and Long-Term Clinical Outcome in Elderly Patients with Massive Pulmonary Embolism Receiving Thrombolytic Therapy
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An instrument for prosthesis osseointegration assessment by electrochemical impedance spectrum measurement
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18F-FDG PET/CT in the assessment of early response to chemotherapy and molecularly targeted agents in metastatic colorectal cancer
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2008 Oct; 35: N/D-N/D.
Storto G, Di Giorgio E, Pellegrino T, Erra P, Nardelli A, Perna F, Castaldi E, Ortosecco G, Speranza A, De Renzo A, Salvatore M, Rotoli B, Pace L
Assessment of Metabolic Activity by PET-CT with F-18-FDG in patients with T-cell Lymphoma
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Storto G, Nardelli A, Pellegrino T, Perna F, De Falco T, Erra P, Ortosecco G, Castaldi E, Speranza A, Klain M, De Renzo A, Di Nuzzo C, Pace L, Rotoli B, Salvatore M
Assessment of Metabolic Response to Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with Yttrium-90 (Y-90) Ibritumomab Tiuxetan in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2008 Oct; 35: N/D-N/D.
Storto G, Pellegrino T, Vassallo S, De Marino M, De Falco T, Punzo G, Petretta A, Cuocolo A
Assessment of the Arterial Input Function for the Estimation of Coronary Flow Reserve by SPECT Imaging: Comparison of Two Different Methods
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2008 Oct; 35: N/D-N/D.
Petretta M, Costanzo P, Acampa W, Imbriaco M, Ferro A, Filardi PP, Cuocolo A
Noninvasive assessment of coronary anatomy and myocardial perfusion: Going toward an integrated imaging approach
J Cardiovasc Med (ISSN: 1558-2027, 1558-2035), 2008 Oct; 9(10): 977-986.
Storto G, Sorrentino AR, Pellegrino T, Liuzzi R, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Assessment of coronary flow reserve by sestamibi imaging in patients with typical chest pain and normal coronary arteries (vol 34, pg 1156, 2007)
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2008 Sep; 35(9): N/D-N/D.
Brunetti A, Cuocolo A
European Science Foundation calls for more and better medical imaging research
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2008 Sep; 35(9): 1749-1757.
Varrone A, Sansone V, Pellecchia MT, Amboni M, Salvatore E, De Michele G, Filla A, Barone P, Pappata S, Salvatore M
Comparison between a dual-head and a brain-dedicated SPECT system in the measurement of the loss of dopamine transporters with [123I]FP-CIT
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2008 Jul; 35(7): 1343-1349.
Acampa W, Petretta M, Evangelista L, Nappi G, Luongo L, Petretta MP, Cuocolo A
Stress cardiac single-photon emission computed tomographic imaging late after coronary artery bypass surgery for risk stratification and estimation of time to cardiac events
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg (ISSN: 0022-5223, 1097-685x), 2008 Jul; 136(1): 46-51.
Petretta M, Soricelli A, Storto G, Cuocolo A
Assessment of coronary flow reserve using single photon emission computed tomography with technetium 99m-labeled tracers
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1532-6551, 1071-3581, 1532-6551electronic), 2008 May; 15(3): 456-465.
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Increased troponin I predicts in-hospital occurrence of hemodynamic instability in patients with sub-massive or non-massive pulmonary embolism independent to clinical, echocardiographic and laboratory information
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Postsurgical diagnostic evaluation of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: Comparison of ultrasound, iodine-131 scintigraphy and PET with fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2008 Mar; 113(2): 278-288.
Petretta M, Acampa W, Evangelista L, Daniele S, Ferro A, Cuocolo A
Impact of inducible ischemia by stress SPECT in cardiac risk assessment in diabetic patients: Rationale and design of a prospective, multicenter trial
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2008 Jan; 15(1): 100-104.
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Is uterine artery embolization for cervical ectopic pregnancy always safe?
