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Name | Giovanni Nicola Roviello |
Area | Research&Development |
Position | Senior Researcher |
Work site | Naples - Castellino |
Address | Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131 Naples - Italy | | |
Web page | https: / / /profile /Giovanni-Roviello |
Curriculum Vitae Dr. Giovanni N. Roviello, Ph.D.
Ist Level (senior) Researcher at Italian National Council for Research (CNR), Institute of
Biostructure and Bioimaging (IBB)
Top 2 % Scientist in Stanford University’s 2023 Author Database (Single Year, Ioannidis, J. P. A., "Updated Science-Wide Author Databases", 2024).
H-index: 29 (Scopus), 29 (WoS), 33 (Google Scholar)
June 2002: Degree in Chemistry cum laude. Federico II University, Naples – Italy
June 2002-Jan. 2003: partecipation in the European Research Project Centre for Design and Structure in Biology (CDSB) -Jena (Germany), Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini del CNR, Napoli/IMB-Institut fr Molekulare Biotechnologie, Jena (Germany).
November 2002-January 2006: Ph. D. in Biotechnology Federico II University, Naples - Italy. Thesis: PNA/DNA chimeras for biotechnological applications.
March 2005-June 2005: Research activity at the Georg-August-Universität of Goettingen (Germany).
April 2006-May 2006: scientific collaboration with RiboVax Biotechnologies S. A.
June 2006-November 2006: scientific collaboration with Biostructure and Bioimaging Institute of National Council of Research (IBB-CNR).
November 2006-today: CNR Researcher at Biostructure and Bioimaging Institute of National Council of Research.
1st April 2017 -31st May 2017: visiting researcher at UCD-Dublin /O'Brien Science Centre and collaboration with Kelada Pharmachem Ltd (H2020 Marie Sklowdowska-Curie RISE grant - ChemoEnz).
1st September 2018 -30 November 2018: supervisor of Dr. Marta Fik (post-doc activity at IBB-CNR, SONATINA 1 Research Programme no. 2017/24/C/ST5/00181) and Martyna Szymanska (doctorate activity at IBB-CNR, CHEMINTER Research Programme no. POWR.03.02.00-00-IO26/16), both from Department of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, POLAND.
IBB CNR Research Coordinator for the scientific collaborations with Adam Mickiewicz University - Poznan, POLAND, (Agreement prot n. IBB CNR 0001777 26/09/2018)
7th January 2019 -28th January 2019: visiting researcher at Friedrich-Alexander University - Erlangen, Germany and collaboration with prof. Andriy Mokhir (Department Chemie und Pharmazie). CNR Short Term Mobility programme (STM 2018 prot.n. CNR0067802/2018 - 15/10/2018)
25th October 2021 - Scientific Consultant for the Research Project 'Synthesis and biological evaluation of unnatural alpha-amino acids and peptide-based systems for biomedical strategies' (Scientific Committeee of Republic of Armenia; Code 21T-1D057, start date 25-10-2021, duration 3 years)
September 2023: visiting professor at Adam Mickiewicz University - Poznan, POLAND; “Excellence Initiative - Research University" program ; UAM Excellence Visiting Professors; year 2023
Mar 2022-2024 Research consultant - Royal Society (UK) Design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of TMPRSS2 inhibitor analogues as potential anticoronaviral drugs. GN Roviello - T.Gale
January 2023-2025: Project leader/coordinator of the international research project “Synthetic alpha-amino acids and peptide-based systems for anticancer strategies”; Joint research Project – CNR/MESRA (Armenia) cooperation (CNR Prot. N. 19140 del 20230125 (2023-CNR0A00-0019140))
Teaching activities:
September 2004-September 2006: Lecturer at Chemistry introductive course, Faculty of Sciences Federico II University of Naples.
