Keywords: Cross Linking Reagent, Ligand, Peptide, Protein, Thiol Derivative, Article, Chemical Structure, Chemistry, Dimerization, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Methodology, Synthesis, High Pressure Liquid, Cross-Linking Reagents, Molecular Structure, Sulfhydryl Compounds, Time Factors,
Affiliations: *** IBB - CNR ***
Universitá di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento Delle Scienze Biologiche, Facolta di Scienze Biotecnologiche, Via Mezzocannone 16, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, CNR, Via Mezzocannone 16, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Universit di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento Delle Scienze Biologiche, Facolta di Scienze Biotecnologiche, Via Mezzocannone 16, 80134 Napoli, Italy
References: Not available.
Semisynthesis of dimeric proteins by expressed protein ligation
Kállay C, Dávid A, Timári S, Nagy EM, Sanna D, Garribba E, Micera G, De Bona P, Pappalardo G, Rizzarelli E, Sóvágó I * Copper(II) complexes of rat amylin fragments(569 views) Dalton T (ISSN: 1477-9234, 1477-9226, 1477-9234electronic), 2011 Oct 14; 40(38): 9711-9721. Impact Factor:3.838 ViewExport to BibTeXExport to EndNote