Keywords: 111in-Pentetreotide Scintigraphy, Indications, Neuroendocrine Tumours, Procedure Guidelines, Tumour Imaging, Dota Noc Ga 68, Dota Tate Ga 68, Dota Toc Ga 68, Gastrin, Glucagon, Glucose, Insulin, Pentetreotide In 111, Radioisotope, Radiopharmaceutical Agent, Somatostatin, Somatostatin Derivative, Somatostatin Receptor, Unclassified Drug, Diagnostic Agent, Drug Derivative, Age Distribution, Astrocytoma, Autoimmune Disease, Bacterial Infection, Breast, Breast Cancer, Breast Carcinoma, Breast Feeding, Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Localization, Cancer Radiotherapy, Cancer Staging, Cancer Surgery, Cecum, Colon, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Patient, Diagnostic Accuracy, Diagnostic Imaging, Drug Accumulation, Drug Clearance, Drug Distribution, Drug Elimination, Drug Megadose, Drug Quality, Drug Receptor Binding, Drug Uptake, Drug Withdrawal, Endocrine Ophthalmopathy, False Negative Result, False Positive Result, Follow Up, Gallbladder, Ganglioneuroma, Gastrin Blood Level, Gastrinoma, Glucagon Blood Level, Glucagonoma, Glucose Metabolism, Granuloma, Human, Hypoglycemia, Hypophysis Adenoma, Image Analysis, Image Processing, Inflammatory Disease, Insulinoma, Intestine Injury, Kidney, Kidney Carcinoma, Kidney Dysfunction, Liver, Liver Metastasis, Lung Non Small Cell Cancer, Lung Small Cell Cancer, Lymphocyte, Medical Examination, Melanoma, Meningioma, Merkel Cell Tumor, Molecular Imaging, Neoplasm, Neuroblastoma, Nuclear Medicine, Paraganglioma, Parenteral Nutrition, Patient Monitoring, Patient Selection, Pheochromocytoma, Physician, Pleura, Practice Guideline, Pregnancy, Prognosis, Prostate Carcinoma, Protein Expression, Quality Control, Radiation Dose Distribution, Radioactivity, Radioisotope Therapy, Review, Sarcoma, Scintillation Camera, Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography, Spleen, Therapeutic Error, Thyroid Carcinoma, Thyroid Medullary Carcinoma, Treatment Contraindication, Treatment Indication, Tumor Differentiation, Tumor Scintiscanning, Undifferentiated Carcinoma, Urinary Excretion, Vipoma, Article, Computer Assisted Diagnosis, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Genetics, Instrumentation, Methodology, Gamma Cameras, Neoplastic, Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted, Radionuclide Imaging, Research Design,
Affiliations: *** IBB - CNR ***
Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milan, Italy
Nuclear Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi University Hospital, Bologna, Italy
University, Kocaeli, Turkey
PET Center, Bad Berka, Germany
CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
University of Naples, Naples, Italy
Ospedale di Legnano, Legnano, Italy
University UZ Gasthuisberg, Louvain, Belgium
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy
References: Not available.
In-111-pentetreotide scintigraphy: procedure guidelines for tumour imaging
This document provides general information about somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with In-111-pentetreotide. This guideline should not be regarded as the only approach to visualise tumours expressing somatostatin receptors or as exclusive of other nuclear medicine procedures useful to obtain comparable results. The aim of this guideline is to assist nuclear medicine physicians in recommending, performing, reporting and interpreting the results of In-111-pentetreotide scintigraphy.
In-111-pentetreotide scintigraphy: procedure guidelines for tumour imaging
Ntziachristos V, Cuénod CA, Fournier L, Balvay D, Pradel C, Siauve N, Clement O, Jouannot E, Lucidarme O, Vecchio SD, Salvatore M, Law B, Tung C-H, Jain RK, Fukumura D, Munn LL, Brown EB, Schellenberger E, Montet X, Weissleder R, Clerck ND, Postnov A * Tumor Imaging(461 views) Textbook Of In Vivo Imaging In Vertebrates (ISSN: 9780-4700), 2007 Jul 16; 1: 277-309. Impact Factor:1.148 ViewExport to BibTeXExport to EndNote