A Chaperone Enhances Blood Alpha-Glucosidase Activity In Pompe Disease Patients Treated With Enzyme Replacement Therapy(392 views) Parenti G, Fecarotta S, la Marca G, Rossi B, Ascione S, Donati MA, Morandi LO, Ravaglia S, Pichiecchio A, Ombrone D, Sacchini M, Pasanisi MB, De Filippi P, Danesino C, Della Casa R, Romano A, Mollica C, Rosa M, Agovino T, Nusco E, Porto C, Andria G
Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Traslazionali, Sezione di Pediatria, Università Federico II, Napoli, Italy
1] Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Traslazionali, Sezione di Pediatria, Universita "Federico II", Napoli, Italy [2] Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Napoli, Italy.
Dipartimento NeuroFarba Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italy.
UO Malattie Metaboliche e Muscolari Ereditarie, Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer, Firenze, Italy.
UO Patologia Muscolare e Neuro-immunologia, Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Neurologico Besta, Milano, Italy.
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mondino, Pavia, Italy.
Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare, Universita di Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Napoli, Italy.
References: Not available.
A Chaperone Enhances Blood Alpha-Glucosidase Activity In Pompe Disease Patients Treated With Enzyme Replacement Therapy
Enzyme replacement therapy is currently the only approved treatment for Pompe disease, due to acid -glucosidase deficiency. Clinical efficacy of this approach is variable, and more effective therapies are needed. We showed in preclinical studies that chaperones stabilize the recombinant enzyme used for enzyme replacement therapy. Here, we evaluated the effects of a combination of enzyme therapy and a chaperone on -glucosidase activity in Pompe disease patients. -Glucosidase activity was analyzed by tandem-mass spectrometry in dried blood spots from patients treated with enzyme replacement therapy, either alone or in combination with the chaperone N-butyldeoxynojirimycin given at the time of the enzyme infusion. Thirteen patients with different presentations (3 infantile-onset, 10 late-onset) were enrolled. In 11 patients, the combination treatment resulted in -glucosidase activities greater than 1. 85-fold the activities with enzyme replacement therapy alone. In the whole patient population, -glucosidase activity was significantly increased at 12 hours (2. 19-fold, P = 0. 002), 24 hours (6. 07-fold, P = 0. 001), and 36 hours (3. 95-fold, P = 0. 003). The areas under the curve were also significantly increased (6. 78-fold, P = 0. 002). These results suggest improved stability of recombinant -glucosidase in blood in the presence of the chaperone. Molecular Therapy (2014); doi: 10. 1038/mt. 2014. 138
A Chaperone Enhances Blood Alpha-Glucosidase Activity In Pompe Disease Patients Treated With Enzyme Replacement Therapy