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Does protracted antiviral therapy impact on HCV-related liver cirrhosis progression?
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Involvement of H4(D10S170) protein in ATM-dependent response to DNA damage
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Storto G, Sorrentino AR, Pellegrino T, Liuzzi R, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Assessment of coronary flow reserve by sestamibi imaging in patients with typical chest pain and normal coronary arteries
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2007 Sep; 34(8): 1156-1161.
Picardi M, De Renzo A, Pane F, Nicolai E, Pacelli R, Salvatore M, Rotoli B
Randomized comparison of consolidation radiation versus observation in bulky Hodgkin's lymphoma with post-chemotherapy negative positron emission tomography scans
Leuk Lymphoma (ISSN: 1042-8194, 1026-8022linking), 2007 Sep; 48(9): 1721-1727.
Storto G, Pellegrino T, Sorrentino AR, Luongo L, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Estimation of coronary flow reserve by sestamibi imaging in type 2 diabetic patients with normal coronary arteries
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1532-6551, 1071-3581, 1532-6551electronic), 2007 Apr; 14(2): 194-199.
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Essential roles for Fe65, Alzheimer amyloid precursor-binding protein, in the cellular response to DNA damage
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An ontology-based technique for validation of MRI brain segmentation methods
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Nonlinear indices of heart rate variability in chronic heart failure patients: Redundancy and comparative clinical value
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Storto G, Sorrentino AR, Pellegrino T, Liuzzi R, Petretta MP, Salvatore M, Cuocolo A
Assessment of coronary vascular function by sestamibi imaging in patients with diabetes and normal coronary arteries
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2006 Sep; 33: N/D-N/D.
Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Del Vecchio W, Mollica C, Prinster A, Iadicicco L, Iodice V, Santoro L, Salvatore M
Modifications of brain tissue volumes in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy
Neuroimage (ISSN: 1053-8119, 1053-8119linking), 2006 Sep; 32(3): 1237-1242.
Storto G, Klain M, Paone G, Liuzzi R, Molino L, Marinelli A, Soricelli A, Pace L, Salvatore M
Combined therapy of Sr-89 and zoledronic acid in patients with painful bone metastases
Bone (ISSN: 8756-3282), 2006 Jul; 39(1): 35-41.
Berkouk K, Quarantelli M, Prinster A, Landeau B, Alfano B, Baron JC
Mapping The Relative Contribution Of Gray Matter Activity Versus Volume In Brain Pet. A New Approach
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Selvaggi F, Cuocolo A, Giuliani A, Sciaudone G, Riegler G, Mainolfi C, Caprio MG, Panico M, Fiume I
The role of scintigraphic defecography in the assessment of bowel function after restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis
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Lanzillo R, Prinster A, Scarano V, Liuzzi R, Coppola G, Florio C, Salvatore E, Schiavone V, Brunetti A, Muto M, Orefice G, Alfano B, Bonavita V, Brescia Morra V
Neuropsychological assessment, quantitative MRI and ApoE gene polymorphisms in a series of MS patients treated with IFN beta-1b
J Neurol Sci (ISSN: 0022-510x), 2006 Jun 15; 245(1-2): 141-145.
Cuocolo A, Acampa W, Varrone A, Salvatore M
Highlights of the Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Istanbul, 2005: The incremental value of nuclear medicine for patient management and care
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2006 Mar; 33(3): 360-381.
Pace L, Klain M, Albanese C, Salvatore B, Storto G, Soricelli A, Salvatore M
Short-term outcome of differentiated thyroid cancer patients receiving a second iodine-131 therapy on the basis of a detectable serum thyroglobulin level after initial treatment
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2006 Feb; 33(2): 179-183.
