ATOX1 gene silencing increases susceptibility to anticancer therapy based on copper ionophores or chelating drugs(869 views) Barresi V, Spampinato G, Musso N, Trovato Salinaro A, Rizzarelli E, Condorelli DF
J Chem Res (ISSN: 0162-0134, 1873-3344, 0162-0134print), 2016; 156: 145-152.
Keywords: Atox1, Chelating Drugs, Colon Cancer, Copper, Ionophores, Adenosine Triphosphatase, Chaperone, Chelating Agent, Cloxiquine, Copper Chelating Agent, Copper Ion, Copper Ionophore, Tetrakis(2 Pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine, Peroxiredoxin 3, Unclassified Drug, Article, Caco 2 Cell Line, Cell Level, Controlled Study, Copper Protein Binding, Cytosol, Cytotoxicity, Drug Sensitivity, Gene Silencing, Homeostasis, Human, Human Cell, In Vitro Study, Intracellular Transport, Protein Depletion, Protein Expression, Protein Function, Rna Interference, Trans Golgi Network,
Affiliations: *** IBB - CNR ***
Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Unit of Medical Biochemistry, University of Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, Catania, Italy
Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging, National Council of Research, UOS Catania, Italy
References: Not available.
ATOX1 gene silencing increases susceptibility to anticancer therapy based on copper ionophores or chelating drugs