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Name | Stefania De Luca |
Area | Research&Development |
Position | Senior Researcher |
Work site | Naples - Castellino |
Address | Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131 Naples - Italy |
stefania.deluca![]() |
1996: Degree in Chemistry, University Federico II Naples, 109/110; 1997: Grant at the CIRPEB-Naples to develop research activity on “Synthesis and Chemical-Physical Characterization of Peptide Binding Metalporphyrin Derivatives”; 1998: : Grant at National Institute for the Study and Cure of Cancer “G.Pascale”, Naples. Collaboration in a research project on “Inhibition of Oncogenes Expression Utilising an Antisense Strategy” financed by the Italian Ministry of Health; 1999-2002: PhD course in Chemistry with fellowship; 2001 (January-August): University of Southampton, UK. Scientific Visitor in the group of Professor Mark Bradley. Research focused on synthesis of peptide libraries on solid phase and in solution; Feb 2002: Final exam for the PhD degree - Chemical Sciences, University Federico II Naples; 2002-2004: Graduated Technician at University of Naples, Faculty of Biotechnological Sciences ; 2005-2006: Grant at Neuroscience Laboratory “Rita Levi-Montalcini; 2007: work contract IBB-CNR Institute; 2006: Fixed term position of CNR-Research Assistant of Chemistry; 2007-2011: Principle Investigator of Synthetic Unit for the project "Chemokine receptor as biological markers"; 2008: CNR Research Assistant; 2017: Skilled as Professor (II fascia) of General Chemistry (settore concorsuale 03/B1); 2018: Skilled as Professor (II fascia) of Organic Chemistry (settore concorsuale 03/C1); Sep 2018: PhD committee member, University of Larioja (Spain); May 2019: Awarded a grant for a PhD course (industrial collaboration). Dr. De Luca's activity mainly concerns with the following research areas: a) synthetic chemistry of amino acids, peptides and proteins; b) chemical-physical characterization of biological systems; c) chemical modifications of natural biopolymers and their characterization. She is particularly skilled in solid phase and in solution synthesis of peptide, organic molecules and ion metal complexes, and also in synthetic procedures performed under solvent free conditions and with micro waves irradiation. Her expertise in the analytical methods, suitable for the assessment and the characterization of the products obtained, can be summarized as follows: Chromatography Techniques; Spectroscopic Techniques: UV-visible, FT-IR, NMR, Fluorescence; Circular Dichroism, Dynamic Light Scattering, Surface Plasmon Resonance; Mass Spectrometry Techniques: MALDI-TOF, ESI-MS; Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. Dr. De Luca is author of scientific publications on international journals, book chapters and patents. She is also referee of Organic Letters (ACS) and other international journals. She has been also the Tutor of several PhD students