Selavaggi F, Cuocolo A, Giuliani A, Sciaudone G, Riegler G, Mainolfi C, Caprio MG, Panico M, Fiume I
The Role Of Scientigraphic Defecography In The Assessment Of Bowel Function After Restorative Proctocolectomy For Ulcerative Colitis
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Mancini M, Affuso A, Vergara E, Scotto di Santolo M, De Felice M, Brunetti A
Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Assessment Of Thyroid Gland In Mice
Eavd 12th Annual Conference Napoli, 2005 Oct 8; N/D: 39-39.
Colao A, Di Somma C, Cuocolo A, Spinelli L, Acampa W, Spiezia S, Rota F, Savanelli MC, Lombardi G
Does a gender-related effect of growth hormone (GH) replacement exist on cardiovascular risk factors, cardiac morphology, and performance and atherosclerosis? Results of a two-year open, prospective study in young adult men and women with severe GH deficiency
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (ISSN: 0021-972x), 2005 Sep; 90(9): 5146-5155.
Vicario MLE, Cirillo L, Storto G, Pellegrino T, Ragone N, Fontanella L, Petretta M, Bonaduce D, Cuocolo A
Influence of risk factors on coronary flow reserve in patients with 1-vessel coronary artery disease
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2005 Sep; 46(9): 1438-1443.
Pace L, Klain M, Soricelli A, Albanese C, Salvatore B, Storto G, Salvatore M
Short Term Outcome of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients with Detectable Serum Thyroglobulin after Initial Treatment Receiving a Second 131-IODINE Therapy
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2005 Sep; 32: 179-183.
Cuocolo A
FDG imaging should be considered the preferred technique for accurate assessment of myocardial viability: against
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Longitudinal diffusion changes in cerebral hemispheres after MCA infarcts
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab (ISSN: 0271-678x, 0271-678xlinking), 2005 May; 25(5): 641-650.
Acampa W, Petretta M, Spinelli L, Ibello F, De Lauro F, Sansone V, Salvatore M, Cuocolo A
Survival benefit after revascularization is independent of left ventricular ejection fraction improvement in patients with previous myocardial infarction and viable myocardium
Eur J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1619-7070, 1619-7089, 0340-6997), 2005 Apr; 32(4): 430-437.
Imbriaco M, Megibow AJ, Ragozzino A, Liuzzi R, Mainenti PP, Bortone S, Camera L, Salvatore M
Value of the single-phase technique in MDCT assessment of pancreatic tumors
Am J Roentgenol (ISSN: 0361-803x), 2005 Apr; 184(4): 1111-1117.
Acampa W, Spinelli L, Petretta M, De Lauro F, Ibello F, Cuocolo A
Prognostic value of myocardial ischemia in patients with uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction: Direct comparison of stress echocardiography and myocardial perfusion imaging
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2005 Mar; 46(3): 417-423.
Cuocolo A, Acampa W, Imbriaco M, De Luca N, Iovino GL, Salvatore M
The many ways to myocardial perfusion imaging
Q J Nucl Med Mol Im (ISSN: 1824-4785, 1824-4478, 1824-4785linking), 2005 Mar; 49(1): 4-18.
Tedeschi G, Dinacci D, Lavorgna L, Bonavita V, Livrea P, Quattrone A, Messina C, Savettieri G, Paciello M, Reggio A, Brunetti A, Russo P, Alfano B
Automated brain MR segmentation in a large MS population
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Segmentation of magnetic resonance brain images through discriminant analysis
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Spinelli L, Petretta M, Acampa W, He W, Petretta A, Bonaduce D, Cuocolo A
Prognostic value of combined assessment of regional left ventricular function and myocardial perfusion by dobutamine and rest gated SPECT in patients with uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 2003 Jul; 44(7): 1023-1029.
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Chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma: Effect of intraarterial lidocaine in peri- and post-procedural pain and hospitalization
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 2003 Apr; 105(4): 350-355.
Del Vecchio S, Zannetti A, Aloj L, Salvatore M
MIBI as prognostic factor in breast cancer
Q J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1124-3937, 1125-0135), 2003 Mar; 47(1): 46-50.
