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Name | Marco Salvatore |
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Marco Salvatore is full professor of Diagnostic Imaging since 1986, Director of the Diagnostic Imaging Department and Coordinator of Board in Diagnostic Imaging of the University Federico II, Naples, Member of the Scientific Committee of European Oncology Institution (IEO) since 1996, President of the Scientific Committee of Basilicata Oncology Center (IRCCS-CROB) since 2009, Deputy Chief and Member of Biogem Scarl since 2008, Scientific Member of RAI Storia Program Dixit Scienza since 2010, Member of National Committee for Medical Education of MIUR (Ministero dellIstruzione, dellUniversit e della Ricerca) since 2010; Member of National Committee for Health Research of Health Ministry since 2011; Expert Member of High Health National Committee since 2011. Activities within the National Research Council of Italy (CNR): In the early 80s Marco Salvatore had pursued the activation of a Center for Bioimaging Research under the umbrella of the National Research Council (CNR); this endeavour was accomplished after quite a long time: a Study Center for Nuclear Medicine was officially established by CNR in 1995, and he served as the first Director of the Center. From 1999 to 2003 Marco Salvatore was also appointed as member of the Executive Committee of CNR by the Ministry of the University. Having envisioned since a long time the need of a close collaboration between imaging specialist and chemists finalized to the development of new diagnostic probes and therapeutic agents within the emerging field of molecular imaging, in the course of the reorganization of the network of the Institutes and research Centers of the National Research Council he promoted, in 2002, the merger of the Nuclear Medicine Study Center with the Biocristallography Center into a new Research Institute (Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini CNR) putting together more than 60 researchers working in Naples and Catania (Sicily). Marco Salvatore is author or co-author of more than 550 scientific publications on peer reviewed international journals (impact factor > 1500). Prof. Salvatore has more than 6000 cited references in the international scientific literature with an H-index > 40 (Cited Reference Search-ISI Web of Science). Major areas of research include: diagnostic applications of radiopharmaceuticals in oncology (oncotropic radionuclides, monoclonal antibodies, peptides) cardiology (assessment of left ventricular function, myocardial viability) utilization of pattern recognition techniques in nuclear medicine, endocrinology (thyroid, adrenal and pituitary diseases) development of quantitative imaging approached in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.