Air oxidation method employed for the disulfide bond formation of natural and synthetic peptides(699 views) Calce E, Vitale RM, Scaloni A, Amodeo P, De Luca S
Keywords: Disulfide Bridges, Native-Like Oxidation Conditions, Oxidation Methods, Peptide Folding, Arginylalanylcystylarginylhistidyltryptophylcysteine, Arginylalanylcystylarginylphenylalanylphenylalanylcysteine, Arginylalanylcystylarginyltyrosyltryptophylcysteine, Chemokine Receptor Cxcr4 Antagonist, Cystyltryptophylhistidylarginylcysteine, Distinctin, Homodimer, Unclassified Drug, Air Oxidation, Article, Chemical Modification, Chemical Phenomena, Concentration (parameters), Cyclization Reaction, Disulfide Bond, Molecular Dynamics, Peptide Synthesis, Priority Journal, Protein Conformation, Protein Folding
Affiliations: *** IBB - CNR ***
Institute of Biostructures and Bioimaging, National Research Council, Naples, Italy
Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, National Research Council, Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy
Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, National Research Council, Naples, Italy
References: Not available.
Air oxidation method employed for the disulfide bond formation of natural and synthetic peptides