Quarantelli M, Ciarmiello A, Morra VB, Orefice G, Larobina M, Lanzillo R, Schiavone V, Salvatore E, Alfano B, Brunetti A
Brain tissue volume changes in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: Correlation with lesion load
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Ex vivo assessment of trabecular bone structure from three-dimensional projection reconstruction MR micro-images
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Increased carotid artery intima-media thickness is associated with a novel mutation of low-density lipoprotein receptor independently of major cardiovascular risk factors
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Acampa W, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Nuclear medicine procedures in cardiovascular diseases: An evidence based approach
Q J Nucl Med (ISSN: 1124-3937, 1125-0135), 2002 Dec; 46(4): 323-330.
Acampa W, He W, di Nuzzo C, Cuocolo A
Quantification of SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2002 May; 9(3): 338-342.
Dellegrottaglie S, Perrone-Filardi P, Pace L, Prastaro M, Della Morte AM, Ponticelli MP, Piscione F, Storto G, De Luca G, Salvatore M, Chiariello M
Prediction of long-term effects of revascularization on regional and global left ventricular function by dobutamine echocardiography and rest TI-201 imaging alone and in combination in patients with chronic coronary artery disease
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 2002 Mar; 9(2): 174-182.
Meomartino L, Fatone G, Potena A, Brunetti A
Morphometric assessment of the canine hip joint using the dorsal acetabular rim view and the centre-edge angle
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Acampa W, Petretta M, Cuocolo A
Myocardial viability assessment in regions of left ventricular dysfunction. Part II: The present and future of echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging
Nuclear Medicine Communications (ISSN: 0143-3636, 1473-5628), 2001 Jul; 22(7): 731-735.
Petretta M, Acampa W, Cuocolo A
Myocardial viability assessment in regions of left ventricular dysfunction. Part I: Radionuclide imaging and clinical implications
Nuclear Medicine Communications (ISSN: 0143-3636, 1473-5628), 2001 Jun; 22(6): 607-611.
Ciarmiello A, Brunetti A, Larobina M, Quarantelli M, Ziviello M, Alfano B, Salvatore M
Assessment of scanner performance and normalization of estimated relaxation rate values
Magn Reson Imaging (ISSN: 0730-725x), 2001 Jan; 19(1): 123-128.
Alfano B, Brunetti A, Larobina M, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Covelli EM, Salvatore M
Automated segmentation and measurement of global white matter lesion volume in patients with multiple sclerosis
J Magn Reson Imaging (ISSN: 1053-1807, 1522-2586electronic, 1053-1807linking), 2000 Dec; 12(6): 799-807.
Brunetti A, Postiglione A, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Quarantelli M, Covelli EM, Milan G, Larobina M, Soricelli A, Sodano A, Alfano B
Measurement of global brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease with unsupervised segmentation of spin-echo MRI studies
J Magn Reson Imaging (ISSN: 1053-1807, 1522-2586electronic), 2000 Mar; 11(3): 260-266.
Brunetti A, Postiglione A, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Quarantelli M, Covelli E, Milan G, Larobina M, Soricelli A, Sodano A, Alfano B
Measurement of global drain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease with unsupervised segmentation of spin-echo MRI studies
J Magn Reson Imaging (ISSN: 1053-1807, 1522-2586electronic), 2000 Mar; 11(3): N/D-N/D.
Larobina M, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A, Alfano B, Salvatore M
Validation of an automated regional brain segmentation method using a stereotactic Talairach approach
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[Magnetic resonance in the identification and assessment of extent and severity of bone contusion damage: comparison of several types of imaging (SE/T1, GE/T2 and SE/T1) with fat suppression]
Radiol Med (ISSN: 0033-8362, 1826-6983, 1826-6983electronic), 1998 Nov; 96(5): 439-445.
