High Resolution Crystallographic Studies Of Alpha-Hemolysin-Phospholipid Complexes Define Heptamer-Lipid Head Group Interactions: Implication For Understanding Protein-Lipid Interactions
High Resolution Crystallographic Studies Of Alpha-Hemolysin-Phospholipid Complexes Define Heptamer-Lipid Head Group Interactions: Implication For Understanding Protein-Lipid Interactions(419 views) Galdiero S, Gouaux E
Protein Sci (ISSN: 0961-8368, 1469-896xelectronic), 2004 Jun; 13(6): 1503-1511.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Dept. of Biochem./Molec. Biophys., Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, United States
Dipartimento di Chimica Biologica, Ist. di Biostrutture/Bioimmagini-CNR, University of Naples Federico II, 80134, Naples, Italy
References: Not available.
High Resolution Crystallographic Studies Of Alpha-Hemolysin-Phospholipid Complexes Define Heptamer-Lipid Head Group Interactions: Implication For Understanding Protein-Lipid Interactions
The α-hemolysin is an archetypal pore-forming protein that is secreted from Staphylococcus aureus as a water-soluble monomer. When the monomer binds to the membrane of a susceptible cell, the membrane-bound molecules assemble into the lytic heptamer. Although a bilayer or a bilayer-like environment are essential to toxin assembly, there is no high resolution information on toxin-phospholipid complexes. We have determined the structures of detergent-solubilized α-hemolysin heptamer bound to glycerophosphocholine or dipropanoyl glycerophosphocholine at 1.75-1.80 Å resolution and 110 K. The phosphocholine head group binds to each subunit in a crevice between the rim and the stem domains. The quaternary ammonium group interacts primarily with aromatic residues, whereas the phosphodiester moiety interacts with a conserved arginine residue. These structures provide a molecular basis for understanding why α-hemolysin preferentially assembles on membranes comprised of phosphocholine lipids.
High Resolution Crystallographic Studies Of Alpha-Hemolysin-Phospholipid Complexes Define Heptamer-Lipid Head Group Interactions: Implication For Understanding Protein-Lipid Interactions
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High Resolution Crystallographic Studies Of Alpha-Hemolysin-Phospholipid Complexes Define Heptamer-Lipid Head Group Interactions: Implication For Understanding Protein-Lipid Interactions