Humongous right atrial lipoma: a correlative CT and MR case report(333 views) Barbuto L, Ponsiglione A, Del Vecchio W, Altiero M, Rossi G, De Rosa D, Pisani A, Imbriaco M
1 University of Naples Federico II, Napoli, Italy ; 2 Institute of Biostructure and Bio-Imaging, National Research Council (CNR), Naples, Italy ; 3 Department of Radiology, Ospedali dei colli Monaldi, Naples, Italy.,
References: Not available.
Humongous right atrial lipoma: a correlative CT and MR case report
A 66-year-old man was referred to our department for further investigation of a right atrial mass incidentally discovered on ultrasound examination (US). US showed an oval mass arising from the free wall of the right atrium and projecting into the atrial cavity. The mass was hypoechoic and had a broad base of attachment on the free wall of the right atrium. This case was referred to our department in order to perform an MR cardiac examination. Our diagnosis was supported by a CT scan study that confirmed the diagnosis of a cardiac lipoma subsequently confirmed at surgery.
Humongous right atrial lipoma: a correlative CT and MR case report
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Humongous right atrial lipoma: a correlative CT and MR case report