Petretta M, Cuocolo A, Nicolai E, Acampa W, Salvatore M, Bonaduce D
Combined assessment of left ventricular function and rest-redistribution regional myocardial thallium-201 activity for prognostic evaluation of patients with chronic coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 1998 Jul; 5(4): 378-386.
Cuocolo A, Petretta M, Nicolai E, Acampa W, Varrone A, Bonaduce D, Salvatore M
Prognostic value of combined assessment of left ventricular function and regional myocardial thallium-201 activity in patients with chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 1998 May; 39(5): N/D-N/D.
Maurea S, Acampa W, Varrella P, De Rosa V, Fimiani P, Abate G, Salvatore M
Tc-99m sestamibi imaging in the diagnostic assessment of patients with lymphomas: Comparison with clinical and radiological evaluation
Clin Nucl Med (ISSN: 0363-9762, 1536-0229, 1536-0229electronic), 1998 May; 23(5): 283-290.
Soricelli A, Cuocolo A, Varrone A, Discepolo A, Tedeschi E, Mainenti PP, Grivet-Fojaja MR, Covelli EM, Postiglione A, Salvatore M
Technetium-99m-tetrofosmin uptake in brain tumors by SPECT: Comparison with thallium-201 imaging
J Nucl Med (ISSN: 0161-5505, 1535-5667, 1535-5667electronic), 1998 May; 39(5): 802-806.
Pace L, Perrone-Filardi P, Mainenti PP, Prastaro M, Cuocolo A, Varrone A, Vezzuto P, Crisci T, Soricelli A, Piscione F, Chiariello M, Salvatore M
Effects of myocardial revascularization on regional thallium-201 uptake and systolic function in regions with reverse redistribution on tomographic thallium-201 imaging at rest in patients with chronic coronary artery disease
J Nucl Cardiol (ISSN: 1071-3581, 1532-6551, 1532-6551electronic), 1998 Mar; 5(2): 153-160.
Alfano B, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Larobina M, Covelli EM, Tedeschi E, Salvatore M
Reproducibility of intracranial volume measurement by unsupervised multispectral brain segmentation
Magn Reson Med (ISSN: 0740-3194, 1522-2594electronic, 0740-3194linking), 1998 Mar; 39(3): 497-499.
Mainolfi C, Maurea S, Varrella P, Alaia C, Imparato C, Alfano B, Abate G, Bazzicalupo L
Positron-emission tomography with fluorine-18-deoxyglucose in the staging and control of patients with lymphoma. Comparison with clinico-radiologic assessment
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging In The Identification And Assessment Of Bone Contusion Extent And Severity: Comparison Between T1-W Se, T2?-W Ge And T1-W
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Belfiore G, Camera L, Moggio G, Vetrani A, Fraioli G, Salvatore M
Middle mediastinum lesions: Preliminary experience with CT-guided fine- needle aspiration biopsy with a suprasternal approach
Radiology (ISSN: 0033-8419, 1527-1315, 1527-1315electronic), 1997 Mar; 202(3): 870-873.
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Unsupervised, automated segmentation of the normal brain using a multispectral relaxometric magnetic resonance approach
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Fully-automated multispectral MR brain segmentation for detection and volumetric measurement of white matter lesions
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Left ventricular hypertrophy and hypertension
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Spiral Computerized Tomography And Videothoracoscopy In The Assessment Of Contralateral Nodular Lesions In Patients With Bronchogenic Carcinoma
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Influence of digitalis on left ventricular functional response to exercise in congestive heart failure
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Conventional spin echo MR studies for unsupervised multispectral assessment of intracranial volumes
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Assessment of systolic wall thickening using technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile in patients with coronary artery disease: relation to thallium-201 scintigraphy with re-injection
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Morpho-functional diagnostic imaging in the assessment of viable myocardium in patients with ischemic heart disease. Correlations between myocardial perfusion and regional function of the left ventricle
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