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Name | Marcello Mancini |
Area | Research&Development |
Position | Research Director |
Work site | Naples - De Amicis |
Address | Via De Amicis 95, 80145 Naples - Italy | | |
Office phone | +39 0812203476 |
Mobile phone | +39 366.611.53.38 |
No research areas |
No activities |
Marcello Mancini, M.D.
Work Address: CNR-IBB Via T. De Amicis, 95 Napoli
Date and place of Birth: 14 April 1958, Castelpoto (BN), ITALY
Scientific Awards
In 1986 he was awarded with the price "Lilly Humulin 1986" for the best thesis of Specialty in Diabetology
In 1986 he was awarded with the price for the best oral communication at the International Days of Ultrasonology in Bologna-Italy, organized by the Italian Society of Ultrasonology.
In 1990 he was awarded with the price of Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension for studies on the vascular complications of the Hypertension.
In 1992 he was granted by the American Society of Hypertension (ASH) for the best presentation at Seventh Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, May 6-9, 1992.
Trainig activity and certification of expertise
On Febbruary 1986 he was at the Vascular Unit del Royal Infirmary of Bristol (UK) for Training on Echo-Doppler (Prof. J. Wells) and on May 1991 he attended the course at Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota) on "New trends in cardiology".
On Agoust-September 1991 Fellowship Program in Ultrasound including Color Doppler at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology - School of Medicine Yale University New Haven Connecticut.
He got the Certification of Expertise in Vascular Doppler of Euroson School of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (EFSUMB)
On October 1995 he attended the Seminars Hands-On Abdominal Imaging and Doppler Ultrasound and Peripheral Doppler at KMA Training Theatre, Irving Texas
On 19-21 November 1998 he attended "Education and training program" on Diabetes mellitus and Heart Failure" at the "European Heart House" Sophia Antipolis Cedex - France.
On March 1998 he attended the Postgraduate Course on Cerebrovascular disease at Tours – France organized by the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Ordinary member of Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension from January 1992.
Ordinary member of Italian Society of Ultrasound (SIUMB)
Ordinary member of Italian Group of Vascular Ultrasound (GIUVV)
Ordinary member of Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension
Ordinary member of Italian Society of Diabetes (SID) and component of the executive group