November 2007-November 2010 and May 2012 - November 2012: Lecturer in Chemistry, Federico II University of Naples.(Facoltà di Biotecnologie; Facoltà di Agraria; Chimica Generale ed Inorganica)
November 2010-March 2012: Lecturer in Chemistry, Parthenope University of Naples. (Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie; Chimica Generale ed Inorganica con Laboratorio)
January 2019: Lecturer in Chemistry, Friedrich-Alexander University - Erlangen, Germany ('Bioanorganische Chemie III' CME3-B5, M.Sc. Chemistry WS 18/19)
April 2021: Teaching activity (15 h) for the Ph.D. students Adam Mickiewicz University - Poznan, POLAND (Faculty of Chemistry): Advanced Course on Nucleic acid chemistry for Biomedical application
June 2021: participation in the Evaluation Committee for the doctoral candidates of Adam Mickiewicz University - Poznan, POLAND (Faculty of Chemistry): AMU University - EU European Social Fund
Mar 2022-Jul 2023: Lecturer for the course "The Biotechnological Basis of Rehabilitation'' (45 academic hours) for the Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sports (Tbilisi, Georgia; Level of Education: Bachelor's Level; Education Program: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)
Nov 2024-today: Lecturer for the course of 'Medical Chemistry' (30 h, Level of Education: Bachelor's Level; Education Program: Medicine), Geomedi University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Project Leaderships:
Jan 2025-2027: Project leader/coordinator of the international research project “Development and applications of synthetic amino acids with Thioflavin-like side chains”; Joint research Project – CNR/MESRA (Armenia) cooperation (CNR Prot. N. 2605 del 8/01/25) 10000 €
Jan 2014-Oct 2020: New strategies for medical and molecular diagnosis
and for food traceability and monitoring (Nuove strategie per la diagnostica
medica e molecolare e per la tracciabilita' ed il monitoraggio dei prodotti
alimentari) 4.049.300,00 € (104.000,00 € IBB-CNR, Roviello G. scientific
project leader for CNR) Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR) -
Campania Region POR-FESR 2014-2020 project PON03PE_0060_4; OR5; n. prot 668
released by Regione Campania 24 Dec 2018;
Jan 2020-Dec 2024: NoBiasFluors
(Non-biased fluorescent dyes as markers of drugs for optical in cellulo and in
vivo imaging) 669.200,00 €
(92.000,00 € IBB-CNR, Roviello G. scientific project leader for CNR). European
Union EU - H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 number: 872331.
Royal Society (UK)-funded project on TMPRSS2 inhibitor analogues for anti-COVID-19 drugs (2022–2024). T.Gale 10000 £
Sept 2012-Apr 2014: Synthesis of Chemiluminescent compounds for
diagnostic applications (Industrial Research Project) funded by ALTERGON Italia
SRL, 20.000 € (IBB CNR-Roviello G PI);
prot. IBB CNR N. 0001626; prot. IBB CNR N. 0001024
Apr 2015-Dec 2016: New nucleopeptide-based systems for diagnostic
applications (Nuovi sistemi nucleopeptidici per applicazioni diagnostiche)
funded by Regione Campania, Italy; 15.000,00 € (IBB CNR - Roviello G, PI);
January 2023-2025: Project leader/coordinator of the international research project “Synthetic
alpha-amino acids and peptide-based systems for anticancer strategies”;
10.000,00 € IBB-CNR, Roviello G. PI for CNR; Joint research Project – CNR/MESRA
(Armenia) cooperation (CNR Prot. N. 19140 del 20230125 (2023-CNR0A00-0019140))
CNR scientific leader for the project 'Synthesis and biological
evaluation of unnatural alpha-amino acids and peptide-based systems for
biomedical strategies' unilaterally funded by the Science
Committee of the Republic of Armenia (Code 21T-1D057; 28th Oct
2021 -28th Oct 2024)
Other appointments:
May 2012: achievement of the title of Professor honoris causa in Medicinal Chemistry, Geomedi Medical University of Tbilisi - Georgia.
May 2012: Nomination as an Expert consultant in the field of Chemistry for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Centres of Excellence (CoE).
November 2012-September 2016 Supervisor for the General Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, Parthenope University of Naples.
