Diagnostic imaging in the diagnosis of acute complications of bariatric surgery(82 views) Catelli A, Corvino A, Loiudice G, Tucci A, Quarantelli M, Venetucci P
Pol J Radiol (ISSN: 1733-134xlinking), 2021 Feb 9; 86: e102-e111.
Keywords: Bmi
, Ct
, Gi Transit X-Ray
, Bariatric Surgery
, Post-Surgical Complications
, Sleeve Gastrectomy
Affiliations: Advanced Biomedical Sciences Department, University Federico II of Naples (UNINA), Naples, Italy.
Motor Science and Wellness Department, University of Naples "Parthenope", Naples, Italy.
References: Not available.
Diagnostic imaging in the diagnosis of acute complications of bariatric surgery
PURPOSE: The aim of study is to identify the frequency of acute complications and imaging findings at gastro-intestinal transit (GI) and computerised tomography (CT) in a group of obese patients who developed clinical suspicion of acute complications (painful and meteoric abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, intestinal blockage) in post bariatric surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively review 954 obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery between 2013 and 2019. The study included 72 patients who developed clinical suspicion of acute complications (painful and meteoric abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, intestinal blockage) within 6 days of bariatric surgery of sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, gastric bypass with Roux loop confirmed by CT, and who underwent a gastrointestinal transit before the CT examination. RESULTS: GI exam allowed visualisation of 58% of complications. Analysing the data for each surgical technique, 46 post-operative complications were found involve gastric banding. The most frequent was bandage migration (26 cases, 56 %), identified in all cases at GI transit and then confirmed on CT. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that CT should be used to clarify all doubtful or clinically discordant GI transit exam results. The participation of a radiologist in qualification and post-operative evaluation is important for bariatric surgery patients.
Diagnostic imaging in the diagnosis of acute complications of bariatric surgery
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Diagnostic imaging in the diagnosis of acute complications of bariatric surgery