Quantum dynamics of the ultrafast ππ*/nπ* population transfer in uracil and 5-fluoro-uracil in water and acetonitrile(386 views) Improta R, Barone V, Lami A, Santoro F
J Phys Chem B (ISSN: 1520-6106, 1520-5207, 1520-5207electronic), 2009 Oct 29; 113(43): 14491-14503.
Keywords: Acetonitrile, Density Functional Theory, Experiments, Laser Excitation, Potential Energy, Potential Energy Surfaces, Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Theory, Solvents, Vibrations (mechanical), Aqueous Solutions, Decay Channels, Decay Dynamics, Degrees Of Freedom, Dinger Equation, Dynamical Calculations, Experimental Evidence, Photoexcited Uracil, Picoseconds, Polar Solvents, Population Transfer, Quantum Dynamics, Quantum Mechanical, Solvent Effects, Theoretical Simulation, Time Dependent Density Functional Theory, Time-Dependent, Ultra-Fast, Decay (organic),
Affiliations: *** IBB - CNR ***
Dipartimento di Chimica and INSTM-Village, Universita Federico II, Complesso Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia, I-80126 Napoli, Italy
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, P.zza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56126 Pisa, Italy
Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici, CNR, Area della Ricerca del CNR, Via Moruzzi, 11-56124 Pisa, Italy
References: Not available.
Quantum dynamics of the ultrafast ππ*/nπ* population transfer in uracil and 5-fluoro-uracil in water and acetonitrile
We present the first fully quantum-mechanical dynamical study of the ππ* → nπ* decay in photoexcited uracil derivatives in solution. The dynamics of this process for uracil (U) and 5-fluoro-uracil (5FU) in acetonitrile and aqueous solution is investigated, by treating both electrons and nuclei at the quantum-mechanical level, and solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the evolution of the photoexcited system. The potential energy surfaces along the most relevant nuclear degrees of freedom have been obtained at the time-dependent density functional theory level, accounting for the solvent effect by mixed atomistic/continuum models. The obtained results nicely agree with experimental evidence. For U, we predict an ultrafast (
Quantum dynamics of the ultrafast ππ*/nπ* population transfer in uracil and 5-fluoro-uracil in water and acetonitrile
Kállay C, Dávid A, Timári S, Nagy EM, Sanna D, Garribba E, Micera G, De Bona P, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sóvágó I * Copper(II) complexes of rat amylin fragments(584 views) Dalton T (ISSN: 1477-9234, 1477-9226, 1477-9234electronic), 2011 Oct 14; 40(38): 9711-9721. Impact Factor:3.838 ViewExport to BibTeXExport to EndNote