June 2012: Poster Prize awarded at COST Conference Personalised Medicine: Better Healthcare for the Future 17-22 Giugno 2012, Larnaca, Cipro
January 2014-July 2016: participant in the Caspases
Project supported by Regione Sardegna
Italian National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale): habilitation as "Associate Professor" (II fascia)
2017 - 03/C1 - Organic Chemistry
2017 - 03/B1 - Inorganic & General Chemistry
2017 - 05/E1 - General Biochemisty
habilitation as "Full Professor" (I fascia):
2021 - 03/C1 - Organic Chemistry
Roviello, Giovanni N., and Caterina Vicidomini. 2023. Potential Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Strategies. ISBN 978-3-0365-6963-5; (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-6962-8 (PDF); DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-6962-8; MDPI St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Roviello, Giovanni N., and Rosanna Palumbo. 2023. New Applications and Developments in Synthetic Peptide Chemistry. ISBN 978-3-0365-9601-3 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-9600-6 (PDF); MDPI St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Editorial Board Member,
1) Discover Life ( formerly Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres), Springer Nature
2) Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (e-ISSN 2768-6698) Associate Editor for the Section 'Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics', publisher: Frontiers
3) Modern Issues of Medicine and Management, publisher: Geomedi University, Georgia, ISSN 1512-4169
4) Topic Editor:
Molecules, publisher: MDPI, ISSN 1420-3049
4) Guest Editor:
Molecules, publisher: MDPI, ISSN 1420-3049
Biomolecules, publisher: MDPI, ISSN 2218-273X
Pharmaceuticals, publisher: MDPI, ISSN 1424-8247
Inorganics, publisher: MDPI, ISSN 2304-6740
Membership in conference scientific/organizing committees:
1- 3rd International Conference of Young Scientists – Chemistry Today - 2013, Georgia;
2- 4th International Conference of Young Scientists - Chemistry Today - 2014, Armenia;
3- Novel Strategies in Anticancer Therapy and Diagnostics - Workshop in the frame of the POR FESR 2014 - 2020 - 2019, Italy.
4- Towards Novel Anticancer Strategies: It’s Time to Build a New Research Community - Workshop in the frame of the POR FESR 2014 - 2020 - 2019, Italy.
5-I Chimici per le Biotecnologie- Workshop Federico II University, Naples, 2023 -Italy
Some conferences and achievements:
Aug 2011 EBSA bursary by European Biophysical Societies\' Association for the attendance to the \"8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress\" August 23rd–27th 2011, Budapest, Hungary, as reported in Eur Biophys J (2011) 40 (Suppl 1):S11
Oct 2011 CNR bursary – Individual Training Plan for the attendance to the \"ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference - Systems Chemistry III 23-28 October 2011 – Amoudara – Crete, Greece. (formazione individuale CNR Quota A; prot. N. 0009547 - 31/01/11).
-Partecipation at the conference organized by Polish Academy of Science PAN – Accademia Polacca: “Copernicus Dialogues”, The focus of Polish-Italian Cooperation in the area of biomedicine, 27 October 2023, Rome – Italy
-Partecipation as invited speaker at The I International Scientific Conference "Health and Sport", Tbilisi, Georgia, 12-13 April 2021 Presentation of the work: Caterina Vicidomini, Valentina Roviello, & Giovanni N. Roviello. (2021, aprile 12). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FOREST BATHING AS TOOLS TO SUSTAIN THE BODY IMMUNE SYSTEM AGAINST COVID-19.
Journal of Physical Chemistry - American Chemical Society, Bioconjugate Chemistry - American Chemical Society, Molecular Biology and Evolution - Oxford University Press, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules - Elsevier, New Journal of Chemistry - Royal Society of Chemistry, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Bentham Science Publishers; Current Pharmaceutical Design, Bentham Science Publishers; Medicinal Chemistry, Bentham Science Publishers; International Journal of Nanomedicine, Dove Medical Press; International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Elsevier; Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, Taylor & Francis.
Sigma Xi the honorary Scientific Society (USA) full member since 2023
International Society for Neurochemistry, member since 2025
EPS (European Peptide Society), member since 2008.
EFB (European Federation of Biotechnology), member since 2016
Reviewer Credits, member since 2017
SCI (Società Chimica Italiana)