Antioxidant effect of red wine polyphenols on red blood cells(993 views) Tedesco I, Russo M, Russo P, Iacomino G, Russo GL, Carraturo A, Faruolo C, Moio L, Palumbo R
Affiliations: Inst. of Food Science and Technology, National Research Council, Avellino, Italy
Department of Food Science, University of Naples Federico II, Portici, Italy
References: Not available.
Antioxidant effect of red wine polyphenols on red blood cells
The protective effect of red wine polyphenols against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidation was investigated in normal human erythrocytes (RBCs). RBCs, preincubated with micromolar amounts of wine extract and challenged with H2O2, were analyzed for reactive oxygen species (ROS), hemolysis, methemoglobin production, and lipid peroxidation. All these oxidative modifications were prevented by incubating the RBCs with oak barrel aged red wine extract (SD95) containing 3.5 mM gallic acid equivalent (GAE) of phenolic compounds. The protective effect was less apparent when RBCs were incubated with wines containing lower levels of polyphenols. Furthermore, resveratrol and quercetin, well known red wine antioxidants, showed lower antioxidant properties compared with SD95, indicating that interaction between constituents may bring about effects that are not necessarily properties of the singular components. Our findings demonstrate that the nonalcoholic components of red wine, mainly polyphenols, have potent antioxidant properties, supporting the hypothesis of a beneficial effect of red wine in oxidative stress in human system. Copyright (C) Elsevier Science Inc. 2000. All rights reserved.
Antioxidant effect of red wine polyphenols on red blood cells
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Antioxidant effect of red wine polyphenols on red blood cells