Ultrasound findings in paediatric cholestasis: how to image the patient and what to look for(393 views)(PDF public132 views) Di Serafino M, Gioioso M, Severino R, Esposito F, Vezzali N, Ferro F, Pelliccia P, Caprio MG, Iorio R, Vallone G
Department of Radiology, "Antonio Cardarelli" Hospital, Antonio Cardarelli st 9, 80131, Naples, Italy. marcodiserafino@hotmail.it., Department of Radiology, "San Carlo Regional Hospital", Potenza, Italy., Department of Radiology, "Santobono-Pausilipon" Children Hospital, Naples, Italy., Department of Radiology, "Regional Hospital of Bolzano", Bolzano, Italy., Department of Paediatrics, University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy., Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging IBB, Italian National Research Council CNR, Rome, Italy., Department of Paediatrics, "Federico II" University Hospital, Naples, Italy., Department of Radiology, "Federico II" University Hospital, Naples, Italy.,
Department of Paediatrics, University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy.
Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging IBB, Italian National Research Council CNR, Rome, Italy.
References: Not available.
Ultrasound findings in paediatric cholestasis: how to image the patient and what to look for
Paediatric biliary tract and gallbladder diseases include a variety of entities with a wide range of clinical presentations. Cholestasis represents an impaired secretion of bilirubin by hepatocytes, manifesting with high blood levels of conjugated bilirubin and jaundice. Various causes may be involved, which can be recognised analysing blood tests and hepatobiliary imaging, while sometimes liver biopsy or surgery may be necessary. High-resolution real-time ultrasonography is an important tool for differentiation of obstructive and non-obstructive causes of jaundice in infants and children. In this paper, we briefly review the normal anatomy and the ultrasound aspects of main pathologies affecting gallbladder and biliary tree in neonatal and paediatric age.
Ultrasound findings in paediatric cholestasis: how to image the patient and what to look for
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Ultrasound findings in paediatric cholestasis: how to image the patient and what to look for