Synthesis and aggregation properties of a novel enzymatically resistant nucleoamino acid(656 views) Roviello GN, Mottola A, Musumeci D, Bucci EM, Pedone C
Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, CNR, Via Mezzocannone 16, 80134 Naples, Italy
References: Not available.
Synthesis and aggregation properties of a novel enzymatically resistant nucleoamino acid
In this work, we describe the synthesis, evaluation of some biological properties, such as DNA- and RNA-binding ability and in sero stability, as well as the supramolecular assembly of a novel nucleoamino acid based on l-spinacine. More particularly, a thymine-containing l-spinacine derivative was synthesized in liquid phase by a simple peptide-coupling procedure. Subsequently, nucleic acid and Cu2+-binding ability, as well as self-assembly properties of the novel nucleoamino acid, were investigated by spectroscopy (CD and UV) and laser light scattering which furnished interesting information on the assembly of supramolecular networks based on the peptidyl nucleoside analog. Finally, nucleoamino acid enzymatic stability was studied and a half life of about 7 days was found in the presence of fresh human serum.
Synthesis and aggregation properties of a novel enzymatically resistant nucleoamino acid