Complete Response To Preoperative Chemoradiation And Survival In Esophageal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis Of Three Single-Institution Phase Ii Trials(516 views) Orditura M, Galizia G, Morgillo F, Martinelli E, Lieto E, Vitiello F, Di Martino N, Pacelli R, Renda A, Ciardiello F, De Vita F
Diseases Of The Esophagus, 2012 Feb; 142(5): 130-136.
Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Surgery 'F. Magrassi - A. Lanzara', Second University of Naples School of Medicine, Italy
Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Surgery 'F. Magrassi - A. Lanzara', Second University of Naples School of Medicine, Italy
Division of Radiotherapy, Federico II University of Naples School of Medicine, Naples, Italy
Division of General Surgery, Federico II University of Naples School of Medicine, Naples, Italy
Unit of Respiratory Pathophysiology, Universit Campus Biomedico, Via Alvaro del Portillo, 200, 00128 Rome, Italy
Alberto Sordi Foundation, Rome, Italy
Department of Epidemiology, Roma E. Health Authority, Rome, Italy
Fondazione San Raffaele, Cittadella della Carit, Taranto, Italy
References: Not available.
Complete Response To Preoperative Chemoradiation And Survival In Esophageal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis Of Three Single-Institution Phase Ii Trials
This pooled analysis was performed using individual patient data from three phase II trials that included on the whole 113 esophageal cancer treated preoperatively with chemoradiotherapy (CRT), in order to analyze the efficacy and survival outcomes according to the achievement of the pathologic complete response (pCR). Thirty-nine patients were treated with 5-fluorouracil/cisplatin and RT (40Gy), 33 patients received paclitaxel/cisplatin weekly during weeks 1-6 with and RT (46Gy), 41 patients were treated with induction bio-chemotherapy with cetuximab and FOLFOX-4 followed by concomitant cetuximab and RT of 50. 4Gy. One hundred and two out of 113 resected patients were included in the survival analysis. The median overall survival (OS) time for the whole population was 21. 5 months. The 12, 24, and 36 months OS rates were 85. 4, 45. 2, and 33%, respectively. The difference in survival probability between patients with pCR and patients with partial response or stable disease after treatment was significant (P= 0. 0002, hazard ratios = 0. 21, 95% CI 0. 18-0. 60). On multivariate analysis, the pathologic response and histology were the only covariates independently associated with OS (P= 0. 0157 and P= 0. 0212, respectively). In our series, complete responder patients had a significant longer survival probability after treatment when compared to patients with partial response or stable disease. 2011 the Authors. Journal compilation 2011, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus
Complete Response To Preoperative Chemoradiation And Survival In Esophageal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis Of Three Single-Institution Phase Ii Trials
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Complete Response To Preoperative Chemoradiation And Survival In Esophageal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis Of Three Single-Institution Phase Ii Trials